Kiwi's Weekly Weigh In - Week 8

How is everyone going today?

77.9 for me today. Which, given the complete and utter FAIL of the last 2 weeks, I'm happy enough with. I'm just thankful its not in the 80s any more that was scary!
Unfortunately, it sees me off-target for this month, but not by as much as it could have been.

As I mentioned in last week's thread I've got my old WW kit back, and will start that back up. I get 22-24 points depending on my activity level for the day.


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    congratulations for battling back successfully. when i'm a bit bummed after a plateau or stall, i check inches lost. i've always been less and it helps keep my chin up til the next successful weight loss. hang in there and good luck!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    Mornings :)

    I'm so glad to hear that you're back on track again, Sarah--you've bounced back brilliantly with +2kg loss from that scary 80s place!
    I've never done WW before, although I sure do use some of their supermarket products (their mayo is especially popular with DH)... but it's just a different way of "counting calories", yes?

    As for me:
    Last week: 68.4kg
    Today: 67.7kg (lowest this last week was 67.6kg on Saturday... I always weigh lighter after an exercise rest day).

    So, SQUEE, I've reached my first goal weight. I think if I keep it between 65kg - 68kg, I'll be thrilled. I've upped my base 50cals this week again to 1700cal now. I suspect it's not quite high enough for maintenance for me, but with eating exercise calories I'm eating plenty (between 1700 and 2100 cal generally). If I do need to raise it again, I'll do it after I get back from holidays. On that topic--I'm flying out on Friday for a 3 week holiday (2 more sleeps, happy dance). This will be an interesting experiment for me in moderation and self control... will have iTouch with me and access to wireless so I'll be able to keep logging. I expect to be doing a fair bit of walking and the hotels have gyms. I'm just going to miss my Zumba class while I'm gone, lol.
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hi guys

    Glad you seem happier Sarah :) You can probably consider the glimpse of the 80s as pretty good re-motivation, maybe? Good luck with the WW thing, I don't know too much about it but if it works, it works :)

    Congrats somigliana on another successful week, I'm so impressed with your progress right down to your goal weight! Have a great time on your holiday! And good luck with moderation and self-control but make sure you don't let it get in the way of a great time!

    I'm still stagnant at about the 70.5 mark (70.65 this morning) but I think I am changing my mind about my goal. Now that I'm close to my goal, I don't have any motivation for it. I've been eating pretty much whatever I want and exercising when I feel like it (have been averaging about 2000 calories a day and still a decent amount of exercise) and hence have been staying at the same weight for ages.

    The problem is this: I don't really give a rat's *kitten* about the last 4 kgs. In terms of what I value / what I want my life to be about, what I care about for me physically is getting fit and strong so I can do cool things, rather than getting down to 66 so I can weigh less / look better. When I try and use 'fit and strong' as my motivation, I get a lot more achieved than if I try and use '66 kgs' as my motivation.

    So while I'm still keen for these weekly checkins, and I will still weigh myself, and I'll still sort of be hoping for a lower number on the scale, I think I'm going to start working in a slightly different direction. Not sure what I'll use to track progress yet, maybe minutes exercise / times strength trained per week?
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Yeah, it is just counting calories, but it kinda round them to points, so its easier to keep track of. Most veges are 0 points, 1/2 c low fat milk 1/2 point, fruits 1/2-1 point (cept a banana is 1 1/2) a 100-120g serve of lean meat is usually 3, a bread roll is 2... So its so much easier to just keep track and plan. And makes veges more appealing as I don't have to bother with them, weheras they all vary in actual calories, so it was a huge hassle to weigh and track them individually. Sauces, spices etc, often 0 points

    oh, and a snickers is 5 1/2 points. That's a useful one to remember LOL Considering I ate 3 of them yesterday :blushing:

    And, well, it worked for me before, and this clearly isn't, so...
  • jimjamjandles
    Well done everybody! You are all doing well!

    I am still sick - battled off the Glandular Fever now its the aftermath.
    My liver is very very batted and bruised, so I am not allowed to do any exercise or heavy lifting until I am given the all clear.. Retesting again next week! UGH needles again...

    Currently battling with very itchy skin which is common with liver problems, due to the liver not being able to ward off everything and so then it secretes it through the skin, which then makes me ITCH! Particularly at 2am in the morning.
    Thats why I am UP so EARLY now... it was sooo bad...
    My legs get ripped up I even scratch until I bleed :( So Ive just had my major itching fit, moved from my bed to the lounge floor and just moisturised with Aveeno... its relieving it a bit but for how long.

    So that wipes me out still for awhile! So sorry girls.. miss ya...
    Been thinking of swimming a little bit, or even water walking and floating around so that my muscles had some form of exercise but nothing too extreme.

    Looking at the Liver Cleansing Diet.. which might help my liver sort itself out.. (eating the right foods etc)..
    Am back at work part time - 4 to 4.5 hours wanted to increase to 5 hours a day then increased from 6 to 8 next week. But with the last two nights distrupted by this stupid itching... it doesnt help! Would you believe i had TWO great days, no itching and perfect sleeps.. now 2 nights bad bad itching..

    Keep up the good work!!