Feel like giving up :(



    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Soooo...you've received plenty of kicks in your *kitten* and great advice (to which I will add - beware of sodium intake) - so, are ya still gonna give up? Or are you gonna set your mind to it and do this thing? :flowerforyou:
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    Do t give up!!! The alternative is to stay the way you are or get fatter. You're not happy the way you are so why not continue? Lots of water and be completely honest in your food journal. Smaller portions. When you go to eat something **** just think about how you'll feel after the 10 minutes it takes you to eat it. Are those 10 minutes worth it? Can you opt for a healthier version? Eat less of it? Don't give up m'lady! You CAN do this. Just give yourself permission.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I know my foods been slipping more and more, been a tough few weeks (great grandma in hospital again) and my boyfriend has only just in the past week or so decided to actually support me.

    I think being down has put me back into old habits of comfort eating :(

    Fingers crossed I'll start getting somewhere now.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I know my foods been slipping more and more, been a tough few weeks (great grandma in hospital again)

    I'm sorry about your great-grandma. My GG is 92 and I live on the other side of the country and live in fear of that call.
    and my boyfriend has only just in the past week or so decided to actually support me. I think being down has put me back into old habits of comfort eating :(

    You can't do it because your boyfriend supports you. You need to do it for you.
    Fingers crossed I'll start getting somewhere now[

    No, not fingers just do it! No matter how many times you fall down, keep getting up and keep going.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Ive done so many plans and most of them work only if we do them 100% just over a year ago I lost 57lbs in 8 months on weightwatchers
    My losses were
    14lbs in 5 weeks = 5weeks to lose

    28lbs in 14 weeks = 9 weeks to lose

    43lbs in 22 weeks = 8 weeks to lose

    56lbs in 40 weeks = 18 weeks to lose

    I still had 56lbs to go but if you look at the last 2 it took me 18 weeks to lose 14lbs when before only 5 8 9 weeks this tbh was as I stopped weighing and measuring which is ww main thing as well as tracking.

    Tis true you can only do this for you and no one else and support I have 0 and have a slim partner who eats junk and 3 older children Im doing this for me with my online friends as support .

    Go back to basics like day 1 it will come off x
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Maybe this will help you out. I started this thing in September. I have not lost my first Solid 5lbs either. But you have to stay the race. You have to crawl before you can walk, walk before you can run. Do whatever it takes to get to your finish line. Celebrate the small victories.Think about how misreable you were just staying in your current situation and now you are doing something about it. So don't give up now!
  • jeffarthur
    jeffarthur Posts: 123 Member
    dont give up...I've tried every crap diet out there and this is the only thing that has worked. Lost almost 15 lbs to date. gotta get rid of the scales...your weight fluctuates during the day with water, gravity, etc. Eventually, this MFP becomes a habit. I've NEVER worked out and am now doing it everyday. Do you have a friend doing MFP....that has also helped. You're young, change habits now...I can tell you it's much hard to lose when you get older:)
    stick with it kiddo!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    You have rec'd great advice. I have had to stop weighing myself. I've lsot weight before and my head KNOWS that I can't gain 2lbs of FAT in a day. My head KNOWS that I am being honest with my calorie counting and that I am eating at a deficit but right now since I'm just starting out.... my heart just can't take the yo-yo action of the scale right now. I am *trying* to weigh just twice per month.

    A year from now you will be so glad you didn't give up!
  • AbiLee1976
    Don't give up. YOU CAN DO THIS! It's not easy, I know, but with support it is manageable. Here are a couple of things that may help:
    * Try measuring your waist, arms etc instead of jumping on the scales; sometimes these can change without your weight altering.
    * Drink plenty of water.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
    Keep your chin up ...
  • LadyZini
    LadyZini Posts: 13 Member
    Don't give up. Don't, don't, don't!!!!!

    First, this not a sprint, it's a marathon, and you need to be into it for the long haul. This may seem like a stretch, but you should plan to use the next 1 year as your long term goal focusing on getting regular exercise, and eating healthy.

    But, your immediate goal should be the next month.

    Take you focus off the scale.

    First, your food - this is the most important thing you need to work on, because you can't out-train a bad diet.

    Try to change your focus from what you "can't" eat, to what you CAN eat. Are you getting 5 serving of fruit and veggies a day? Are you drinking 8 glasses of water a day?

    If not focus on those 2 first.

    If you are like me, you have a habit of eating a particular high calorie, high fat, high sugar (or all three!!) food item almost every day. Just cut back on the frequency - e.g If you are eating chocolates every day, but back to every other day, then every 2 days, then every 3 days, until you are at once a week. If you keep the portion small, you should be able to manage 1 portion of your favorite food every week - e.g one Magnum ice cream bar a week - DON'T buy a large container that contains 4-5 servings - you'll might end up eating it all - we've all been there.

    Next, exercise - commit to getting 10 minutes of exercise a day, at least 5-6 days a week. Look on YouTube, you'll find lots of short workouts. But commit to keep it up for the whole month. You can do more than 10 mins if you want, but try to get the minimum of 10 mins, even if you have to play some music and dance for 10 mins, or go for a 10 min walk in the mall before you go shopping.

