

  • Amazing - you are an inspiration!
  • I read this post - out of curiosity... Then found a lot of the posts leaving me to wonder WHY some people are still with their significant others when they irritate you so much. Or.. why you let them bring you down ..... My significant other is amazing, yes he farts and burps and spends time restoring his ute, but I love…
  • Tell me more! I love to bake, and want to compile some low calorie treat recipes :) Sounds delish!
  • Welcome Steph! I will add you as a friend! There are many support groups and plenty of people around the world who will offer you support/advise and motivation :)
  • The good thing about it and what I like about it is that it is generally ALL YOU CAN EAT, so there is NO restrictions on those protein foods i.e. I felt with Calorie Counting that I was going I am allowed this much, but only this much other wise I will go over my calories and have to starve myself... It is not just a diet,…
  • Hi Junebug1010 The Dukan Diet is a French Inspired diet by Dr Pierre Dukan. It is the 'French Medical Solution for Permanent Weight Loss'. It has four stages, Attack, Cruise, Consolidation and Stabilisation. The Attack Phase - 2-7 days eat as much as you want of 72 Protein Rich Foods (but Protein only!) Purpose of the…
  • Haha, I was actually wondering if this was still going - I am yet to weigh myself yet as I am trying to get my bearings back on exercise and eating well!! My current aim is to try and exercise daily and watch what I eat (calorie wise) - The best thing is that my health is back on track!! Read my blog its pretty cut short…
  • I am here! Back from outta space.. But not calorie counting right now as I am on the Liver Cleanse Diet for my liver - help it recover from the dreaded Glandular Fever. I havent put on any weight since I got sick - I lost 2 kgs, whild being sick and havent regained it. Am allowed to start exercise now too, but only light…
  • Well done everybody! You are all doing well! I am still sick - battled off the Glandular Fever now its the aftermath. My liver is very very batted and bruised, so I am not allowed to do any exercise or heavy lifting until I am given the all clear.. Retesting again next week! UGH needles again... Currently battling with…
  • Hi All!! Havent weighed in - havent logged for a few days... I am awaiting blood results back from the doctors... flew to palmy got really sick, covered in a rash and its possible i have glandular fever...... Feeeeeeling like crap!!!! At mums for now to be looked after. Wont count/log etc.. until I am well again. Well done…
  • Well done Betzy!! I will be interested to see how you go - have you started blogging this? :)
  • You will get there. I have bad days too.. So pump it up by doing some sit ups etc :)
  • Thanks Girls! I am going to go get Hummus etc at Lunch time, I eat plenty of veggies. Including raw mushrooms for morning tea etc. And lots of steamed veggies for dinners.
  • Well done! Finally its shifted - your body has given into the batlle and you win!! Congratulations - keep at it. You sheer determination is great :)
  • I admire you Sarah!! I hate running haha, absolutely dont like it. Doesnt help I have a broken (but fixed with metal) ankle so it can ache something chronic sometimes especially when I work too hard with jogging or walking etc... I then limp for the rest of the day!! Keep up the good work girls!! You are doing great :)
  • Welcome! This place is great! I have been here now for a total of 10 days! and have lost 1.8kg (equals about 2lbs). And its all by changing the portion sizes really. I havent stopped myself having treats just proportioned it appropriately. Feel free to add me as a friend, that way the more support you have!! We all have…
  • I love living alone!! Haha It makes this eating healthier thing so much easier. I havent been proper super market shopping in 2 weeks, yesterday went and got more fresh veggies and fruit. Made a vegetarian shepherds pie last night, which gives me four meals - dinner last night, lunch today, and debating whether I eat it…
  • Could be the possibility that you are building more muscle too. Well done everybody - you are doing so well! An inspiration for me to keep going - amazing work!
  • Well done on the weight loss. I have found myself wanting to gorge in the evenings. I have a sweet tooth, so have brought some chocolate, but only eat 2 pieces (equals 60cal) and I get the satisfaction. i tend to try and fill myself up with veggies and fruit and lots of water.
  • I live in Auckland, which is in the North Island. However originally born in Dunedin, in the South Island :) I try to keep my Southern Girl alive by living on a farm and doing all the out doors things I can! :) Haha, yes I do notice that the Database is mainly USA and I have updated a few with products in NZ. Feel free to…
  • Thanks for the tip :) I am very watchful of what I eat, so its paying off. Lost 500gm in 4 days!
  • Wednesday it is!! Haha well I am kiwi born and bred. No keep it in KG :) will be fine!
  • Mini Peanut Butter Cookie Tarts (Makes 12) 12 Choc Chip Biscuits 1 1/2 Tablespoons Crunchy Peanut Butter 125gm Brought Chocolate Mousse 1/2 of a 30gm Flake Chocolate Bar Step1 - Place biscuits in microwave (HIGH) for 1 minute, until softened. Press Biscuits into holes of a 12 hole mini muffin tin. Stand for 5 -10 mins…
  • Excellent! Welcome! HepKitty I will add you as a friend. Does Monday or Wednesday suit? Which would you prefer, a week from now? So ill post on Wednesday and every Wednesday after that? :)
  • Welcome! I am on Day three - and all I can say is be entirely honest with all of the food you consume and the exercise you do. You need to make improvements, and you only do this by learning your bad habits, or your habits and food consumption etc that is taking you in the wrong direction. I love posting on here, updating…
  • It's Wednesday now for me!! I will Double the exercise part :) Water I am lagging a bit on today. BUT I have hardly snacked today, which is great!
  • Haha how does my name scream Kiwi :P its the jandals part ... Its a few form of my nicknames then it kinda rolled off the tongue :) Yes I am mainly orientating on fruits, and am religiously calorie counting now - I always check to see which is fewer calories before consuming.