

  • Yeah it's normal don't worry. Same applies with other muscles. For example chest, arms, ect. Just try and do more exercises that focus individually. For example if you're doing leg extensions on a machine instead of doing both legs at the same time do one at a time and so on. Don't worry it's normal.
  • Welcome and good luck. Once you get going you'll be unstoppable.
  • Ill keep my response short and sweet. Life's too short. You have to live for YOU and do what YOU want and what makes you happy, providing of course it isn't harming anyone haha. But yeah I say do what YOU want to do because in the long run its your life and you have to live with the choices you make. You don't want this to…
  • congrats! plenty more to come I'm sure. keep it up
  • Generally for toning up high reps and low weight is recommended. sets generally depend on body part. i.e. bigger parts like chest, legs, back generally you would do around 5 sets and smaller parts i.e. triceps,biceps, ect you would do about 3 sets but it boils down to what works for you so you may have to change it up to…
  • wow only one month nice job keep up the good work
  • There should be more posts like this from people. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • I'd say lift first then do cardio after. If you're doing a lot of cardio and you do it first it'll definitely take away a lot of your energy and you wont lift as well.
  • I'm just not a BMW guy. More an American Muscle guy. My preference.
  • yeah whole proprietary blend thing kind of bothers me because you don't really know what you're getting and if it's enough of each ingredient but it was one of those things where I got it for mad cheap and i've never taken a pwo before so i figured id try it cause my bench was stuck for a while and its done the trick .
  • turn more heads than a mustang? that's quite a statement to make...I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's your opinion...Only beamer that would do that is an m3 or m5...
  • Haha yep now you're talking dude
  • Nice nice. I'm actually trying out Juggernaut by Infinite Labs. It's decent and doesn't have too much caffeine so if you lift later in the day it doesn't keep you awake at night. My bench and other core lifts have gone up significantly with it. Twin Labs is a good brand with good products. I'm actually on ON Whey Protein.…
  • I was just messin around with the whole chick magnet concept. Do girls love mustangs? Yes. But obviously it takes more than a nice car to win over a girl (a girl who's worth your time anyways). All I can say is I love my mustang to death and it's a blast to drive and from my experience a very reliable car as long as you're…
  • I'm gonna be biased and say go American Muscle. I have an 06 Mustang GT and I love that car to death! I know you said you're looking at the 2012 v6 not the 5.0 but that car still has some power esp with new 3.7 and other goodies. And as far as looks go once again the mustang wins. If you're looking to pick up girls TRUST…
  • You on any creatine or other supplements?
  • Right now I'm shooting for about 3,300 calories. I'm on a 50/30/20 split of carbs, protien, fats. Prob gonna have to up to at least 3,800 though :\ nice job with the 5,000 dude esp cause it gets hard to keep your sodium and other crap down when you're eating that much.
  • Nice job! Keep up the good work, you'll hit your goal in no time.
  • Never entered any of my exercises on here cause it takes for ever so I donno about that. Obviously you do burn calories I guess it just depends on your resting time, reps, etc and they just cant figure it out cause its too complex to do on here probably.
  • I go to school full time and work 30 hours a week so I can relate. I tend to lift later on around 6:30pm. At first it may seem like a lot because you're drained from the day but eventually your body adjusts. Just stick with whenever time you can best fit it in. Eventually it just becomes second nature. However regardless…
  • I agree with breaking up weights and cardio (even though I tend to do weights then cardio right after if I'm pressed for time). Just make sure you carb up like others have suggested. Also if you find yourself having to combine cardio and weights definitely do weights first because cardio (unless its a brief 10 min warm up)…
  • Wear whatever you feel like wearing! It's your body and no one has a right to tell you what you can and can't wear. That's complete BS. In my opinion "age appropriate" doesn't exist. I've seen women in there 40's and 50's in better shape than girls my age and more power to them. You work too hard to look good and no one…
  • If going for high reps on an exercise,such as 15, try and break it down to smaller numbers so it doesn't seem as much. For example count to 5 then start over and count to 5 again, etc. Sounds dumb but it honestly helps and makes you feel like you aren't doing that much. Just my 2 cents.
  • To make it easier for people to help you maybe include what you want your meals to consist of (nutrient wise). Are you looking for high protien low carb? low protien low carb? ect. Any food allergies?
  • +1 on opening the food log. Anyone can stay within their limits however if they aren't eating the correct foods their progress can suffer.
  • Try and plan your meals and snacks for the whole day on here the night before or morning of. This helps because you can make sure you stay within your allowances of calories, fats, etc and gives you a plan. It's much easier when you know what you can and can't have instead of guessing and then totaling it up later and…
  • Try having a cup of (healthy) cereal to snack on if you get a craving for food. It should help dull the hunger and wont kill your diet completely. That usually helps me.
  • As long as you're consistent with logging your food and sticking to your daily allowances (with a little exercise mixed in) there's no reason why you can't hit your target weight. This site is great and the people on it are very supportive. Good luck, I'm sure once you get going you'll be unstoppable!
  • As others have posted you DEFINITELY need rest because during resting your body is repairing its self from your previous workout. If you don't get adequate rest then you'll be hurting your body and your results. Basically when you workout your muscles are tearing. When they are given time to rest they rebuild and thus make…
  • You'll do great on here as long as you're consistent with entering your foods. I feel the most valuable thing about this site is being able to enter your foods for the day even before you eat them so you can make sure you're meeting all your calorie / fat / protein etc goals and tweak whatever you need to in order to make…