ewejewel Member


  • Outside of Toronto, in Ajax...
  • Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet...the Little Drummer boy....and that silly little song "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas"...it sticks in my head forever....it's infectious!! I also enjoy Eartha Kitt's version of "Santa Baby" and John Lennon's "Happy Christmas (War is over)"
  • Is it winter or summer where you are right now....feel free to PM me...I camp in both seasons and would be happy to offer suggestions. Have fun....I also love camping!!
  • my estranged husband and his mistress (I'm sure you were expecting some sort of goodie)...this is the first Christmas that I won't have my children with me Christmas morning....but I promise we'll have one heck of a New Year's Eve....
  • Ontario, Canada....just outside of Toronto...
  • I was told natural childbirth meant you weren't wearing any make-up...an expression designed to shut the mouths of those who didn't give birth via cesarean or with the aid of an epidural...so if you didn't have mascara or lipstick...I'd say you had a natural childbirth....Glad you and your baby are healthy and well!!
  • Hello, my name is Paige....I'm a mother of two of two awesome kids, a full-time Paediatric nurse and a scout troop leader...needless to say my plate is full...I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (hypothyroidism) in my early twenty's and was foolishly non-compliant with the treatment....fast forward to present day and…
  • I am also 5'8" and you are at my goal weight (even though "experts" say we can go as low at 130 lbs...we would be walking bone racks then)....but your goals should also be more than what the scale says...you could work on toning which may not necessarily knock off pounds but will change your shape...from the pics posted it…
  • If he felt that strongly about what the menu at this party was, he should have directed it to the host...not the other guests....He had a choice to attend a function that opposed his beliefs...I am a peco/pollo vegetarian but I don't push my views on other people. I think this person must just like to stir up trouble and…
  • A take out place with food that's good for you...sign me up....the downside to that is if it had a drivethrough window it would be backed up down the street because the kind of places that care about what you eat also tend to prepare their food SLOWLY (even if it is worth the wait) Pita Pit is awesome and the closest to…
  • I do Hatha Yoga, which is a gentle stretching but has many substitutions to make it more challenging..... I am curious to hear about Dahn Yoga.... I am also looking into zero gravity yoga were you are suspended in the air (not high up, but enough to use your own weight as a counter weight...less impact on joints but all…
  • Hi and welcome... To answer your question about staying within your calories (1200) but having a deficit of 500-600 at the end of the day...do you burn the 5-600 calories and then don't eat them? Because otherwise you are eating way too few calories and soon you are going to feel more than hungry, your body will lack other…
  • Sadly I am guilty of asking those questions (some, not all) because I was under the impression that members of MFP were supportive and everyone is at a different stage in their progress...I am new to MFP and hoped to benefit from other people's experiences...I just hope your negative comment won't discourage someone who is…
  • Beautiful words...don't anyone pinch me...this is the nicest anyone has spoken to me in along time...and it wasn't even directed at me (but i can dream...so don't pinch me!) Blessings to you Ed...you have a kind heart and a gentle spirit... :heart:
  • Cheese is my first love, any way, shape and form (especially melted)...but a close second would be fresh baked bread with BUTTER... I could polish off the whole loaf :happy:
  • I love tatoos...just afraid of the commitment (not the pain, childbirth took care of that)...will I still love it in 20 years? Will it still look as good? I definately want something Celtic with shamrocks intertwined on it and my children's names...someday....
  • Ironing is my least favourite chore...pull it out of the dryer and hang it up asap....
  • .....you are a better man than me...I don't fold either of those garments...
  • it's kinda nice to ask someone to be your friend and not feel foolish...I'd never do that on FB
  • I'm glad you added me as a friend, but I'm blushing already...haven't been spoken to that nicely in years...and it wasn't even directed at me...You, Ed, are something special...
  • Thoughtfulness and patience, respect and kindness, big shoulders and big hands...:happy:
  • Big shoulders and big hands...does the trick for me :happy:
  • where was he found..sometimes street names make really cool names.....I had two cats found at Bathurst and Ossington...but they were "Batty" and "Ossie" for short...
  • check the message board today...there is a really great meatloaf recipe, although it has beef and pork in it....I substitute them for chicken and turkey (I'm a peco/pollo vegetarian) hope this helps!
  • I just got the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred DVD...I haven't used it yet (sorry, not helpful) but it was economical....got in for $10 (Cdn) at Walmart....I bought it because I noticed a number of people discussing it's benefits on other message boards on MFP....Also check out You Tube....there are some Kettle Bell videos…
  • I don't know where you live (Canada or USA) but in Ontario we have a dry goods store called the "Bulk Barn" and it's amazing how economical it is to buy food without fancy packaging....you buy what you need so there is very little waste. Especially things like bulgar and quinoa. Another tip is doing baked beans, casseroles…
  • I know what super power I'd want....The ability to understand and speak ANY language.... Would I be called the Linguist? There's a dirty joke in there some where....
  • so we could dub thee "Captain Axe"...what do you think?
  • The BEST movie of all time for me is "Terms of Endearment" with Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jeff Bridges and Jack Nicholson, "Mask" is a close second with Eric Stoltz, Sam Elliott and Cher....Third choice is "Steel Magnolias" with a great cast of female actresses...they are all tear jerkers, but well worth the…