bruthacuervo Member


  • Well, they sent me to physical therapy, but that hasn't done much, I'll look into your suggestion, I did forget to mention, that yes, there have been aborted sessions due to muscle spasms, mostly early on in the cardio I had been doing, not so much now But, just to see myself, I would attempt something like situps,…
  • Thanks for initiating that recheck for me... While this is still a great low calorie low sodium meal, I was using the barcode feature to scan this is in...and found it was wrong!! However, we are talking about just about a 50 calorie difference. From the nutrition label itself (and I'll admit I'm throwing blind faith at…
  • Dont get discouraged.. thats mostly it. There is so much advice here, now, realize that not ALL of that may apply to you! Everybody is different, and what works for me, or works for them, may not work for you. MFP i think is mostly about getting you AWARE---Aware of what your putting in, and what your putting back out. Eat…
  • I didnt really think it that hard to walk 4 mph--- im definately not jogging, but im using GPS tracking to gauge this.. so.. hell i dunno.. could be way off.
  • not really a typo.. did not think it was too unclear really. under 15 minute miles = mile walked under 15 minutes but no.. i dont know how anyone got 15 mph out of that, but there you go.
  • since i posted those pics here, and this does seem to be most viewed area, i did wanna ask, anybody have any suggestions to lose the double chin that i hate hate hate so much, i know you cant spot lose, but i figured that it wouldnt be as bad as this with the loss i did actually make here. (part of the reason i took off…
  • Thanks to all for the compliments, they do drive me even harder to keep it going until im where i want to be, altho, one thing im picking up from here from the get-go is its not a destination, its a continual journey. I appreciate the help in doing what i need to to make a lifestyle change, not just a diet.
  • Wow! Amazing! You look STUNNING pics like yours (and others just like yours) have been huge in keeping me motivated. MFP has been just incredible to me.
  • Cool, wanted to check if pics worked---- Dont actually have many pics of me at highest weight.. 230 220.. too ashamed. Its amazing, i just started back late August... much more energy. thought id have way more self confidence, back in the day i thought if i lost 40 pounds.. id feel so much more confident than i did, but i…
  • I like it rare enough that i can pick it up, throw it against the wall and scream "GET UP!! You aint hurt THAT BAD!!!"
  • i would suggest weighing just once a week, or bi-weekly, monthly... The body will fluctuate naturally and sometimes the weight gain is not a BAD thing (muscle repair), but the psychological effects of seeing the scale move that way can cause some to "fall off the wagon" that day, and start down that path of having a bad…
  • Totally agree, ive suffered from low self esteem most of my life, and guess what, ive been overweight most of my life. Id usually be shy, wouldnt say much, but since the start of this, (Started late August, down 40 pounds) i find that when people who have known me would give me those compliments, it would drive me even…
  • Really if your Sugar comes from all natural sources I wouldnt worry too much... at worst, even if this is "not good for you" i figure maybe have a day or 2 where you dont do that and the body will regulate it all for you. if i go over in a category i just try not to repeat it constantly, like if i have a bad carbs day, i…
  • It also has a calorie counter option and a few other features that are there... i dont use them, the calorie counter application is a pure joke compared to MFP.. Endomondo is also good, but unless they updated it recently, the free version did not have the "status updates" that i like so much, it would only update you at…
  • This is how i started-- just walking. I find making yourself go outside more motivating and easier to get your goals going up. i started by picking a direction, any direction, and walking as hard as i could for just 15 minutes... by doing so, i ENSURED that i really had to walk at least 30 minutes because once youve…
  • Bad Spellers of the world..... UNTIE!
  • im seriously awaiting the time when Brawndo just buys out the FDA. Its got Electrolytes!
  • im afraid that the lack of common sense in the government goes back further than Reagan.... one thing you can count on regardless of political affiliations is the stupidity of our government as a whole.
  • However until i can get free cash up for a HRM, I would think that recording the HR at set intervals, then average them, and using many of the availabile online calculators would give me a fairly reasonable ballpark calorie burn dont you think? (im fine with a swing of about 50 calories or so) i know i should get one, but…
  • Ijust realized.. tho , im seeing only calories burned in answers.. im actually just as interested in how it compared heart rate wise.. like it would say id get up to 155 on the heart rate, anyone compare heart rate to heart rate??
  • good info.. right now rent and utilities taking priority over buying HRM im just trying to get a good ballpark idea for now so i can build me a "safe zone" will invest one of these days, but not TODAY.,,
  • sorry.. seems to be an issue with double posting today.. i dont seem to be the only one.
  • I have a theory that some things are simply just drilled into you while you grow up. I have always heard this mythical legendary status of a White Castle burger.... after all how many burger joints get a MOVIE.. as a southerner , We really dont have White Castle. So... i was left out on that. Anyway, it was only like about…
  • No its not... see i can GET on a diet. getting a DATE however.....
  • Remember.. if politicians had it the way they wanted.. KETCHUP would be a vegetable.
  • I agree wholeheartedly for the most part.... but i also do think the nutritional portion sizes are deceptive in nature... like seeing a package of reeces peanut butter cups... serves 2??? just so they can move the numbers down so it doesnt appear as the crap your really eating. Secondly.. WE.. are in control as adults...…
  • Responsibility?? WAIT.. i thought i could eat a metric ton of carrots in one sitting and be perfectly healthy!!!! What are these lies people are spreading!!! THATS why im fat. And Orange. SOMEONE SHOULD TELL ME THESE THINGS!!!!
  • Only if it had fructose syrup on it. That stuff is poison. I know because i saw it on the internet.
  • so one day your in the red- just be green the 6 other days that week and i think it will all balance out... no big deal. even the hardcore fitness buffs here can agree on that...
  • See yall must come from Disney style familes where all is wonderful..... for me... The Holidays are reminders that while i do love my family.. there is REASONS we all went different ways. I love them to DEATH. and i love them in small doses. After the twentieth million time of turning the tv to top volume to catch the game…