ohnogogo Member


  • Wow - what a fabulous job! Besides looking thinner you look years younger as well. Congrats on your success so far.
  • Fabulous job! Thanks so much for sharing.
  • Welcome back!,, I think it is great you have decided to take that step to get back on track and work towards your goal weight. If you need any daily support please add me as a friend. I am back after about three months away. I had gotten down about 50lbs, got I'll in March and landed in the hospital. Three months took its…
  • Baked Zucchini Boats are my favorite; they just also happen to be very low calorie as well. 2 small or 1 large zucchini 1 tomato 2 -3 leaves of fresh Basil 1 tsp chopped garlic (I use the Christopher Ranch chopped garlic in water) 4tsp Parmesan Cut the zucchini in half long ways. With a small spoon scrap out the seeds from…
  • Just finished a 4 mile walk. I'd take my dog but she is a little chihuahua and walking trails is just not her thing. If someone is walking 3.0 mph MFP has it listed as "Walking 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog". That doesn't mean they actually walked a dog. They might have been on a treadmill or out on a trail. MFP just…
  • I know this may sound crazy but did you ever think that maybe, just maybe these people didn't do these things before and now they do? I don't clean my house. I have a housekeeper. I don't take my little chihuahua out for walks; she has a dog door to go out to the yard to go poop.
  • Heart risks: http://news.yahoo.com/study-diet-soda-linked-increased-risk-heart-attack-172600831.html Diet soda can lead to weight gain: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505269_162-57359222/study-diet-soda-can-lead-to-weight-gain/
  • Hi and welcome! I too am over 40 and want to lose over 100lbs and am down 32lbs so far. Doing it and doing it right is definitely going in with the mindset that it is indeed a lifestyle change. Good for you for recognizing that! I will be sending you a friend request, please add me if you would like.
  • Good for you for jumping back on the wagon! I lost a fair amount last fall, got ill in March and was hospitalized and put close to half my weight loss back on. That was a bummer! Been back on track for about two weeks now. Please feel free to add me. That goes for anyone viewing the thread BTW :-)
  • Sent you a friend request :-) Anyone else looking for a buddy please feel free to add me. I have lost 54lbs so far and am thinking I need to lose another 40-50lbs. Still not quite sure what weight will be best for me. :-)
  • As others have said; you are not the only one. I have the same issue come up every few weeks it seems and it is maddening! Especially when you KNOW you shouldn't be eating but you are pretty much unable to stop yourself. For those who suggested "clean your cupboard & fridge"; that only works to a certain extent; especially…
  • Please feel free to add me. I usually am about 1200 calories. On days I workout I sometimes eat back those calories but not very often. Most of my choices are pretty healthy & balanced, but I do like sweet things, so you will see me eating like a low-cal fat free fudgesicle or a skinny cow each day. I figure I have lost…
  • I have heard some people say that certain essential oils help them with food cravings. I would imagine if you are a stress eater (which I am) using certain essential oils that have calming effects could help calm and reduce the chance of a person stress eating. Hrm...I may have to give the latter a try.
  • Reserve some of your daily calories for evening snacks and then pick healthier items to eat. Cut carrot & celery sticks really thin so you can take your time and enjoy eating them slowly. Same could be done with an apple. Make some air popped popcorn and don't add anything to it. Make an evening smoothie that you could sip…
  • My absolute favorite snack is vita-top muffin tops and are only 100 calories. After that I generally like things like: Cottage cheese & cantaloupe Cottage cheese with diced celery, carrots & radishes mixed in & topped with pepper Fresh cherries Apple & peanut butter Oatmeal granola bars Edamame - but only one in a while…
  • Looking at your diary it appears you are going to the other extreme and now eating too little. Probably some sub-conscious thing because you are on a diet and thus think you must eat tiny bits of food and that's it. I looked at your diary...1/8 of a cup of pasta? What is that like A noodle? Try this - eat 6 small meals…
  • Someone at the gym gave me a sample of that crap today. It mysteriously ended up in the garbage...where it belongs.
  • Stop weighing yourself and instead start weighing and measuring your food. Biggest mistake we have all made at some point is under-estimating quantity, portion size and calories. Drink water. Not diet soda, not sugar-free punch. Water. Watch how much fat you eat and only eat healthy fats. Lean meats, avocado, peanut…
  • SW: 239.8 CW: 190.4 GW: I haven't decided yet. i need to see what looks and feels right. It could be in the 130 - 145 range.
  • You looked beautiful before and gorgeous now. Well done girl! Loved the song too!
  • I try to take it month by month. I have found that if I set myself small goals over a series of time I can accomplish great things! So right now the current goal is to lose another 1.5lbs by the end of January. That would put me at 50lbs lost. I would like to see myself lose the remaining 50lb I want off by my birthday in…
  • Camas, Washington. Just across the river from Portland.
  • I have noticed a lot of the people I have added have dropped off also. It may be some were having a hard time sticking to a new year resolution. Feel free to add me if you like. That goes for anyone :-)
  • Please feel free to add me if you would like. Always happy to share the motivation!
  • I go to bed around midnight-1:00am so I try not to eat past 9:00pm. What I need to get better at is to get most, if not all, of my carbs in earlier in the day.
  • Valentines Day is coming up. Maybe you can do some fun Valentines crafts. They could make valentines for each other or their classmates if they are in school. You could do simple Valentine decorations for their rooms like cut out hearts they can tape up and garland made of strips of paper and glued into chains that they…