2 months of plateau - where might I be going wrong?!



  • ladytap
    ladytap Posts: 36 Member
    I just have a tip for the water intake. I was the same as you; the thought of 8 glasses of water a day just blew my mind...but I bought a 22-ounce water bottle that I leave at work every day. I fill it up in the morning and drink all throughout the day...only 3 of those and I have my 64 (+) ounces of water for the day. That makes it seem so much easier, and I've found that now if I DON'T drink that much water, I'm craving it. And it is SO worth it. It got rid of my headaches, and helped me shed a few pounds that have stayed off. Water really is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay fit.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    I'm not able to hit the gym either...yet. But I get some exercise calories from walking the dog and biking to work. Both free and they make me and the dog happy. So I think it can be done outside a gym.

    Other than that I have the same comments as everyone else. More Veggies and your meals seem very high calorie, I try not to exceed 400 calories per meal. But some of that is the fact that I like my snacks. I'm also a big breakfast person, my breakfast is as large as my other meals. This is the meal that starts the engine, give it some gas. Congratulations on what you have lost and good luck in reaching your goal.
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    I really think that you should start with trying to drink enough water. 64 oz is really a minimum amount of water you should have. Anything less than that and you are functioning in dehydration. Basically your body recognizes that you only get limited amounts of water everyday, and has to function differently because of it. Fat loss without water is very difficult. It may seem overwhelming at first to drink that much water, but trust me your body needs it, it doesn't matter that you've never drank that much before.

    I suggest that for next week, you make it your goal to drink one more glass of water each day than you did the day before. Then the week after that make it your goal to drink the correct amount of water each day for seven days (lets say 9 or 10 glasses, you're losing weight so you need extra water!) Accomplishing goals that are non weight related are a great way of making it through a plateau!

    Use the url below and look at page 32 of this book "Water: for health, for healing, for life : you're not sick, you're thirsty! By F. Batmanghelidj" It is a list of the things your body needs water for. One of the last ones listed is fat loss. Really if you aren't getting enough water, your body just has other things it needs to do with the water first (like healing your pelvic joint).


    After that, of course exercise will help. Extra muscle will help boost your body's caloric needs and fat burning. Perhaps if you can't do exercises with your lower body, you could try using some small free weights at home? It can't hurt to have a little more upper body strength when you are trying to get two little kids through the day! And, it will be a great way to get into the habit of exercise!
  • Mookz0r
    Mookz0r Posts: 143
    Thanks for all your help. I'll be switching my diary back to "private" now!

    I'm not a great believer in dropping calories radically - I prefer to set up a workable plan that I can stick to happily for the rest of my life - learning what reasonable portion sizes are, etc, so that I don't have to count calories exactly. I don't really have a weight goal (well, I've already reached it), but instead a "feel-good" goal, and part of feeling good is enjoying what life has to offer, including food!

    Meals, for me, just seem to happen at around 400 for breakfast and lunch and around 600-700 for dinner. Sometimes more, sometimes less...

    Water also seems to be key. It's one of those things you kind of know, but overlook.. I'll try the suggestion of drinking one more glass... and then 2 more glasses... It can't be that difficult!

    Oh, and the Green&Blacks thing is, I think about 2g or 5g of choc - I ate a chocolate-coated date (yum!) and had to guestimate the chocolate included in that! :blushing:
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