    Print out a calendar for the month, and put up upward mark for the days you eat your fruits/veggies and drink your water, and a downward mark for when you get your 10 mins of exercise.

    Try to get X's on as many days as possible.

    For the next month, try a new nutrition habit (e.g switching baked food for fried food) and add a new exercise goal and start a new monthly calendar.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member

    How cute are you?!!! That just about made me cry LOL
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    Instead of wishin and hopin, decide! You've gotten a lot of support and great ideas on this thread. Use them! I'd love it if you added me as a friend... and I'd cheer you on like no other. My top weight was almost 400 pounds, and it quite literally took the support of an entire battalion for two years to get me to lose half of it. I gained some back after a heart attack, and now I'm functional again and ready to rumble. If I can do it, you can too.

    The secret, for me, was deciding that rather than letting the world stress me out and get me to do things I knew weren't healthy I would spit in it's eye and prove them all wrong. Instead of listening to people who say I can't, I do anyway. It isn't easy, but it's definitely doable.

    Even if your boyfriend doesn't support you, there's a huge support system here on MFP.

    This is about YOU! YOU have to be the one to do it, and YOU are the one we're believing in. Notice not one person on this thread has written you off as a lost cause. In my experience, everyone that the world sees as overweight has a skinny and energetic person trapped inside. Why would you leave her hidden away, when you could work toward a jailbreak and show the world who YOU really are? YOU are worth it. YOU can do it. YOU just have to fight for it, and you have an army at your side.

    There's no better position to be in. You will never find a way to have the energy or joy in life if you give up that you could have if you JUST MAKE THE DECISION and GO FOR IT! Show the world that no matter what it dishes out, it can't hide the beautiful person you really are.

    I won't give fitness advice or nutritional advice... that's already been covered. My advice is a change in grammar.
    Instead of "Can I..." say "I CAN!"
    Instead of "I hope..." say "I WILL!"
    Instead of "Maybe someday..." say "I'M GOING TO...!"
    At first it will sound weird, and you might not completely believe it in the beginning, but it will seep into your mind and you will feel more motivated. Find motivational sayings online and save them in a folder called "Success", and read them all when you need a little boost. Come talk to us on MFP when you need support. That's why we're all here, and we all understand struggling.

    DO NOT give up! YOU can do this for YOURSELF!
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Maybe this will help you out. I started this thing in September. I have not lost my first Solid 5lbs either. But you have to stay the race. You have to crawl before you can walk, walk before you can run. Do whatever it takes to get to your finish line. Celebrate the small victories.Think about how misreable you were just staying in your current situation and now you are doing something about it. So don't give up now!

    sorry did you say youve been doing this since september and youve not lost 5lbs? Oh do you stick to your calorie allowence and exercise? x
  • leaso75581
    don't give up....we only have one alternative and that's to keep going.
  • clsxplor
    clsxplor Posts: 15 Member
    It is totally normal, especially if you get on the scales often. Best to only weigh once a week, and remember that water retention can affect your recorded weight, while you may still have lost fat pounds. If you are staying within your calorie goals, the weight will come off....some weeks are just tougher than others.....and some weeks you can be really good, and not show any loss at all....but keep at it and it WILL come off! You can do this!!! Stick with it!
  • Jayneoh
    Jayneoh Posts: 20
    This happened to me last year. I tried for a month and didnt get the result I wanted to I gave up and put on what I had lost and MORE as usual. if I had just kept going I might have lost 80lb by now!! Or 100 if I had lost 2lb a week! Heck even 1lb a week would be a great loss over a year... 52 lbs! I wish I had not given up then.

    if you give up now the same thing will happen and you will be in the same position this time next year. Give it a chance and keep at it!

    Another thing I think your doing is weight every day? I also do that and last year when I gave up that is the reason why I gave up. I was expecting to rid myself of 1lb a day which I did for the first week then suddenly nothing would happen or I would gain and it put me in such a bad place emotionally. I still do weight myself every day now and I don't mind if I gain or stay the same as this is a long term thing.

    This time next year will come and go, its your decision that will matter. Are you going to keep the weight or shred it? I know what I'm aiming for!!
  • UltraRoyal
    Hoenstly that was me, loose a couple pounds gain em back....back as your body builds muscle thats what happends...then later the fat will start melting off. I havent weighed in for 3 weeks for this reason, giving time for my body to adjust and keep off the weight. My clothes fit way better and I can see an amazing difference in my body, so dont give up.....persevere!
  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Here is a quote that I really like.. "Why do you choose to fail when success is still an option?" - Jillian Michaels

    Believe me, I know its easier said than done, but try taking it a day at a time. A meal at a time if you have to.You can do this!
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    I am just starting out too, and I understand your frustration. I too am a daily weigher... and need to quit that... I have done good the last 3 weeks doing every 4th day weigh ins... and it is helping, because I lose a pound at each one so far! I'm only 5'1" and weigh 230... in a size 20/22 jeans... and WE CAN DO THIS! To keep me motivated, I come online to these message boards and look for those tickers that say "lost 50... lost 60... lost 70....etc." and add those people to my friends list. They are very inspirational and have been where we are. When I need a little push, I go to their photos and think "That WILL be me!!!"
  • grace_c
    grace_c Posts: 28

    this is great! an eye-opener for me