ladytap Member


  • I drink a cup of hot water with lemon juice every morning and love it. I read this the other day on an article Titled "12 Foods all Nurtitionists Eat: Water with lemon "A lot of my dietitian friends start their day by drinking water with lemon,…
  • I've always read 8 - 8 ounce glasses a day, or 64 ounces. Although, lately I've been seeing 80 ounces floating around in a few articles. The big picture is to drink as much water as possible every day...the specific amount is up for debate. :drinker:
  • I just have a tip for the water intake. I was the same as you; the thought of 8 glasses of water a day just blew my mind...but I bought a 22-ounce water bottle that I leave at work every day. I fill it up in the morning and drink all throughout the day...only 3 of those and I have my 64 (+) ounces of water for the day.…
  • I absolutely cleaned out my kitchen. There's no way I could see the chocolate cake sitting there and not eat it. For me, it was about cleaning up my diet completely, so I had no use for all of the junk it had to go.
  • Ugh, not another "starvation mode" comment.... I say good for you for figuring out what works for your body. And thanks for sharing! You're absolutely right, there is not one set formula that works for everyone! That gets pounded into peoples heads on these forums sometimes.."Do what it says and only what it says or you'll…
  • That's the only way I can "diet." I HAVE to give myself a meal, or a day, or every now and then a week to eat whatever I want to eat. As long as it's the exception, not the rule, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Enjoy life my friend :):drinker:
  • Wow, this is EXACTLY what I needed to hear / read today! I have been getting really frustrated that I'll get SO close to my goal and then never seem to reach it, so I lose some motivation. I guess I need to work on my patience :) Thanks, this was awesome. :smile:
  • Yes, like the previous poster said, Breakfast should be your biggest meal, lunch next, and dinner your smallest. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day, and at night...that will also help curb your cravings. If this doesn't work for you and you must have a bigger dinner, then try to make sure you're having as…
  • I've always heard/read that your biggest meal should be breakfast, and your smallest should be dinner. So, eat your most calorie-dense meal in the morning, have an average lunch, and a calorie-light dinner with healthy snacks in-between to meet your calorie goal. If you've got to have McDonalds for a meal every now and…
  • This has always been my favorite book. I'm interested to see if Lonesome Dove will take the top spot or not...To Kill a Mockingbird is going to be hard to beat :) Thanks for mentioning the 50th anniversary edition...I've got to have it! :love:
  • Lonesome Dove :) It's been my favorite movie for years, and I've finally decided to read the book. It's amazing.
  • I love this show! It makes me want to workout :) hehe
  • Oh, P.S: Even after this research, I only do abs every other day. I tend to be very sore after my ab workouts, so I give myself a day in-between to rest :) Do what's right for you.
  • I wondered the same thing, and what I found when researching it was that it's ok to work your abs everyday, as long as you're not doing intense workouts. If you're doing light ab excercises every night, then that's ok. But if you're doing an extreme workout and are sore the next day, then rest a day. Just like any other…
  • I weigh about 3 times a day, and I see no reason why I shouldn't. It helps me know exactly which foods and workouts have what effect on my body. If you feel like you're weighing yourself too much and becoming obsessed with it, then that's the sign for you to ease up on it a bit. For some people, once a week is all they can…
  • Under Armour shoes are my favorite. I've been wearing them for over a year and it's all I'll ever workout in...I'm in love with them :)
    in Shoes???? Comment by ladytap August 2010
  • I say yes. If I don't eat them for a few days in a row I start feeling very tired and very very hungry. After a few days I either stop working out because I just don't have the energy, or I eat everything in sight, which is so much worse than just eating those excercise calories. Just do what's right for you. Eat enough to…
  • I always saute them in a little bit of olive oil with chopped onions and add a splash of lemon juice...soooo good. My husband can't get enough...I'm actually making them tonight! :) There are some great recipe ideas on this thread!
  • I know how you feel...every weekend is a big failure for me. But, I just make sure I add extra workouts during the week and eat extra clean on weekdays. I've actually found that it's not too difficult to make up for a little bit of cheating on the weekends (of course, I didn't say should never cheat...blah blah…
  • I've had this same problem off and on for the past 2 years. I'm not the type of person who just loves working out and eating right...I find it very very hard to keep myself motivated. The only thing that keeps me going is my husband. When I don't feel like working out, he encourages me, and vice versa. Do you have a…
  • Sure, I just did mine last week. I'm focusing on being able to run further distances, so mine are all running-related. I've seen some really good ones on here. Good luck with your goals :)
  • One thing I noticed is that your Sodium is usually a little above you limit. If you aren't drinking enough water to flush your system, then you're going to retain water and that will add a few pounds. Try to cut out some sodium and up your water intake. Don't get's not easy, but try to keep a positive…
  • Fajitas are usually a good option. If you decide to go with a salad, be very careful...they're usually packed with sodium and calories at mexican restaurants. This is a big problem for me because I'm a mexican food junkie :) I usually go with a good salad or fajitas....if I can tear myself away from the enchiladas :)
  • Definitely the suggestions about using other spices instead of salt are great...and anytime you use canned soups, broth, etc. try to find ones with less sodium..that's pretty much an option for anything canned now. "Low sodium" or "no salt added" taste just as good as the regular canned soups, but obviously they are better…
  • Yeah, after Day 30 I was a little disappointed too, but don't give up! Those Day 60 pictures will amaze you! And by Day 90 you won't even remember what the "old" you looked like. Try to keep fruit around or some very low calorie snacks like the Jello Mousse Temptations (60 calories) for when you want to treat yourself. I…
    in P90X Rant Comment by ladytap July 2010
  • I would stick with where you're at for now since it's working. If you hit a plateau later, then maybe think about changing it up for a while, but right now keep going with what's working :) Congrats on the weight-loss!
  • My legs have never looked better than when I started bicycling and doing spin classes during the week. If you're a member of a gym, then I would definitely suggest doing a group spin class. It will burn tons of calories and really get your legs looking amazing! I actually prefer biking husband and I ride…
  • Do you do many strength-training excercises? That's what always helped me. The back of my thighs are the first place for cellulite to pop up, but as soon as I start incorporating squats, lunges, etc. in my workouts they start to go away. Maybe increase your strength and toning excercises especially in the trouble spots.…
  • First of all, congrats on all that running! You rock! Now....definitely eat those excercise calories!! In fact, 1200 calories might be a little too low for your if you're doing all that running. I started with 1200 and hit a road block; couldn't lose anymore weight. So I changed my goal to lose 0.5 pounds a week instead of…