Yoga for weightloss. Fact or myth



  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    I see weight loss & yoga articles from time to time, BUT it's not the calorie burn. I like yoga, I do yoga on a weekly basis. It's a supplement to prevent injury and work my balance (I'm older) it's not my main exercise.

    The benefit could come from being more "body aware," or from stress reduction. Yoga just makes me feel better. Yoga By Adreinne is really good.

    Pretty much this.

    You might discover benefits from yoga depending on your current or future goals, but it literally has little impact on weight change.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    If you have a good studio near you, they will be able to give you a yoga routine specific to you that will help assist with your injury recovery - similar to what physical therapy will do for you. Definitely being injured I would recommend in-person classes over anything you do alone, particularly if you are new to yoga and pilates. I enjoy both, having a strong core protects your spine and prevents future injury...ditto for good flexibility...any movement is going to burn more than sitting on the couch, but neither at a beginner level is going to burn as much as running.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I do a power flow class 2-3 times a week, and something more restorative once a week or so.
    I also do Pilates twice a week.
    Pilates is great for core strength, and a strong core is important.
    Yoga is more full body. And, as others have said, it depends on the type.
    I'm stronger now than I was when I was lifting.
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    I'm dyspraxic and the benefits I've had from yoga are improved balance and prioperception. This has enabled me to go on and do other exercise like cycling, running, etc. with more confidence in my body.
  • DamienAngelica
    DamienAngelica Posts: 281 Member
    edited October 2017
    I practice Vinyasa flow yoga three times a week and then slower paced Hatha once a week, in addition to strength training. My balance, flexibility, and strength have all measurably improved. But like everyone else has said, exercise is for fitness so you should find something you like, something that's safe to do with your injury.
  • nw623
    nw623 Posts: 38 Member
    Chiming in a little late, but I think it helps in various ways. Despite what some day, a lot of yoga poses require a lot of strength. While you're not going to be super bulked up, I believe it helps with toning and recovery. Yoga incorporates chaturangas (pushups), squats, lunges, balancing poses, core, sometimes cardio (sun salutations) and a lot more, especially as you advance in your practice. While I wouldn't suggest it be your only workout, I think there are benefits to incorporating it into your weekly routine for sure.

    Yoga with Adriene on Youtube is a good start. She doesn't take class super serious, which is awesome. My only grievance about her is her videos do not include the final resting pose, which is really important.