Blister again!

I recently started running 45 minutes a day, 4 times a week...and i now have this huge blister/callace on the bottom of my foot!
I wrap it, and bandage it every day, but i still run and walk on it. Is there anyway to get rid of it? Does anyone have any suggestions on avoiding blisters on the bottom of your feet from running?


  • First what kind of socks are you wearing. If they are cotton, that can be your problem. If not, where are the blisters and what kind of foot structure do you have. Things like high arches or even low arches with shoes that are not right for your feet can cause blisters. Many times its the socks though.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Could be your shoes as well as socks.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Try a double layer sock. I love wright socks. Mine have a polyester layer close to the skin and a wool layer on top of that . The layers allow the sock to move but the friction is all on itself and not your foot. The wool helps to wick a way dampness and that prevents blisters as well. I assume you could just try to layer 2 non cotton socks but I wonder if that would be too thick?
  • amberl10
    amberl10 Posts: 75 Member
    The type of socks/shoes you wear is the most important thing. I used to get blisters daily. I would make sure you are wearing athletic type socks that are a snug fit. Also when I switched brands of shoes I stopped getting blisters. I switched to Asics and won’t ever change from them again. I love my Asics and I’ve had 2 pairs now with NO blisters. You can also put on your foot where you’re likely to get blisters something called body glide or something like that. I got mine at Scheels. It’s supposed to heal faster and prevent blisters. One thing I used while I had blisters was the blister bandaids. They allowed me to still be able to run.
  • thanks everyone! you were all really helpful!