My diet sucks

I am constantly gaining and losing gaining and losing and I'm so sick of it. It's like I do awesome for 3-4 days and everything goes to crap and I make bad choices when it comes to eating. When I cut back my calories and carbs by the end of my work day I'm starving so when I get home I eat everything in sight. I don't understand why I'm so hungry. For lunch I'll eat like chicken and some veggies and a fruit. Then I'll have an afternoon snack of like an apple or cheese stick or yogurt. By 4:00 or 5:00 I'm just starving and craving the carbs, cookies, bread, pasta, you name it. How can I get out of this rut?


  • jmp33
    jmp33 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi. I was taking a look at your food diary and the biggest thing that stands out is not enough protein! Protein keeps you satisfied a lot longer then carbs. Try having a protein with each meal and snack. Also you don't have anything logged in for suppers. Do you not eat in the evening?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    why dont you eat carbs through the day? they arent evil...
  • bjfrezell
    I found that upping my protein and eating less processed foods helped me feel full throughout the day. I haven't given up carbs by any means, but the more natural foods I eat, the better I'm feeling. I also found that eating a larger breakfast and lunch help me not feel starved by dinner time. Hang in there.
  • Mnata
    Mnata Posts: 35 Member
    Your body needs nutrients from all the food groups in order to work to it's best potential. If you find you are craving carbs, try working carbs into your diet. For instance, maybe put your chicken on whole-grain bread for a lunch sandwich, or have one serving (it's smaller than you think, so watch out) of pasta for dinner with a salad/lots of veggies. If it gets to the point where your cravings cause you to kill your diet when you avoid them, try working them into your diet.
  • failnomore
    I had a look at your diary and you seem to eat very little in terms of proper meals, I would be starving. You have to eat proper meals and not just snacking to save calories
  • deliciousappleblue
    I find that the only days I'm not hungry again later are the days I eat oatmeal for breakfast. I hate oatmeal, but I'm getting used to it, and when I start my day with it I am able to stick to my planned foods without getting hungry between meals. Even if I eat a different healthy breakfast with more calories, it just doesn't stick the way it does on oatmeal days.
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I have been going through the same thing! I have to stay extremely determined not to stuff my face after all the days stress. Having more protein has been helping a lot as well!! Also the exercise gives me 'calorie room' at the end of the day in case I am still hungry.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have to say, more protein more fiber. Both will help you stay full and energized through out the day. And if you're hungry all the time, you're not eating enough! You need to fuel your body for it to lose weight. Can't just cut calories and cut calories until you lose. You'll make yourself sick!

    Carbs aren't the enemy, unless you have a medical condition that makes them such! Don't be afraid to eat some whole grains! They are high in fiber. Some have a decent amount of protein!
    Fat isn't bad either! Just avoid saturated fats.
  • becjerami
    Are your weightloss goals set too high? Maybe if you reduce your expectations by setting your loss to only 1lbs per week or even 0.5lbs per week you''ll find it easier. That way you can eat more per day and won't feel so deprived. If you're starving all the time you'll feel miserable and won't stick to your diet anyway, so try making it easier for yourself . You should also eat back your exercise calories.
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I haven't been good at logging all my food lately so that's why you're not seeing all I'm eating for dinners and such. I have not cut out carbs by any means. I normally eat around 100 grams of carbs a day and I'm not losing that way. When I add more food (even healthy food) to my meals/snacks I tend to go over on calories, especially on a day I don't work out. I know I need more protein but I"m a terribly picky eater. Anyone have any good protein suggestions. I eat quite a bit of chicken, I eat eggs in the morning normally, until I get sick of them. I drink a protein shake after working out typically.

    Thanks in advance for all the advice.