Carbs ?


So, I have been following along with the MFP's guidelines on how much of everything to eat. Well, I'm at a stand still now and I posted on FB about it and a friend that is in the military said I'm eating way to many carbs to try to stick to 40g of carbs a day. Well, trying to do this is almost impossible to get my calorie count up to 1200 even. So how many carbs are you guys eating and what do you do?

For breakfast I eat a yogurt
Snack: 1/4 almonds
Lunch: (today) turkey burger on thin wheat bread
Snack: kiwi
Dinner---I'm at a loss because I'm almost at my carb limit! sigh


  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I really do not believe that 40g of carbs a day is enough (especially if you are exercising). You must be eating a LOT of protein!!!

    I'm always around 90-180g of carbs, depending on the day. But even 90g is low since I work out several times a week.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I don't count carbs that way. I run a lot and carbs are my main fuel. I just stick to eating "healthy" carbs (i.e. not processed carbs) and keep my protein amounts up to make sure I'll full. I'm more focused on just keeping track of overall calories rather than limiting myself on a particular food group.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    I really do not believe that 40g of carbs a day is enough.

    Especially if you are exercicing!!

    I'm always around 90-180g of carbs, depending on the day. But even 90g is low.

    one sandwich on wheat bread (2 slices) is almost 2/3rd of that 40g. Carbs are fuel for you during the day don't eat enough and you will feel tired all the time. Key is to eat good carbs,
    Here's a site where you can get some good carb info
  • AChristopher09
    thanks for the site and info! I'm just annoyed, I've been doing so goo and trying to eat healthy..which I'm a LONG ways from where I first was with eating chips, sweets, cookies, ice cream ect...I gave all of that up and only drink water. I've changed my whole lifestyle. I'm not in a gym let because I just had a baby 4 months ago, but I"m starting in a week and I have NO clue what I'm supposed to do LOL
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    40g is definitely not enough. You could get 40g in just having 2 apples!!! I would go with what MFP tells you. For me I have my settings to lose 1/2 or 1 lb a week (can't remember which one it's at right now) and I am allowed 148 carbs. I try to keep it under 100 though. I used to work with a personal trainer and she told me to aim for around 80-90 a day. 40 would be if you were following atkins or something like that.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Well, I'm at a stand still now and I posted on FB about it and a friend that is in the military said I'm eating way to many carbs to try to stick to 40g of carbs a day. Well, trying to do this is almost impossible to get my calorie count up to 1200 even.

    First things first - you can ignore your friend from the military immediately!!!!! They have strict standards that they must maintain....

    Secondly - 40g per day is NOT enough - Go speak with your doctor about what is considered right for you. Again, continue to ignore your military friend.

    Thirdly - You bring up a red flag for on the statement where you say "this is almost impossible get my calorie count up to 1200 even"

    You need to be eating a whole lot more if you are also including exercise...

    Unless your doctor is monitoring you and is clinically determining you are ok to consume anything less than 1200 calories, then you are actually being part of the problem.

    MFP guidelines are set for a reason - you though can adjust them. It sounds to me you have willingly adjusted them to well below the accepted healthy mark.

    Please be smart about this - go and have a talk with your doctor about what your individual caloric amounts should be, what your carbohydrates should be.... Your medical care is only individual to you and everyone else's medical care will never be the same...
  • jsabol21
    You would need to eat more carbs than 40 g. unless you were going to go low carb higher fat. You would be close to a low amount that will put you into ketosis. Seems like you are not a vegetarian. If you have a desire to go this low carb, switch a fruit snack to a green salad with fats and add a good portion of meat for dinner. Steak. Chicken breast. Ground beef. Meat has no carbs. Fats- olive oil, has no carbs. Carbs in broccoli are low, spinach too.

    I would recommend making sure your carbs are good for you- fruits, veggies, and whole grains only. Talk to a nutritionist at a local gym or do your reading on online forums.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Yeah, I'm diabetic and watch my carbs closely, and I have more than 40 at a single meal. I have around 130-160 per day. I'd disregard the low carb advice.

    Good luck!

  • AChristopher09
    Thanks for the info! I'm really not trying to starve myself or go below. I just have so many people telling me to eat this or eat that and all I really want to do is get healthy. lol I've been over weight for 4 years and I'm done with that and ready to do better.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Thanks for the info! I'm really not trying to starve myself or go below. I just have so many people telling me to eat this or eat that and all I really want to do is get healthy. lol I've been over weight for 4 years and I'm done with that and ready to do better.

    Thats why I suggested talking with your doctor....suggested ignoring your military friend.

    Find out from the real professionals on what is considered appropriate for you....
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    If you want to eat healthy choose foods from They have a list of the healthiest foods, what they are, how to prepare them etc. It also has a food advisor that suggests different items to add to your diet based on nutrients you may be lacking.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Maybe they meant 40%? I do 40, 30, 30 for carbs/protein/fat
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    OP, just try keeping to say 100 to 150g that is considered low carb by some. Perhaps moderate carb. Some days go to 100 and perhaps days you strength train go to 150g. No need to go to 40g. It may help with fat loss but not good if not sustainable for you.
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    I eat 20g of carbs a day and I have no problems with energy and exercising.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I eat 20g of carbs a day and I have no problems with energy and exercising.

    Do you count fruits & veggies in that 20g as well?