Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Beging Rant... ( Ladies)



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Aww. She's just stupid. Never mind her.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I am continually surprised by the outrageous things people will say to others without any regard.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I could see myself saying the same thing... but joking. You're sure that she wasn't joking?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I've never had a baby, but holy crap... it's not like there's a zipper there! There's no way to cut through layers of muscle and not have PAIN!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Because all the lead-up and the surgery itself weren't painful?

    That lady sounds like a real holier-than-thou nutbag. I was born via emergency c-section. Apparently my mom was very depressed afterward because she felt like a "failure" but I, for one, am quite thankful she had the procedure! :happy:

    I'm glad things worked out for you and I'm sorry that people say such stupid things.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I've heard people say that before.

    But in all fairness, I think with a C-section you feel the pain afterwards!

    People are just ridiculous sometimes. I'm all for not feeling the pain if I don't have too!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I had a c-section a few days after my sil naturally had her baby. 2 months later I was still in pain and she was fine. That is major surgery and painful. I am so glad you and your baby are healthy and alive.
  • ewejewel
    ewejewel Posts: 36 Member
    I was told natural childbirth meant you weren't wearing any expression designed to shut the mouths of those who didn't give birth via cesarean or with the aid of an if you didn't have mascara or lipstick...I'd say you had a natural childbirth....Glad you and your baby are healthy and well!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I'm with everyone else in saying that I'm glad you're well and the baby is healthy.

    I'm with Candy in saying that I'd probably be in jail for trying to help her feel what a c-section is like so that she can determine for herself from experience if the pain is worthy of being called a mother...and I would have done it with HER scissors, hoping she hadn't had them sharpened for a while. I had twins, one "naturally" vaginal and one "naturally" c-section. I felt the pain from the c-section for much longer than the vaginal birth.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    And the next time you see her, you can use this line:

    When YOU have another baby, can I have one of your puppies?

    This sort of encounter is especially infuriating because you really want to say something that will counter her craziness and maybe show her what an amazingly stupid thing she just said. But you know you can't. No matter what you say it will never be satisfying because she will continue to be crazy.

    Not to accuse a total stranger of being a bad parent, but if she thinks that "being a mother" is about childbirth...
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Next time you'll know WHAT? Some people are too freaking stupid to be allowed breathing space! So since I have two adopted children because I couldn't get pregnant, I have no clue what it's like to be a parent? We adopted a brother and sister whose mother was a drug addicted alcoholic. They were two and four when we got them and all the love and guidance we gave them could not counteract what the idiot who gave birth to them put them through before we got them. The boy was oldest. He's now 26 and doing life in prison and believe me, I felt a mother's pain watching him slip away from us. The girl is 23 and is almost as bad a parent as her mother was. I'm raising her kids for the next 6 months while she gets counseling. And their birth mother has now shown up and has been sober for 5 years and wants to be grandma to my grandkids and is second guessing the way we raised them. Yeah, there's pain and there's pain. Just because someone manages to pass a child through a birth canal does not make them a mother. How THAT for a rant?
  • You should have punched her straight in the **** and said "Now you feel the pain of being a mother too!" and walked off....

    60% of the time it works everytime :glasses:
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Truth be told, yes, Naturally, you did it! Who else? (playing with the words... )
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    I could see myself saying the same thing... but joking. You're sure that she wasn't joking?

    lol she was definitely not joking
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    OMG what a jerk!!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with such morons!!! you are one of the most beautiful , amazing mommies i ever met so tell those jerks to go scratch it!!!!!!
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member
    wow... what a horrible woman!

    My mother adopted me because she couldn't have more children... does that mean that she's not my mother... I guess everyone in my family has it wrong and she's not my mother as she didn't give birth to me via vaginal or c-section birth. huh, news to me.

    I feel sorry for that woman's family... you can walk away, find a different salon... avoid her... they can't.

    Congratulations on the birth of a healthy baby... and for surviving the complications and resulting operation. You deserve much better than her narrow minded idiocy.
  • Seriously???

    What makes me sad is that no matter what you would of told that "lady", she wouldn't understand your situation . You can't argue with stupid...
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Next time you'll know WHAT? Some people are too freaking stupid to be allowed breathing space! So since I have two adopted children because I couldn't get pregnant, I have no clue what it's like to be a parent? We adopted a brother and sister whose mother was a drug addicted alcoholic. They were two and four when we got them and all the love and guidance we gave them could not counteract what the idiot who gave birth to them put them through before we got them. The boy was oldest. He's now 26 and doing life in prison and believe me, I felt a mother's pain watching him slip away from us. The girl is 23 and is almost as bad a parent as her mother was. I'm raising her kids for the next 6 months while she gets counseling. And their birth mother has now shown up and has been sober for 5 years and wants to be grandma to my grandkids and is second guessing the way we raised them. Yeah, there's pain and there's pain. Just because someone manages to pass a child through a birth canal does not make them a mother. How THAT for a rant?

    I'm sorry you're going thru that.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I've had both c section and a vbac, and people who talk trash about women who go through c-sections are rude and clueless.
    I would pick a regular birth every time, what a cake walk compared to my first kid, and that's with 25 hours of induced labor and contractions that felt like they were going to tear open my c-section scar. The recovery time is just not comparable.
    What does it matter what method was used when the baby gets here healthy and thriving? Whichever birth happens, its only the beginning of a lifetime of caring and teaching, and that's what defines motherhood.

    P.S. I hope she never runs into a woman who's adopted children, she's a felony charge waiting to happen.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I could see myself saying the same thing... but joking. You're sure that she wasn't joking?
    lol she was definitely not joking
    OK. What a turd then! Sorry...