Kiwi's Weekly Weigh In - Week 11

Right ,now we're back to the right week number.

It's a bit lonely here.
Somigliana is overseas, and everyone else has disappeared :ohwell:

78 exactly this morning. A drop of 1.4.


  • betzyrama
    betzyrama Posts: 26 Member
    Hey hey, don't be lonely! I've had a rough month or so. Dealing with a lot of BS at work, and then my grandma died, and my partner's granddad died and then more (really really bad) BS at work and I just gave up. It was really all I could do to not break down. I put some weight back on, but now it's coming off again.

    Decided to sell our massive cross trainer and we joined a gym (got a really good hook up!)

    Not posting my weight this time as I am ashamed!!!

    Congrats on your big drop this week sassyg! That's awesome!
  • hepkitty
    hepkitty Posts: 133
    Hey, I'm still kicking around too! Not losing any weight though as I'm sort of 'done' dieting...I still want to improve fitness and strength but don't really care about the specific kg target I set originally. Have been eating and exercising normally (i.e. what I want, when I want it, without restraint or any 'I really should do some exercise' thoughts) and have been more or less stable at between 70 and 71 for the last 6 weeks or something...

    Congrats on the massive drop Sarah that's great!

    And betzyrama, glad to see you back. Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time lately but great to see that you're already bouncing back and getting the weight back off :)
  • jimjamjandles
    I am here!
    Back from outta space..
    But not calorie counting right now as I am on the Liver Cleanse Diet for my liver - help it recover from the dreaded Glandular Fever.
    I havent put on any weight since I got sick - I lost 2 kgs, whild being sick and havent regained it.
    Am allowed to start exercise now too, but only light stuff, so I am going to start swimming again, its something I love and find reasonably easy.

    Good to see you girls are still around :)