What are you doing on Thanksgiving??



  • padraigin67
    padraigin67 Posts: 78 Member
    Still plan on eating everything I want just less of it. If I blow my calories, I will just walk extra time on the next day. It doesn't hurt to shock your system as long as you go right back to your calorie count.
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    I am working so no worries we do not do traditional anymore but the next day is my problem Black Friday shopping with my daughters. and we all eat a really nice dinner out and so that will be my hard day you know grab a pretzel down one section etc.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Thanksgiving is by far my FAVORITE holiday. Love it!

    I'm gonig to get in my son's car and drive 13 hours to his Naval base with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner in the trunk to share with him and his Navy buddies. ("Um, Mom, there will be between 6-12 people." I love him! Yeah, 6-12 ... not much different in my planning!!! Grin.)

    I'm going to focus on enjoying the company more than the food, but will certainly enjoying my mom's noodles she's making for me to take. I'm going to enjoy watching the "boys" squirt whipped cream in their mouths more than I'm going to enjoy squirting it on my half slice of pumpkin pie.

    I'm school-girl giddish over this opportunity. I don't know any of the guys/girls I'm going to meet as he's pretty much just started his A school, but I know for sure I will look back on the day with fond memories for years to come.

    Oh, yeah, on Friday I'm going for an extra long run.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    how awesome!!!!
  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    Were going to the Varsity Club with John's aunt and uncle; its a very posh buffet, but they do a great vegetable spread so we will be fine since we are both very good at 'eyeballing' portion sizes. I will get on the devil machine that morning so I can have a slice of pumpkin pie.
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    I'm going to eat what I want and enjoy every unhealthy bite of it. Its one day.

    I feel the same way. My theory is work my butt off monday thru possibly thursday morning and thursday evening have it. This will be my "splurge" day or splurge meal. I try to choose a meal every once in a while to splurge. So this day definitely will be it, I may count calories and may not but just because I dont record them dont mean I didnt eat them.. Oh well.. Happy Turkey Day to all!!! enjoy your time with family and friends
  • shybelle
    shybelle Posts: 254 Member
    We are having mexican food...I will eat all of it I want :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Cookin for 3 days for 14 people. I love the holidays! :)
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    I'm going to take small portions to start and try to savor every bite. If I really want seconds on something, I'll take a little more. I won't eat until I'm stuffed, but I won't feel deprived. I'll probably wait a couple hours after lunch (when we eat our Thanksgiving meal) to have dessert, and the pie will be my supper. My calories will be a little higher than a normal day, but not so high that they make me uncomfortable or blow the progress I've been making. This is a lifestyle, so I will accommodate holidays, but I will work to get every bit of enjoyment out of a little less.
  • annejuju
    annejuju Posts: 111 Member
    I can't eat mushrooms so that tends to cut out a dish or two for me. But I'll eat everything I like in moderation and have to guesstimate because we'll be at my Boyfriend's and I don't want to whip out the food scale at the table. The nice thing is we usually do something active like playing frisbee at the park or running around with the dogs so that tend to balance it out for me. I plan on eating a light breakfast but I'm not big on eating in the morning anyway so I usually have a smaller meal for breakfast anyway.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm running a Turkey Trot on Saturday. So if I don't want to feel like a heaping ball of crap on Saturday morning, I'll refrain from eating half a pumpkin pie and 3 scoops of Penn State Creamery ice cream. Yeah that's right. Say what you want about PSU, but they have damn fine and fattening ice cream. I will eat a large serving of turkey with cranberry sauce smothered all over the top. Seriously gravy is gross, nutrition facts aside. I have never enjoyed the stuff. Butter on the other hand...yum. I'll be enjoying some mashed potatoes with real butter, mmm.

    This year should be interesting because instead of the normal 5-person T-giving Dinner family posse, there will be 10 people attending. I have no idea what will be on the menu besides the traditional stuff. I do know that my mother is angry that she's not hosting it, so I'm guessing we won't be sticking around as long to chow down on the pile of leftovers like vultures. Mmm hmm, good ole family drama.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am doing the Turkey Trot 10K @ 7am Thanksgiving day. The way I figure is that will give me the OK to eat anything and everything that I want... INCLUDING pumpkin pie with cool whip!!!! Then after I will sit on the couch, watch football and yell at the TV.

    Then I will do it all again in the evening (except the 10K) because that's when MY family is getting together for Thanksgiving.

  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Looking forward to going over to friends 5 minutes from us with 4 other families. Everyone brings a dish. I try a little of what looks good to me and then suggest a walk which we always do after Thanksgiving meal. *Advantage of living in Arizona and putting up with scorching heat during the summer.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I will be on a week long trip to the Amazon River!! I'll most likely nibble on a fire roasted pirahna rather than a turkey leg...but it might turn out to be the best Thanksgiving meal ever! :tongue:
  • I'll be eating disturbing amounts of everything and topping it off with a downright selfish amount of pumpkin pie with ice cream. Afterwards, I'll lay on the floor and grunt. When I get home, I'll not log anything nor will I give two sh*ts about any of it.

    Resume logging the following day and act like it didn't happen.

    Bar far the funniest/best one :-)
  • bruthacuervo
    bruthacuervo Posts: 52 Member
    See yall must come from Disney style familes where all is wonderful.....

    for me... The Holidays are reminders that while i do love my family.. there is REASONS we all went different ways. I love them to DEATH. and i love them in small doses.

    After the twentieth million time of turning the tv to top volume to catch the game to overcome one child screaming about SOMETHING Or another (can you TELL i have no kids yet) and then dealing with the Republican/democrat (politics... UGH) split we have running in the house my first snack after meal usually involved a bottle of asprin. Then a bottle of Patron.

    That was my OLD lifestyle. THIS year, i can simply say "Hey, yall know ive lost weight and with this meal and all, i gotta go walk. You know how it is... " Then i can whistle a happy tune and walk out the door and do a walk for an hour. Multiple times. As needed. to keep me fit... to keep me SANE. Sane(er)
  • directorj
    directorj Posts: 537 Member
    Turkey Trot 10k then I have work in the afternoon. For the first time I'm working thanksgiving, but that's ok it's going to be a great day regardless. Besides my job is way too easy to even pass up that work day