

  • Sounds interesting. What exactly is it that you are doing? I've never done one but sounds like it could do me some good as my scales havent moved for a few weeks now :(
  • Thank you everyone for the requests sent and the requests accepted! Really looking forward to all the posts from the new friends I have!!
  • Loving that link LilMissFoodie!! Everyone should check it out!!
  • Thanks for putting this link on my thread :) Is nice to see that there are actually quite a lot of people from the UK!!!! Looking forward to all that motivation!!!!
  • If you think thats too much put in aerobics - low intensity. And yes, you do each level for 10 days. I'm just putting in the DVD to start my day 1!! Was supposed to start yesterday but never got the time! Hope we can stick to it!
  • Fruit would be best if you felt you needed to but your supposed to eat the majority of your food early in the day and your last meal should be your lightest so don't think that you need to have a meal before bed as it will just slow down your metabolism.
  • Your daily activity is what you said your job type is. I said mine was a desk job so my daily activity isnt that much higher than my BMR. So if you have a more active job then you are burning more just in your "daily activity" therefore your deficit would be the 700
  • I say go with the second option, the first does seem quite high!!
  • Hhmm, my pedometer tells me how many calories I've burnt so thats what I would log if I were doing it. If not, your best guess would be to put how long you've been walking for at whatever speed your walking at. Steps into a mile is very unreliable as it depends on height and speed (since you usually take bigger steps the…
  • Sounds a bit like your body got used to your new way of eating and so dint lose much. Since you went on an "I'll eat whatever and whenever" its shocked your body out of its rut and its kick started the metabolism again. Thats my best guess!
  • I have a desk job and tend to leg raises on my chair. Also do like mini squats by going to get up(only a few cms off my chair) and sitting back down again. Or if no one else is in the kitchen whilst making a drink I do proper squats lol. Not too much you can get away with sitting down :S
  • TMI but when you dont have very reliable bowel movements then I suspect you may get a build up!
  • Thanks! I'm searching for this now!
  • And what does it mean when people say "my OH" or "my SO"
  • crfeeney and neva4saken thank you for your insight! I did wonder whether it might be a bit much for my body but I feel like I really want to go for it! I'll see how I feel after the day and if its ok I might push for the 3 days :)
  • I want to just flush out my system and get rid of any stale food thats sitting around in there. Not sure if that would happen on just 1 day or if it needs to be slightly longer like 3 days? I want my body to "start fresh" if that makes sense?
  • Yes its possible to gain weight as muscle is heavier than fat and as you lose the fat on your tummy on thighs then that will be replaced by muscle tone. But as everyone is rightly pointing out, its inches that count! I dont care about the weight as long as the 30DS (which I should be starting tonight) slims some inches off…
  • Your "suposed" to eat your exercise calories but I think its down to the person. 300 is low but you did say it was around 3 so I'll assume you ate more after that which would bring it up. I'm targeted 1200 too and I tend not to eat my exercise cals if I can help it (which unfortunately isnt often!) Just try to get above…
  • I cant stand the taste of water (yes I know thats weird since it "has no taste") so I have to put some squash in it to make the 8 cups do-able. I also buy co-ops flavoured water as it only has like 2 calories. I do think that it can help you lose weight as if i drink a glass of water before eating and sip it whilst I'm…
  • Hi, a girl at my work does her best to stick to her "blood type diet" as she gets a lot of stomach related problems and it was suggested by whoever she was seeing for it. She said it definately reduced the problems she was having and she felt better for it but she is slim anyway and wasnt trying to lose weight, just get…