

  • I make sure I eat plenty of fruit and veg, but try to buy on special when I can. It doesn't have to be expensive if you buy from the right places
  • I have the same breakfast every day and very similar lunches every day.....much easier when working....if the food is healthy, you are getting enough nutrients, you like it and don't get bored with it, what does it matter. The whole point is to eat food that you like and that is healthy for you......
  • Much safer to lose 1lb per week - more likely to keep it off. any good dietitian will recommend only 1lb per week - and it means we get more of the right food and won't have that I'm starving feeling.
  • Definitely get it checked out!!!!!!
  • thankyou eatright2013
  • I agree - with support from us on here you can do it!! No food is bad food - you just need to make sure that you are within your calorie limits and that you have mostly healthy food and the occassional treat. Yes - prove him wrong. then he will be eating his words. Could be jealous too.... For extra support you can add me…
  • Yes it is more difficult once you get older, particularly because most people are less active. However, it CAN BE DONE!!!!!! You just have to want it hard enough - and exercise doesn't have to be strenuous. I lost 52 pounds in 52 weeks - the main exercise was walking, with some cycling, and always using the stairs instead…
  • I was 52 when I started and lost the safe amount of 1lb per week. Max should be no more than 2lb per week, otherwise it is far too easy to put back on. If you are determined, you can do it.
  • If you make sure that you lose no more than 1lb per week, and do some exercise - walking is fine - then you won't look like a prune. Also, when you lose the weight, will you be wearing revealing clothes? If not, does it matter. My stomach could do with some firming up (I don't look like a prune - and I did lose 1lb per…
  • I made a huge vegetable soup the other week - quite filling but ended up being about 50 calories per servce!!!!!!
  • True - but important to remember to stay away from the fad diets
  • Salad is not the only healthy thing out there. In fact, I have lost 3 stone 10 lb in 12 months and had salad only a couple of times a week in the summer, and maybe twice a month in the winter, But my eating is still healthy. It's all about the cooking methods and the choices you make, and the exercise that you do - and in…
  • I am but I make sure it is healthy, and lower in calories. Fruit and veg is a good thing. Just stay away from 'comfort foods' that have been cooked in loads of fat and have load of calories.
  • Totally agree - lost 52 pounds with careful eating, walking, some cycling and using the stairs - no gym in sight
  • I haven't gone black - but use skimmed milk - 0.1%fat. No sugar. If you find it hard to cut out sugar, cut back 1/2 teaspoon at first and continue with this gradual reduction about every 2 weeks. If you find you want to cut down on the number of cups, alternate 1 cup with some water - helps to gradually cut down. I now…
  • I have lost 52 pounds in 11 months. What did I do? Had 1500cals per day by: cut back on portion sizes and used a smaller dinner plate Main meal was made of of half vegetables/salad, quarter protein and quarter starchy carbs - YES I had carbs - they are not evil, it is usually what you have with them Lowered fat and sugar…
  • Absolutely right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • There is only one word to describe how you look - FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • so true - I lost 52 lbs in 11 months and did not step foot inside a gym...just sensible eating of ALL the food groups, and walking, a bit of cycling and using stairs instead of the lift at work.... All movement adds up - even a good housecleaning session burns an incredible amount of calories. Oh - and WELL DONE - you look…
  • As the old saying goes "Use it or lose it" - my mother suffered knee pain for many years, but continued to walk everywhere so that she ensured she would always be mobile......
  • Use what you learned earlier to build on your knowledge and experience......
  • One of the big this as we get older which make it harder to lose the excess weight than when we were younger, aside from the hormonal changes, is that as a whole, the older we get, the less active we are, so with modifications to the eating plan, an increase in exercise is a must. This doesn't have to be at the gym either,…
  • Absolutely true!!!!!!!
  • Yep, I'm 53 - it is more difficult, but if you stick to good eating habits, and make sure you move more - even just walking everywhere instead of taking the car if possible, and using the stairs instead of the lift, it can be done. Walk up and down escalators as well, it can be done. I have lost 24 kilos (about 52 lbs) in…
  • No particular 'diet' - just smaller portions from all the food groups, with as little fat as possible: change of cooking habits: lots of walking and some cycling. Have lost 24 kilos in 11 months - slow but steady to keep it off - for those working in pounds, that's about 1 pound (1/2 kilo) per week approx. Dropped 3 dress…
  • I found that it's not actually the age, but how dedicated we are, and also that generally we are less active. I'm 53 and lost 3.5 stone this year, but I was dedicated to losing it this time, rather than being half hearted about it. While there can be some barriers, essentially committment is the key thing - and I am NOT…
  • There is nothing wrong with having a snack, especially when you have breakfast that early. Try to make it a healthy snack, eg a banana or an apple, so that it is healthy. That way you get some of the fruit you should have in the day and it won't be alot of calories. Also, sipping water during the morning will help to…