

  • Thanks everyone! The encouragment always helps :)
  • Anything Joss Whedon--Firefly, Buffy, Angel.....all pure genius.
  • Nice to see you on here, Rachel. :) I'm super impressed with your half-marathons and other running adventures! That's really awesome!
  • Thanks for the responses everyone! They are all helpful. I think I had enough calories for the day (I'm not one to try to live on 1200 a day...more like 1800, and yes I can still lose weight) but they may not have been the best kind of calories that particular day. Also, I've always suspected anemia in myself, but the…
  • I've been working hard for 2 weeks and haven't even lost 1lb yet, so don't knock your 4.5.
  • Ditto. It get's all the nasty hard water chemicals out. I've never heard of it for diet, though.
  • I'm experiencing the same thing. Before school ended, I lost like 3-4 lbs even though I was eating quite a bit, but now that I've added exercise and a stricter diet for 2 weeks, I've only maybe lost 1 pound, and that was probably a scale fluke. It's really frustrating. I want to make changes, but my motivation drops every…
  • A friend and I just started it a week ago and are probably going to add the c25k to it too. Go ahead and count me in :) I'm already feeling quite a bit skinnier (whether I really am or not..well, we'll see.)
  • I like feeling sore, but having just started the 30ds this week, I can barely move. It is better after doing it for 3 days, but my poor calves are still on fire. I actually wonder if that is a problem....
  • ALL OF THEM! I hate being sweaty, but I'm putting up with it anyway. :)
  • I don't drink, essentially for the same reasons you mentioned. I don't like the idea of putting something in my body that will change the way I think. So I would never drink enough to be drunk. I also think it tastes disgusting, so what is the point? If I want to drink something to have fun with my friends I'll grab a soda…
  • People have been using books since the Library of Alexandria over 2000 years ago (though those were papyrus scrolls, not books, but still paper hard copies). Unlike all the other transient technology which has only been around for a century at the most (I'm talking mostly music CD's and stuff like that, I guess). Books…
  • Truth, dude. If there was one perfect way, why would anyone be doing it any other way?
  • I read somewhere that the longer you resist something, like eating, the harder it is to keep resisting it. So, if you eat less than 1200 calories every day, which can't be enough food, for any period of time you are more likely to binge making the whole endeavor counter-productive. Now, I am not an expert by any means, and…
  • Hair always grows back! That means you can take a risk every once in a while :)
  • My parents just got me this bike for my birthday a month or so ago : I am seriously addicted to it. I take every opportunity to ride it possible (even the 30 second ride to class across a parking lot). A friend and I even entered the Tour de Cure for…
  • I enjoy my nerdy glasses. I'm a librarian on top of it. Nerd all around! :) I'm also a fan of men with glasses. I think, providing they aren't just terrible glasses to begin with, that they improve a face tenfold. But again, I'm a librarian, so don't take my word for it.
  • 1. Strawberries 2. Broccoli 3. Tofu??? I'm not vegetarian, but I don't like meat very much. 4. Diet Dr. Pepper. 5. Peanut Butter and (but not together) Popcorn.
  • I'm starting grad school in the fall and I'm trying to get a head start on the new situation weight gain. I gained a lot in undergrad and want it all to go away. Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey here.
  • I eat my peanut butter with...MORE PEANUT BUTTER!!!! I'm kind of an addict :) It tastes surprisingly good with celery. Add some raisins and you've got a well balanced snack. :)
  • Truth. Eat your chocolate--what's life without it?
  • Ditto. If you have not read the series but only know the gist of the plot (barely), please do not judge it. Yes, it's about kids killing kids, but it's about much more than that. If you had read the series, you would know. My absolute biggest pet peeve is people (especially parents) taking a stand on books that they think…
  • I have asthma that is now well controlled with just a daily pill and some allergy meds with the very very occasional rescue inhaler, but when I was younger I had a lot more trouble with it. In gym class I could never do the running or other cardio things, but I was like a fish in the water. Swimming is actually good for…
  • I'm a full time student in my last semester with the most classes I've ever had at once, plus two jobs. Luckily, my classes don't start until 12pm MWF, so I just make myself wake up a littler earlier (like 7:45 or 8) and go to the gym RIGHT AWAY so I don't have time to make up excuses not to go throughout the day. I pretty…
  • Buddies are good. You can add me!
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone! This makes me feel a lot better!
  • I'm a college student also in pretty much the same boat. I was always a little chubby, but freshman year of college I gained like 30lbs and can't seem to make it go away. I decided to start running this week, so hopefully that will work out. I do love grocery shopping and making healthy choices that way. I've got some good…