Mommies, HELP!

WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
I need help with indoor fun for young kids on rainy days. Today we did just about everything, Play-Doh, yummy food and baking, art, went on an adventure, collected a bunch of cool nature stuff, then park when it cleared up till we froze our butts off, (like 20min) lol, then came home made smores and a homemade pizza.

SO, it's suppose to rain tomorrow and my kids wanna do something and I quote "really fun like today" but I don't wanna do the same thing tomorrow as we did today. So please please, any me, greatly appreciated by more then just myself :smile:


  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    Just saw on Super Nanny tonight, they did a scavenger hunt and had to work together to figure out the clues. She hid hints in several places around the house guiding them to the next place. I would hide some kind of treat for them, then give them clues to help them find it.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    Valentines Day is coming up. Maybe you can do some fun Valentines crafts. They could make valentines for each other or their classmates if they are in school. You could do simple Valentine decorations for their rooms like cut out hearts they can tape up and garland made of strips of paper and glued into chains that they can put in their rooms. You could make salt dough colored red and pink and make hearts and other cut outs using cookie cutters. Make a hole in the tops of each one and when they dry out the kids can hang them in their rooms too.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    This might be a little young for your kids, but it was a hit with my son when I made homemade fingerpaint (really easy recipes online if you google). We put it in ziplock freezer bags, taped them to the sliding glass doors and made window art, sans the mess!

    If you ever browse they have a million ideas there!
  • Bjfavara
    Bjfavara Posts: 22 Member
    Bill Cosby used to say they entertain us and I found this to be good advice and true. I'm a mother of four grown children, all self motivated, intelligent, productive, prolific and all with good sense of humors. We did a lot of the same stuff you do with yours but they learned to entertain themselves as well as each other. Especially reading books. We'd read books or they would on their own. Give yourself a break once in awhile. You're not there to entertain them. I don't know if you're against movies but a good Disney or children's movie is full of fun and good values if it's worth it's weight and you'll get some "me" time which it sounds like you need. You're going to wear yourself out this way and you won't be any good to anyone and this way they'll learn to be a little less dependent on you and learn to get ready for the real world someday. Good luck to you... I hope this helps..
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    This might be a little young for your kids, but it was a hit with my son when I made homemade fingerpaint (really easy recipes online if you google). We put it in ziplock freezer bags, taped them to the sliding glass doors and made window art, sans the mess!

    If you ever browse they have a million ideas there!

    This!!! I love pinterest, they have tons of craft ideas to do with the kids and it's pretty easy to find things that you already have around the house.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Indoor obstacle course-- throw blankets over chairs and tables, toss pillows on the floor to hop from pillow to pillow on, etc.

    I also like doing cornstarch and water to make "goo" or making cookie sheets full of rice using a chopstick to draw pictures and letters onto. There is always story time with puppets or voices, shadow puppets, snowflake cutting, and gluing collages using crap around the house like old batteries, buttons, scrap paper, twist ties, lids, empty pens, etc.

    We live in Seattle, so if we didn't have indoor places to go like Barnes & Noble for train table, local bookstores and libraries for storytime, and local coffeehouses with kid toy areas, we'd be screwed. When in doubt invite another friend your childs' age (with or without their mother) to play. It may seem like more work, but the kids entertain one another so well it really ends up being kind of a break.

  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    My kids love building forts in the living room. Sometimes I get our tent out, move the coffee table out and put it up. Then we read or watch tv or have snacks in there. I let them get things from their rooms and decorate it.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Thank you all so much. Love all of the ideas!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Have a puppet show, colour, do a craft, make a video dancing and singing with your child. Have a scavenger hunt, do face paintings, finger paintings, blow bubbles, read. Pick an animal and act the sounds. Cut out shapes and have your child match them up. Do a puzzle, build with legos, sit down with them and play with their toys, let them pick an activity. Play hide and go seek, bake some cookies then snuggle up and watch a movie together. I like to take my son to the pet store so we can see all the animals and fish. He can pet the bunnies and I teach him all about the different kinds of animals. Today we made a book of what was important to him. And we took his favorite things Cars, Dinosaur train, Deigo, cookies, bananas, a picture of mommy and daddy a picture of his stuffed bear and we glued them in a book and its like his own little book that he can tells us about. You could also pick up some activity books and have some learning time. Hope these suggestions help. Have fun tomorrow Mama!!!