Tried it for 3 months. Possibly the worst 3 months of my life. Social life is ruined and everyday I wanted it to end this nightmare.
Probably a foe on the long run. But I am unable to diet without coke. That's a battle for another day
Better yet, calories as a budget.
Nope, I had multiple times on my weight loss journey (birthdays, christmas, easter, other) and just balanced the other days. For example, if I consumed 3k one day, the next days of the current week I will eat 200 calories less per day, or if I am in the middle of the week I would cut from my previous days. In the end of…
Green Cola. You are not gonna find it anywhere else outside my country, but you asked about my favorite :smirk:
You can eat 3 mars bars per day and still lose weight
I know people that they are doing it for years and they are hating it. Push yourself for some months and decide.
In the mirror after 10kgs(22 lbs), in your clothes after 5kgs(11 lbs)
Microsoft Apple
Depends on what is your goal. Is your goal to lose weight? Then the scale is number one on the most accurate measure. Is your goal to gain muscle? Then probably the mirror is a good measure. There is a difference between a 250 lb swarchenegger and a 250 lb overweight.
When you get 7 pages of arguing and answering , you need to realize that it's 100% personal preference. I did keto for 3 months and hated everyday, my life was misery I couldn't join any friends party or a night out. I realized this is not life and this isn't for me. I can fit that 160 calorie beer on my diary and now and…
Try it , really. No words can replace experience. I tried keto for 3 months and hated every single day.
Your body doesn't reset on 00:00. Your day begins when you wake up and it ends when you sleep.
What's up with all these "would kiss your person above you" threads? Is this 2005 hotmail forward email? A blast from the past
My air conditioning
Carbeto. Sorry, I tried
Now but I have with the one below me
Feta and mustard, a lot are finding this weird but I love it.
I find weight loss the most personal (you can say lonely but it's a strong word) process ever, and it has to be that way. When losing weight, you are redefining who you are , your views about food is changing and you need time to feel those changes. Support is great, but what's the point? That would work in some extent…
Yes and I don't why, it's not even cheap anymore.
Whatever fits your macros
I have researched a lot about IF and fasting. I like programs like eating on 4 or 8 hours, but others like yours (7 days with only water) this is starvation and crash diet. Let's don't hide behind our finger with fancy names. It's very easy to cross some lines.
MFP forum became officially 2005 msn chat?