ZephieC Member


  • I generally eat 1200 cal/day. I make large salads for lunch. But don't think just veggies and lettuce. I mix lettuce types and spinach. Add chopped apple, hard boiled egg/whites, shredded cheese, diced ham and top with berry balsamic dressing...you can eat a seriously massive plate for 300 ish calories. Change the apple…
  • Last week of T25 Alpha-Ab Intervals today, almost nailed it. So proud I have been sticking to it for nearly 5 weeks. Did my double Fridays and only missed 2 Sunday stretch days. Beta starts next Monday😀 So encouraging to see everyone checking in and working hard. 👏
  • Are you using a food scale and weighing your food? A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight. The first time I lost 30 lbs I didn't pay any attention to the macros and I didn't exercise. I stopped tracking and gained it back. I just stated up again in June. Even now I am only mildly interested in the macros. I too…
  • I am starting week 5 of Alpha tomorrow. My cardio is weak so I often pause for 15-20 seconds to rest. I have definitely seen progress in my stamina and strength. Speed is probably the easiest for me since the stretches provide a chance to rest. I haven't done any straight through yet but it is getting closer.
  • Almost done week 4 of T25 Alpha. Second total body circuit done today. Although it is still tough I am looking forward to moving into beta just to have some different workouts...and commentary. (Derek has ah-mazing squats..arghh) Hopefully my coordination and balance will improve.
  • T25 Alpha, week 4, day 2, total body circuit-done! Getting stronger every day. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • Tremendous difference especially in your face and neck. Keep up the awesome work!
  • I think each person's body is unique to them. We all carry our weight differently. You don't sound unusual in size. I am 5'6" and currently 165 lbs. I've lost 6.6 lbs and 7.5" since I started working out and watching my calories. I still have a ways to go. I carry pretty nearly all my excess weight/fat in my belly with no…
  • Yes! I was off all stomach meds for a good 6 months and when I started exercise and watching my food my heartburn came back with a vengeance. The pain was terrible. I actually even got sick one night. I started taking my proton pump inhibitor again for a couple weeks (per the doc's recommendation) and adjusted my diet. I…
  • Finished week 3 T25 Alpha, did my double day Friday...my core is weak so I'm feeling those abs! I have lost 7" since I started this program and I feel much stronger already.😀
  • I will be fnishing week 3 today. I find it very tough too but I do feel stronger. Just keep trying.
  • Good luck. I am struggling with Alpha, the idea that I'll ever get to Gamma seems like a dream...lol. Hope your first day went well!
  • Started T25 Alpha week 3 yesterday with total body circuit. I found it so hard. I had to pause it a few times but I made it through. Do your legs ever stop feeling like cooked noodles? :smile:
  • Me too! In fact I'm having it for super tonight. Lots of fibre and low calories.
  • T25 Alpha, week 2 completed with lower focus and ab intervals...both of which kicked my butt.
  • I worked at a bakery and they let us eat for free. It was awesome, but it did eventually get old. If you have to buy the treats, can you leave your money at home? I do that at work now with the little canteen. I don't allow myself IOUs so no cash means no junk. Each night I pack my breakfast and lunch and an extra snack…
  • This is me right now. I am eating well and definitely staying within my calories, however I am working out harder than I ever have in my life. The scale has gone down and back up but I feel a difference in my body and my mood. I know I am retaining water because I am feeling muscles I didn't even know I had. You didn't say…
  • Finished my first week of Alpha, including the double workout on Friday and completed Week 2, Day 1 cardio even though it was a holiday long weekend. I am going to so whip myself into shape!
  • If you are new to exercise that can have an effect as well. (water retention for muscle repair) As everyone says, keep working out, logging your food. I highly recommend a before pic/measurements. Update them weekly/biweekly/monthly, however much you want. The results will come, just not overnight.
  • You also mentioned that you have started exercising. New exercise routines can initially cause water retention as your muscles are working in a new way. Definitely take measurements, portion your food correctly and keep doing what you are doing. You will find things start to stabilize. And remember, a slow and steady loss…
  • I just started T25. I am on Alpha, week 1 day 5, my first double workout day. It is really tough for my fitness level. I am pushing through though and can't wait until I can get through all of the exercises. I have never sweat so much in my life. I am slightly sore all over and it is not a bad feeling. It is like my body…
  • It really depends on the cause. My digestion isn't the greatest. To keep down on gas/bloat I try to avoid any fizzy drinks. I also rarely use straws as you swallow air along with your beverage. If you increase your fibre too quickly that can cause bloating. When my IBS acts up I make sure to only eat cooked veggies,…
  • If you mean you have lost weight and are now in a healthy range and still feel fat, that seems to be common. It seems that when you are used to looking at yourself in a certain way for a period of time it is hard to change that. When I lost 25 lbs I had a hard time seeing it. I could see the difference in the clothing size…
  • I love soups, especially for lunch, but anytime really. I make a hearty vegetable soup and a 13 bean soup, 120-130 calories per serving. I have 2 servings when I am quite hungry, one when I'm not. It is a great way to get tons of veg/fibre into your diet and the flavors can be adjusted to what you like. You can also add a…
  • I grind/clench badly at night. Did you get your mouth guard fitted from a dentist or did you just pick one up at the store? My dentist made one for me with an impression of my top teeth so it fits very snugly. There is no way to spit it out, I have to physically pull it out. That might be something to consider. It is clear…
  • I did it a couple years ago, guided by a naturopath, to try and find out why my IBS was so bad. I did well on it by focusing on the things I could eat rather than what I couldn't. For me, it turned out to be wheat that was giving me problems. I cut it out for 18 months and it turned things around completely. It isn't the…
  • "If you do the things you have always done, you will get the results that you have always gotten" A great motivator for change...for me anyway
    in Fave quotes Comment by ZephieC June 2017
  • I hate that feeling. A bad day and lack of sleep can really throw me for a loop. You have done so well....try not to get too discouraged. I wish I had a magical cure but mine usually involves chocolate...so I'm trying to stop that trend. I hope after some rest you'll feel better.
  • Yes, that is it. If I input a 2lb/week loss or 1lb/week in MFP, I still basically get 1200. So without exercise I have to reduce my expectations so I still lose safely