melcasa Member


  • I used to go all the time. I thought it was uncomfortable but once they see you really working out and not hanging out I think it gets easier. The hardest part is getting started. Go in with a plan like back and chest or legs and arms. stay focused, bring some headphones, and get pumped!
  • I am using the jaybirds. Very expensive and honestly I wish I had tried a cheaper model with the same style. Really good sound quality and I like the controls but the distance from phone to headset isn't very far. Maybe it's just my gym but I get static if I walk across the room away from my phone.
  • has some great free plans you can check out. Some are even gym free so just free weights.
  • I have the MIO Fuse. It tracks heart rate, steps, cals burned, distance, etc. I think it is helpful to see how much you have or have not done in a day. It is also a watch so that is helpful and motivates me to wear it daily. I think anything can be a gimmick, it's about what you want out of it.
  • Hi, I will send a request. Always looking for more support!
  • Always rule out medical concerns first then go to psychiatric. It could be a physical reason why you are feeling ill leading to this rut. Alternatively it may be psychiatric (unmanaged depression, bi-polar). Talk to a primary care, if all goes well look into a licensed counselor (LCSW, LMHC) and see what they say.…
  • Hello from Lakeland, Fl!
  • The problem with juicing is the expense. Getting a juicer is def. an investment; spend the money and get a decent one otherwise you are just wasting what you do spend. Then you have the cost of produce [because it takes a lot of it]. So just keep those things in mind. I like just blending fruits and spinach together. It's…
    in Juicing Comment by melcasa February 2013
  • Hello from Lakeland!!
  • yeah it is horrific. As someone in the social service field it really terrifies me to see the damage some parents will do to their kids.
  • I was only eating around 1000-1400 kcals a day before I started lifting weights and early into my lifting. I didn't start to see weight loss until I increased my food intake (esp. protein). I think my metabolism was stalling out and I was also exhausted from not eating/drinking enough prior to and after working out. It…
  • Hey feel free to add me. I am on almost everyday and I have been trying to log daily (although some days I forget :p ) I find that I eat when I am bored or stressed. I have always taken comfort in food. It's hard to break that habit especially when that has been your coping skills for years.
  • The pizza, fries, and chicken sound great! Since I'm a big sweet potato fan I will also try subing the russet for myself (since no one else likes sweet potatoes). Excellent information thank you!
    in Meal Plans Comment by melcasa May 2012
  • The worst thing is still being hungry and eating something so packed with kcals in such a small portion! That's due to all of the oils and fats in the product. You might want to try taking a couple slices and then wrapping up the rest of the pizza so it makes it harder to get to. Seems silly but just that little bit of a…
  • Sounds pretty good. Perhaps it's the soy products.
  • Yeah if you don't know what you're doing don't go and hurt yourself (or take up machines others are trying to use, that's the worst) If you don't have energy it means you are not eating properly before and after to fuel your body
  • In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle you should be doing both. Yes you can lose weight by just eating less but your body needs to move. You don't need a gym to workout. Walking, jogging, cleaning, gardening, ANYTHING that gets your heart rate is good for your body! Just find things you like and do them…
  • Not sure about that, glad she is going to the pediatrician. Are you sure she is getting a balanced diet? What protein source is she eating now?
  • 1. Almonds with dark chocolate 2. Fresh Fruits 3. Veggies with Dill Dip
  • Billthekill has it right! Target the complex muscle groups!
  • A great way to make a filling smoothie is by using your favorite fruits and then building from there. I usually add protein powder and oats. Yes oats! I pre-grind the oats usually in a coffee bean blender (but your ninja will def. do the job!) then I put it to the side. I blend the liquidy items first. If you want to add…
  • How did the scale work out for you? I'm still looking for a good one!
  • I like to track my food intake with and without mfp so if I decide not to log through my phone it would be helpful. Also sometimes I question the accuracy of things on here.
  • Tzatziki Sauce is really good. One cucumber, fresh mint, greek plain yogurt (like fage) , black pepper and a bit of lemon juice (sometimes I also add a dash of sugar) I'm thinking about some kind of poppy seed dressing that I could use with some chicken but I'm not sure about how to make it.
  • Thanks everyone! They all sound like good options for me!
  • @pupcamper you are absolutely right! Thank you for the post!
  • @leanmeanfitness Yeah butter and my mom are best friends, she invites butter to every meal! Thanks for sharing! @SheRa1964 Well she doesn’t eat that stuff everyday (thankfully). She knows I’m trying but I think she also doesn’t understand how much effort I have to put in in order to make a change. Also I’ve been buying my…
  • @melmac106 Hello fellow Melissa! Great advice thank you for the support @kme2011 I’m glad to hear that you have a support system at home –even if you’re not listening to your husband :p I think the really hard part is believing in the encouragement of others. I appreciate the friendship and motivation! Thanks!!
  • First, please see a Dr! Make sure they are aware of the exercises you are doing, what you are eating, how much of it, and if you are taking any additional supplements. This doesn't mean you can't keep working out, maybe you just need to change a few things so you can keep working out and getting the most benefit from it!…