Feel like giving up :(



  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Maybe this will help you out. I started this thing in September. I have not lost my first Solid 5lbs either. But you have to stay the race. You have to crawl before you can walk, walk before you can run. Do whatever it takes to get to your finish line. Celebrate the small victories.Think about how misreable you were just staying in your current situation and now you are doing something about it. So don't give up now!

    sorry did you say youve been doing this since september and youve not lost 5lbs? Oh do you stick to your calorie allowence and exercise? x

    Yes I do. I just have not found something that works for me yet. I have dropped 1/2 -1 size in pants. My tummy looks smaller, I have some crazy definition forming in my thighs and legs. Its all gonna come together in the end. When I 1st started I was at 1200 (2lbs a wk) cals a day wasn't working, then I tried TDEE 2000 that didnt work, I recently tried 1400 (1lb a week) again not working, So here I am now trying 1600 cals a day(1/2 lb a week). I have started upping my water intake. Like I said I am seeing and noticing the results physically, but scale wise I am not. Slow and steady ALWAYS wins the race.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Besides FaithLifeHope is still quite small. It's a LOT harder to lose 20 pounds when that's all you have to lose. Good work FLH!
    Here is a quote that I really like.. "Why do you choose to fail when success is still an option?" - Jillian Michaels

    I LOVE this quote!
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    I tried really hard, lost 5lbs the 1st week, gained 3, lost 6, and now i seem to have ended up heavier than i started. I've ended up getting obsessed with weighing, which doesnt help, as i've apparenly put on 4lbs since monday which I dont think is possible.
    My food has been getting worse, because I just dont see a point now.

    Just needing a kick up the *kitten* really, and is it normal to be like this?

    Stop weighing yourself and instead start weighing and measuring your food. Biggest mistake we have all made at some point is under-estimating quantity, portion size and calories.

    Drink water. Not diet soda, not sugar-free punch. Water.

    Watch how much fat you eat and only eat healthy fats. Lean meats, avocado, peanut butter.

    Don't fool yourself by frozen diet meals that say they only have X amount of calories. Some of the worst fat gram offenders are frozen diet dinners . You would do you body better by having some lean meat and a steamed veggie for dinner.

    If it is white, don't eat it. White flour, white rice, sugar. Go for whole wheat, brown rice and just cut the sugar. If you must have a sweetener try agave nectar or stevia.

    Are you moving daily getting some form of exercise? Go buy yourself a pedometer, you can get a cheap one for under $10. Try and take 5000 steps a day and work yourself up to 10000 steps a day. That number looks scary then it truly is.

    Try to find other ways to work in exercise. If you cannot afford a gym there are lots of exercises you can do at home. Look on YouTube or Hulu for free workout videos. Go look at Shape.com and Fitness.com, they both have lots of exercises shown that you can do from home.

    Most of all, don't give up. One of my favorite motivational quotes is "If you are sick of starting over, you have to stop quitting"