I dont drink Alcohol



  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    When I'm offered a drink I'll often just say "Actually a water (or coke or whatever) sounds great!". I avoid announcing that I'm not a drinker. Not that I'm ashamed at all but it seems to make people uncomfortable. I'm really just trying to get what I want without making it awkward. Most people think nothing of it because they really don't care.

    There are the few here and there that feel like they need to find out why I'm not drinking. "Why aren't you drinking?" "Do you not drink?..." When I casually say "nope" and try to move on, they pull out the "Seriously?" while looking at me like I'm a moron. Thank you for that. At least there are fewer of them as the years go by.
  • NancyMarie13
    NancyMarie13 Posts: 193 Member
    I choose not to drink for religious reasons and im pretty sure based on genetics im an alcoholic :laugh: so I'd rather not go down that road and even tempt myself

    When peope ask and I tell them I never had they are shocked (21. college student. female) its almost like a given that I should drink and party lol. So they think.

    Usually people are just like really? Oh we gotta get you drunk and make a joke but I dont laugh I let them know that this is a serious issue (to me) and I have no intentions to either give in to peer pressure or drink just because. Once that happens they know I mean business and no one bothers me with it again.

    Be firm in your comments about it and be bold letting them know "Thats not how you roll" Then they will see the seriousness and not bother (=
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    i don't drink either, not a tea-totaler either.

    I used to drink when I was in college, never got out of control drunk I would get to a point and not enjoy it, so I'd just stop and go to bed.

    now I get a bad reaction when I do drink alcohol (I break out in hives and a rash all over), and yes, some people really are allergic to alcohol.

    Don't worry about it, and your friends will be ok with it. I'm always the designated driver, and they are glad they don't need a cab.
  • ShaeSweetie
    ShaeSweetie Posts: 156 Member
    Yeah i dont drink either so i totally get it..and its for the same reason..i just hate the taste of everything..when i do drink its usually just to get ****ed up..i mean what do you expect ima teenager! haha but anyways people know me and they know i dont drink often so if i say no theres no pressue..you just gotta learn 2 put your foot down so they start recognizing you as a non drinker
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Not to interrupt the sober circlejerk happening here, but I'm just chiming in on the behalf of folks who *do* drink but aren't a**holes about it to those who don't. If your friends give you grief about not wanting to drink with them, find new friends.

    As far as pushy guys in bars go, "No thanks, I'm driving tonight" is an effective refusal of both the explicit offer of a drink and the implicit offer of sex.

    From another moderate drinker- I agree 100%. If they want to be that jerk that buys you a drink when you clearly stated you don't want one, then you have the right to be that jerk (not really being a jerk, but you get it) that won't drink it.
    Let them waste their stupid money.
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member

    I am a non drinker, not for the health reasons (although that's an added benefit of not drinking) but because i just dont like the taste of it, and i know people who abuse it and i dont want to be like them.

    Im getting really tired of meeting people, going to events, seeing my family and having this pressure to drink alcohol. I have maybe half a glass of wine one a year on my birthday, just to stop people bugging me about it. I dont like how when i meet people for the first time, they put so much pressure on me, as if i wont be able to have fun if i dont drink, or that im miserable and boring, its very upsetting. (they call me boring to my face, even though im a very happy person with a sense of humour, without the drink doing it for me)

    Is there anybody else who doesn't drink here? what do you say to people when they almost try to force it down your neck so you can 'have fun'?

    When i say 'oh sorry, i dont drink' they have a face of dissapointment, buy me a alcoholic drink anyway, and i get really annoyed at that.

    Just think of something more clever to say than "oh sorry, i dont drink'". And don't apologize for it. People apologize too much.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    I usually go 4-6 months in the New Year without drinking. I recently got a job in the bar, so it's become harder and harder not to. I think I've stuck around twice to have a drink afterwards, its a weekly thing there.

    I now find myself going out Fridays, cause it's kinda fun to hangout there, and I enjoy dancing the night away.

    But for months (fall-spring) I'd go out, or meet with some of the guys from work, and NOT drink. 4-5 of the other cooks drink multiple times a week, and LOOK like they do. So whenever a girl asks me about drinking and paryting, i simply point out that "if I drank all the time, I'd have the body of a guy who drank all the time" and few can say much back to that.

    Don't even get me started at the 'regular's that are female and drink all the time. Again, you can tell they just party a lot...

    So you're not alone in this.

    another favorite line 'thatll look better in the glass/on the plate, then it would on my stomach'

    Or 'its almost beach season' etc.

    Few understand that I still wann alose 5lbs, so I can be leaner this summer. Few people are as sexy as me naked.

  • DianatheRed
    DianatheRed Posts: 41
    I drink because I DO like the taste :) I have several friends that do not drink because they think it tastes bad-and who am I to judge--I don't like mushrooms because of the taste, but I am not judged for that ;) I will say, though, that when you go out, go with a friend that does drink and just give her the drinks you don't want! Its a win-win!!! :drinker:
  • hugthefish
    hugthefish Posts: 33
    I don't drink, essentially for the same reasons you mentioned. I don't like the idea of putting something in my body that will change the way I think. So I would never drink enough to be drunk. I also think it tastes disgusting, so what is the point? If I want to drink something to have fun with my friends I'll grab a soda or something.

