nw623 Member


  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) 4 October 2 x 1 minute=2 minutes (forearm) 5 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 6 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 7 October planned rest 8 October 4 x 1 minute= 4 minutes (forearm) 9 October 2 x 1…
  • Cute dogs! Find something that helps you relax. Try to set aside 5 minutes a day and allow yourself that time. Yoga is also a great way to relieve stress too. Hope you get to relax a little!
    in Stress Comment by nw623 October 2017
  • Just chiming in here what has already been said. Yes to what the two previous posts said about the caloric deficit. The calories burned tend to be higher than what you actually burn. For example, as somebody who has done Popsugar Fitness videos, not everyone burns 500 calories in a 45 minute workout. Better to err on the…
  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) 4 October 2 x 1 minute=2 minutes (forearm) 5 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 6 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 7 October planned rest 8 October 4 x 1 minute= 4 minutes (forearm) 9 October 2 x 1…
  • Usually about 50 minutes for a full body workout 3x/week. I do any floor work at home, otherwise it would probably be closer to an hour.
  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) 4 October 2 x 1 minute=2 minutes (forearm) 5 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 6 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 7 October planned rest 8 October 4 x 1 minute= 4 minutes (forearm) 9 October 2 x 1…
  • I am a tofu newbie, but here's what I've got for you. I've only used the extra firm tofu so far. I avoid silken tofu if I can. Once out of the package, wrap it in a kitchen towel and press it using something kind of heavy. I've used a cutting board and large soup cans or a cast iron skillet. I feel like the majority of…
    in Tofu??? Comment by nw623 October 2017
  • I do a lot of the same exercises at home that I do at the gym, I use a swiss ball in place of a bench. These exercises include squats, lunges, bench press, overhead extensions and so on. Maybe check YouTube for some inspiration?
  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) 4 October 2 x 1 minute=2 minutes (forearm) 5 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 6 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes 7 October planned rest 8 October 4 x 1 minute= 4 minutes Total:14 minutes, 46 to go!
  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) 4 October 2 x 1 minute=2 minutes (forearm) 5 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes (forearm) 6 October 2 x 1 minute= 2 minutes Total: 10 minutes, 50 to go!
  • I lift weights 3x/week. My exercises vary since I like to switch it up at the gym. My exercises include: Barbell: bench press (originally with the bar but now building up in weights) straight leg dead lift squats (sometimes) Dumbbell military press lunges-sometimes with a military press or bicep curl squats-sometimes with…
  • Take advantage of your university's gym. If yours is like mine was, you're already paying for the membership, so you may as well use it. Chances are you can also get a free consultation too, based off my experience. The same probably applies to nutritionists at your student health center. They may be able to provide some…
  • 4 Oct 2x 1 min= 2 minutes Oct total: 8 minutes, 52 to go
  • minimalistbaker and cookie and kate. MB is vegan but you can easily sub in non-vegan/vegetarian ingredients too. C&K is vegetarian based. I have yet to try a recipe from either I haven't made again :)
  • I measure/weigh everything I eat. Eating out is hard since I can't do that, but I always try to find something comparable on MFP to what I ate. If there are multiple options for the same thing I try to avoid the lowest calorie option to err on the side of caution. Creating a deficit will help. Being mindful about not…
  • 2 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (3 straight arm) 3 Oct 3 x 1 minute = 3 minutes (1 straight arm, 2 forearm) Total: 6 minutes, 54 to go!
  • I get bored doing the same exercises at the gym every session, so I vary my routine almost daily in some form or another. One day I might do skull crushers, another I'll do dumbbell kickbacks. It also depends on the day. I also gauge what my body is feeling. Every gym session is a full body workout, but some areas get more…
  • Early morning workouts are the best! Nobody is around and you usually get the gym to yourself, except for a few others that feel the same way.
  • Congrats! As others have said, consider more advanced planks. Youtube is a great place to get ideas. My go to videos are Fitness Blender. I recently saw an advanced plank workout by them. Perhaps your five 5 minute plank might be a 4 minute and 50 second plank ;)
  • Chiming in a little late, but I think it helps in various ways. Despite what some day, a lot of yoga poses require a lot of strength. While you're not going to be super bulked up, I believe it helps with toning and recovery. Yoga incorporates chaturangas (pushups), squats, lunges, balancing poses, core, sometimes cardio…
  • I usually just put it in as calisthenics in cardio.
    in Tabata Comment by nw623 October 2017
  • I am late to start, but I'm in for 60 minutes this month. Better start playing catch up! ;)
  • Have you tried Monk Fruit?
  • Beans and rice are a food staple for me. Look up recipes from Africa and Latin America and you'll find no shortage of ideas. Cuban black beans anyone? Dirty beans and rice? Yum! A popular dinner at my house are burrito bowls. Everyone puts what they want in them. Options typically include shredded cheddar, grilled onions…
  • As somebody else said, does it fit within your daily and nutrition goals? If you enjoy it, and assuming you know it isn't affecting your flare ups, then why not? There are some obvious dos and don'ts that go along with losing weight (being active good, lots of processed foods not so good). But it sounds like you're fine.…
  • Yep. I track all veggies. They are still calories. :smile:
  • ...yet it can be so easy to gain it, right? I try to have a little grace and patience with myself. The weight won't come off overnight. Plan ahead on days you know you'll be eating out. Figure out what works within your allotted amount of calories-eat half of something if you need to. On days that it is hard, dig deep and…
  • I am not sure what you're doing to work out, but find something fun. Start off slow. I can't tell you how many people I know have unrealistic goals at first. People who aren't used to working out have the goal of working out vigorously 5 times a week with easy walking as their rest days. Needless to say, they burn out…
    in Worried Comment by nw623 September 2017
  • Just plan ahead. I don't think it's reasonable to eat clean 100% of the time. As another commenter mentioned, eat at a reasonable deficit. Also, don't beat yourself up if you go a few calories over for the day. Make it up the next day. It's all about moderation.
  • You are a mind reader! I was thinking the same thing today. I was thinking of going to the bargain/clearance section of a department store to get some workout pants. I also might consider investing in a belt for my jeans and everything else. Congrats on your weightless. Keep up the awesome progress! :D