amberl10 Member


  • I'm 5'3 and weigh 155 and I typically eat around 1450 calories and am still losing (slowly but losing). I exercise 6 days a week and burn between 425-550 calories a day through exercise and I do not eat back those calories. Are you sure 1200 is enough calories? Eating things with fake sugar can affect weight loss. I cut…
  • 5'3 SW: 174.8--- Starting Pant/Dress Size : 16; Starting Shirt Size: XL CW: 155.2--- Current Pant/Dress Size: 12; Current Shirt Size: L/M GW: 145--- Goal Pant/Dress Size: 8; Goal Shirt Size: M
  • You’ll want to look for a size 16 regular. I shop the Misses department because those sizes tend to fit be better.
  • I've lost about 20 lbs but have lost well over 30 inches. Inches come off so much faster as you can see by my profile pic.
  • I have a Polar FT4 and love it. It was around $70 I think from Amazon with free shipping. It's been very accurate. No complaints whatsoever!!!
  • I used to way weekly but switched to daily because I feel like it tells me if I've had a bad day of eating or not. I weight first thing in the morning and if it's more then the day before I know the day before was bad for eating and look over what I ate and I think that helps me a lot. Granted I've only only lost like 4…
  • Thanks for all the responses. I haven't been good at logging all my food lately so that's why you're not seeing all I'm eating for dinners and such. I have not cut out carbs by any means. I normally eat around 100 grams of carbs a day and I'm not losing that way. When I add more food (even healthy food) to my meals/snacks…
  • 40g is definitely not enough. You could get 40g in just having 2 apples!!! I would go with what MFP tells you. For me I have my settings to lose 1/2 or 1 lb a week (can't remember which one it's at right now) and I am allowed 148 carbs. I try to keep it under 100 though. I used to work with a personal trainer and she told…
    in Carbs ? Comment by amberl10 January 2012
  • I think you need to eat back most of the calories you burn because I think you're not eating enough even if you don't feel hungry. If after you exercise you still have 600 calories remaining you need to eat at least 75% of that I think. 1200 is fine but that means you need to eat that many calories not including your…
  • I do agree that the HRM is more accurate. I'm seeing a difference from MFP, the machine and the HRM too.
  • Thanks so much, we'll see what it does from here on out.
  • Thank you, I sort of thought that was the case but didn't think it would slow down so quickly considering I barely worked out all of December. Thanks again!!!
  • I just read Bob's book from Biggest Loser and he says to take a multi vitamin with folic acid and omega 3. I've also heard of taking B12. I took B12 for a while but never noticed a difference.
  • I try to stay under my calorie goal, and I workout 5 days a week. I alternate my plans from varying weight training/cardio, workout videos, my Wii EA Sports active, heavy cardio, lots of variation and it's worked. There have been times I've gained a inch or 2 back but I get back on track and lose it again. I hate that the…
  • Just wanted to say I feel your pain. In January it will be 1 year since I started watching what I eat and working out. I've lost only 5 lbs but I've lost 25 inches over all!!!
  • Week 1 is done, not sure if I'll go to level 2 yet, I have a few days to decide. I start up again Monday.
  • How many days do you work out. You should have at least 1 rest day a week.
  • Day 2 completed for me!
  • I'm 5'3 and I know what you mean. I'm currently around 161 lbs and that fluctuates a few pounds either way. I've lost more inches then anything so I'm trying not to focus on the scale. I've only lost about 5 lbs but over 25 inches since January. I'm currently in a size 14 and I started in a size 16 in January. I would like…
  • I'll be doing it later this afternoon.
  • I did 1 week of Ripped in 30 and tried level 2 but it was too hard. I decided I'll do the shred first since it's not quite as hard. I'll start it tomorrow.
  • Thanks. I'll stick with 1 for a while. I didn't do 30 day shred. I have it and I did it like 6 months ago but never finished it. Heck maybe I'll just start the shred now and do Ripped when I'm done with that.
  • Thanks so much that really clears it up for me.
  • With EA Sports Active it shows calories burned. With Wii Fit it shows calories burned for that particular game/exercise. Then it goes away and I could never find where the running total was so I'd do a few games and keep writing it down so I knew what my total was.
  • Thanks that helps a lot!!!! I'll focus more on reps then on weight. Thanks!!!!
  • Wii Fit is fun but you won't burn many calories doing it because each exercise/game is only a couple minutes long at most unless you do the running. I love my EA Sports Active for Wii much better. They came out with a More Exercise for EA Sports Active and I intend to get that one after Christmas.
  • I would say increase your calorie intake and eat more protein.
  • The type of socks/shoes you wear is the most important thing. I used to get blisters daily. I would make sure you are wearing athletic type socks that are a snug fit. Also when I switched brands of shoes I stopped getting blisters. I switched to Asics and won’t ever change from them again. I love my Asics and I’ve had 2…
  • EA Active Sports 2 is very very good all-around workout game. it comes with a Heartrate monitor and strength tension bands Do you mean EA Sports Active more exercises? Is that the same as EA sports active 2? I have just the regular EA sports Active and love it. I'm doing the 30 day challenge. Some days I burn around 200 or…
  • My son was born in Iowa and we live in Iowa.