    I find that people actually don't invite me to things when they know I don't drink. My so-called friends will go out to bars and not even ask if I want to hang out. And when I invite people to do something on a weekend I usually get turned down because they would rather go out someplace with alcohol. I'm extremely sick of it. Just because I don't drink doesn't mean I can't sit in a bar and hang out with people. I'm getting sick of being punished for making this personal decision.

    I am 22 now, but when I was 21 I HATED telling people how old I was because they would give me this look that just screamed, "I totally know you're going to go get wasted every weekend just because you can now." Since I turned 22, apparently I'm far enough away from 21 that people no longer think I'm an alcoholic....
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member

    We have a female friend who drinks a LOT, like to the point of stumbling and almost being a pain weekly. She embarassed herself and got into a bit of a fight one weekend with our friend, the bar owner. We hadn't seen her there in 2-3 months and she finally came around, I started buggin her a bit about coming out (be fun, have a few drinks, etc) and she eventually said she quit drinking to try and lose a bit of weight. So I was like, thats awesome, I can respect that. And that's basically where it ended.

    Our staff went to a pub last weekend, for a few hours on Sunday. They all drank, and I had 2 virgin caesars. I took a bit of teasing from the 3 guys there, but the owner and me were the only 2 in the group with decently in-shape bodies. So come beach season, it'll be worthwhile.

    I simply told them 'i cant drink'. Same with at work 'i cant eat that'. It's like I'm a robot.

    It's nothing to be shy or embarassed about. Some people will understand you, some won't.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Is there anybody else who doesn't drink here? what do you say to people when they almost try to force it down your neck so you can 'have fun'?

    When i say 'oh sorry, i dont drink' they have a face of dissapointment, buy me a alcoholic drink anyway, and i get really annoyed at that.

    I don't drink either, just don't like the taste, and there's no point "spending" my cals on something that's just going to make me hot, and then make me fall asleep, lol...and I hate it when we go out and people try to get me to drink wine, or beer, yuck.

    I'm perfectly fine with water or diet coke. I might drink a COUPLE of times throughout the year, but it's always at a friend's house where I can mix my own. I fill a glass about 3/4 up with ice and sprite zero and then add a shot of vodka. That's yummy and not many cals, but like I said, it's only about twice a year, and I can sip on that all night, lol.

    Alcohol also irritates my acid reflux worse than almost ANYTHING else, so it's easy to avoid.
  • lynnetted43
    lynnetted43 Posts: 252
    i dont drink either. believe me, i can drink and have in the past. hell i could have raised the titanic from the depths of the ocean with all the booze i have swallowed in the past. but now its different. i can go out and have a great time. people see me and they think im actually drunk. i m not. im just high on life. it does no good to work out and take care of yourself, then just drink all that hard work litterally down the crapper. not to mention, im a personal trainer,and a mom. what kind of example would i be setting if i slurped on back? not a good one. irts a personal preferance, but if anyone gives you flack... give it right back!!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    At family parties in my twenties I used to get the "why don't you drink?" questions, to which I would respond "why don't you smoke?" Then they understood that it was a personal choice.

  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I'm so sorry!

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have a hard time accepting that:
    1) that some people really don't want to drink alcohol
    2) that people can have just as much fun without drinking alcohol

    It's my problem, not yours. I get that. But, still, while I'm not a pusher, I really dislike when someone is not participating. It just makes it suck. So, that might be why people do that.

    Additionally, most non-drinkers that I know would just prefer to not be around it. But, sometimes they have to be, like certain events and such, so they tolerate it.

    Unless there is a specific health reason, or alcoholism or something, I don't understand why you wouldn't just have a few and enjoy life. But, whateves.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    "I've had a really bad experience with alcohol. It makes me a bit crazy so I avoid it."
  • DaleArden
    DaleArden Posts: 26
    Certainly, not all people that drink are idiots about it--I know plenty of people who drink moderately/occasionally with whom I really don't mind hanging out with my diet coke or sparkling water. What I have discovered though, is that the drinkers who make a big deal of someone's non-drinking tend to do it from a defensive "don't let me examine my drinking too closely" kind of place. The crux of the problem, really, is that problem drinking is endemic in society these days, and many many people have unadmitted problems with their drinking but the culture around us considers it normal and even required for people to drink. I don't drink--I'm one of those people that really can take it or leave it (shame I can't say the same about chocolate...) but my partner is a recovering alcoholic and has currently been sober for almost two years. The close examination (of both myself and addiction issues) that comes from living with an alcoholic, whether in recovery or not, really exposes the vice-grip that alcohol has on our society. It really is the elephant in the room.
  • AmberLee2012
    AmberLee2012 Posts: 540
    Alcoholism runs in my family big time. I don't speak to my mother because she is such a terrible, mean alcohol. I didn't drink until I was 24. I was so afraid of ending up like my mother. A lot of my friends will have a beer or two every night, especially as it gets closer to the summer weather, but I rarely drink during the week. Saturday we will go out and have a couple drinks and that's good enough for me. When people try and pressure me, I tell them I would MUCH rather eat my calories than drink them, since I'm on my weight loss journey. A lot of times I think people pressure so they don't feel bad about their habit. Usually people who pressure drink quite often. If people are really your friends, they will understand that it's a personal choice for you. Don't let them get you down.
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm the person at the party who is terribly sad when they can't find diet soda. All alcohol tastes like cough medicine to me.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I drink, but I have friends that don't and would never think of trying to convince them they should. Nor do I think they are boring. The same is true of acquaintances. I find it very odd that people try to get you to drink alcohol after you state you don't want to.