Toddlers and Tiaras

I saw this show over the weekend with my boyfriend and a couple of friends of mine. I have to say this show is one of the most horrible shows I have ever seen in my eighteen years of life. Parents putting their children on display and winning money off of them is just not okay to me. Spray tans, hair dye, makeup and skimpy clothing on very young children is very eerie. Kids should be worried about homework and play dates, not pageants and cash prizes.

Anyone else agree? What's your opinion of the show?


  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    Cannot bloody stand that show. :frown:
  • melcasa
    melcasa Posts: 60 Member
    yeah it is horrific. As someone in the social service field it really terrifies me to see the damage some parents will do to their kids.
  • yeah it is horrific. As someone in the social service field it really terrifies me to see the damage some parents will do to their kids.

    Exactly! Parents probably don't realize it but pushing their children to be perfect is just going to cause them mental health issues later in life.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I wish people wouldn't keep watching that crap.
  • farfoorah
    I dunno if I can have a child like honey boo boo, I'd consider my life a success...
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Absolutely horrid. I won't watch that channel at all anymore. Just. . . ugh.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    So.. just to be the devils advocate....

    What if the TV show was following young competitive dancers/gymnasts/baton twirlers etc (they start competing fairly early in their sports) - who also wear make-up and do their hair would you feel the same way?

    I am not saying I agree with the TV show but its really no different - sure the parents are not the most awesome but you have to remember they play a lot of that up for the TV.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    So.. just to be the devils advocate....

    What if the TV show was following young competitive dancers/gymnasts/baton twirlers etc (they start competing fairly early in their sports) - who also wear make-up and do their hair would you feel the same way?

    I am not saying I agree with the TV show but its really no different - sure the parents are not the most awesome but you have to remember they play a lot of that up for the TV.

    yea its on t.v. for a reason, and its cause people watch it. makeup on a 5 year old , creepy and dumb, makeup on a 25 year old, beautiful and smart. wait..what
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I feel that way about most so-called "reality TV".
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I saw this show over the weekend with my boyfriend and a couple of friends of mine. I have to say this show is one of the most horrible shows I have ever seen in my eighteen years of life. Parents putting their children on display and winning money off of them is just not okay to me. Spray tans, hair dye, makeup and skimpy clothing on very young children is very eerie. Kids should be worried about homework and play dates, not pageants and cash prizes.

    Anyone else agree? What's your opinion of the show?

    My kids love it. They enjoy seeing how horrible kids and parents can be and deciding who's the worst behaved on each show.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    So.. just to be the devils advocate....

    What if the TV show was following young competitive dancers/gymnasts/baton twirlers etc (they start competing fairly early in their sports) - who also wear make-up and do their hair would you feel the same way?

    I am not saying I agree with the TV show but its really no different - sure the parents are not the most awesome but you have to remember they play a lot of that up for the TV.

    it somewhat depends on which of the shows you catch. The Toddlers where the mom dressed her 4 year old up as Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman (you know, a Hollywood street hooker) was a little disturbing.
  • x_ItNeverEnds_x
    This show is messed up. The things the parents say and do to there kids. I only saw one episode and the mom was yelling at the daughter for not winning telling her it was her fault and she wasn't good enough. WTF? Future of depression, low self esteem/worth and eating disorders. It's sick. I couldn't watch anymore after that because it pissed me off.
  • This show is messed up. The things the parents say and do to there kids. I only saw one episode and the mom was yelling at the daughter for not winning telling her it was her fault and she wasn't good enough. WTF? Future of depression, low self esteem/worth and eating disorders. It's sick. I couldn't watch anymore after that because it pissed me off.

    I saw an episode where the father of a three year old girl who didn't win one of the pageants cried and said "I just don't understand what happened. What's wrong with you?" to the child.
  • So.. just to be the devils advocate....

    What if the TV show was following young competitive dancers/gymnasts/baton twirlers etc (they start competing fairly early in their sports) - who also wear make-up and do their hair would you feel the same way?

    I am not saying I agree with the TV show but its really no different - sure the parents are not the most awesome but you have to remember they play a lot of that up for the TV.

    I'd still feel the same way. Makeup and spray tans do not belong on children no matter what the circumstances are.