Are you SERIOUS?!?!?! Beging Rant... ( Ladies)



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I haven't read all the responses but I just want to say, I guess the wonderful parents who adopt because maybe they're not able to conceive don't know what it feels like to be a parent either huh? What a lunatic that woman is! Going through "natural" childbirth has nothing whatsoever to do with feeling like a parent. Her comment was one of the DUMBEST comments I've read. I'm glad you and your baby are doing well now. God bless you both. :flowerforyou:
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    So I was at the hair salon and this lady I haven't seem since I was pregnant (baby is 6 months now) said to me " So you gave birth huh, how's the baby, did you do it naturally?" I told her I had an emergency c-section. She look at me straight in my eyes and said "Oh you don't know what being a mother is then. You need to feel the pain"

    ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!

    Well I didn't want to be rude because my mommy was there, so I just explained to her what happened. That I wanted to give birth naturally and while I was in labor I started bleeding too much and the doctors needed to get the baby out before it was "too late" . My baby was born at 6:17am and I was in the OR until 12:35PM because the doctors couldn't stop my bleeding and I had ten doctors debating whether or not they were going to remove my uterus. I needed a blood transfusion (4 pints). Thank God I'm alive and well taking care of my baby and husband.

    All she said was, " well maybe next time you'll know"

    I really wanted to choke her...

    **Sorry for the length of the story**

    END RANT..

    Wow, I am so glad everything worked out for you and your miracle baby. You both are truely miracles, kiss your hubby a extra time tonight, and snuggle that baby extra as well. I work in Surgery as a Surgical Technologist. I have been on the Doctor's side trying to help people. It is so scary to think of what you and your medical team was going through. I love assisting on C-Sections and have never in 11 years of doing my job have had a case like yours. It would have been so hard for me not to punch her right in her face. I do commend you for keeping your cool. I would have too just for my mommy. lol You should never talk to that woman ever again. I personally would never tell someone they are less of a mom than me because they had a section. Sections are very hard surgeries to recover from because they are surgery, major surgery.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I responded to this on your wall because I can swear there:mad:
  • seven8seven
    seven8seven Posts: 58 Member
    wow! Some people are sooo da** ignorant!!! Bitter old hag. Thank God you and your baby are alive and healthy! You are a wonderful mother because you gave life to that baby and love and nurture it. The nerve of people these days :explode: I can't imagine how you felt!! My blood is boiling just thinking about it -- how IGNORANT and COLD! :explode:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I thought I was adopted, but I guess I'm an orphan. *sigh*
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm so sorry you had to deal with someone lacking a soul. I had my 1st and 3rd by c-section and my son and I wouldn't have survived child birth without it. Some people need to seriously not talk since they don't seem to have a functioning brain.

    Nothing compared to what happened to you but 24 years ago about 8 weeks after my 1st one was born I was at the salon. My son is a redhead, I'm brunette, and his father is dirty blond. This old biddy came up looked at my son and then looked back and forth at our hair and then smiled and said "You have such an understanding husband." 24 years later and I'm still shocked at what she said.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    I had one too. My son was traversed and in distress. I know I'm a Momma, cause I take care of him every day, love him every day, do everything he needs. She needs to mind her own business. I'm thankful that you made it through.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    What an idiot! So anyone who had had an epidural, a C-section or adopted is not really a mom?? People never cease to surprise me.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    OMG what a jerk!!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with such morons!!! you are one of the most beautiful , amazing mommies i ever met so tell those jerks to go scratch it!!!!!!

    Thank you Kimmie :flowerforyou:
  • athenawho
    Options mom wasn't a mother when she adopt my brother and sisters?

    She wasn't a mom when fed them when they were hungry, sheltered them when they were cold, or held them when they cried? She wasn't a mother when she kissed boo-boos or sang them to sleep?

    She wasn't a mother until she gave birth to me? AND even then she wasn't a mother because she had to have a c-section to save MY life?

    Wow, I'll stop calling her 'mom' then. I better change the contact info on my phone to Dad & Sherri.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    That beeezzzzzzzzzzotch! You've very polite, I'd have been like, "Oh, natural births were so yesterday, didn't you know?!"
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    So I was at the hair salon and this lady I haven't seem since I was pregnant (baby is 6 months now) said to me " So you gave birth huh, how's the baby, did you do it naturally?" I told her I had an emergency c-section. She look at me straight in my eyes and said "Oh you don't know what being a mother is then. You need to feel the pain"
    There are times that an explanation is a waste of your energy. This was one of them.

    The pain (and joy) of parenthood is not defined by one moment, but spans a lifetime.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    You can't cure stupid and you cant cure b!tch
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If I ever had a baby I think I would refrain from talking about any details except with people I knew well. Because I probably would have slapped this woman for real.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I thought I was adopted, but I guess I'm an orphan. *sigh*

    Right? And I am a different parent to the eldest cuz he was c-section?

    Pfft some people are daft.:grumble:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Woah! I had an emergency C section too and no one has ever said anything horrible to me about it, thank goodness, but to suggest there is less pain? Ridiculous!
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Just ignore the lady -- she obviously does not have much going for her.

    Congratulations on BEING A MOM btw~ :flowerforyou:
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    omg what an idiot.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I actually wanted to kill people who said caesareans were the easy option after having one. How being cut open, membranes ripped, STAPLED not stitched back together, all the while being able to feel it all, a couple of hours after having major abdominal surgery that if it were a hysterectomy (which is incidentally pretty much the same operation), you would be restricted to bed for at least a couple of days, having to get up, with the catheter still attached, wash yourself and all the blood off you, change nappies at regular intervals, lift a 9 1/2 lb baby (FUN when your abdominal muscles have just been severed), breastfeed which causes contractions in the very place you have just been cut open (the pain of that is actually indescribable), have to get up and walk to find a midwife to ask them for pain relief, even simple paracetamol, and then being stuck in there, in mid July, with no air-conditioning, in a ward with 15 other mothers and their new babies, all screaming every hour of the night for 5 days........How exactly is THAT the easy option??????? Oh, and I forgot to add, All that was after 21 hours of full on labour, throughout which I was throwing up, and after 3 nights of no sleep.
    Then there's a 12 weeks of scar infections, and feeling like you are going to split open every time you lift something.

    I have done it the natural way too, and I know which I'd choose 100 times over. The pain of a natural birth is NOTHING in comparison.

    This is one subject I get properly furious about.
  • jamcalli
    Firstly- CONGRATS on motherhood! :)

    I wonder at what point a birth becomes natural? Is it purely having a baby pop out of your vagina, or it is without drugs too? And after that, do we go a whole step further and do away with thousands of years of knowledge of germ theory and cleanliness? Or should we also climb trees at some point and pop them out up there? I'm just asking, because I haven't had a child yet, and want to do it right so I can be in this woman's special "mother" club. *vomits*

    Essentially, this person is anti-lifesaving technology. I wonder if she also thinks you're not a real mom if you give your child medicines, or maybe, cook with fire ;) or, say take your kid to school in a car?

    Anyway, enough of this chit-chat, I'm off to sweep the cave while my husband goes out hunting for Woolly Mammoths.