Trying once again!

I'm new to mfp and hoping this is it! I've never had a weight problem when I got married in 91 I weighed 115 and now 4 kids later I'm up to 158 and only 5' 3". UGH! I seem to have lost all motivation and self discipline to be consistent. I'd lose 5-10 lbs. and then gain 15 back. Hoping this is it. I have no excuses now with 2 away at college and 2 in high school, I have time to exercise and eat good.

SW 159
GW 135 (Maybe 130 but trying to be realistic)

Goal to be close to or at 140 by Thanksgiving and able to run a 5k without dying

Thanks for all your inspiring stories! - Erin


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome! We love to help each other out here!
  • 06MustangGT
    As long as you're consistent with logging your food and sticking to your daily allowances (with a little exercise mixed in) there's no reason why you can't hit your target weight. This site is great and the people on it are very supportive. Good luck, I'm sure once you get going you'll be unstoppable!
  • eatnbetter
    Welcome! I recently joined and I love it!
  • kaylynn54
    Welcome!!! Please feel free to add me as a friend for support :-)