cnance Member


  • I just looked this up yesterday. The most commonly suggested range for exercise is 70-85% of 220-age. The 220-age is the maximum heart rate (estimated) for your age. Ideal excercise range is 70-85% of your max. So for you... 220-24= 196 max bpm, exercise range 137-167 bpm. I got this informaiton from the Mayo Clinic…
    in heartrate Comment by cnance May 2012
  • Fuji apple. Love them.
  • I have a protein smoothie most days w/ 1.5-2 scoops of protein. This is usually 450 calories or so. I eat about that many calories for lunch and dinner also. Snacks throughout the day are 2-3 at around 150-200 calories. On workout days or very active days I try to plan for larger meals at breakfast and lunch even though I…
  • Good luck making your move on those chicks with sweat running all down your... back.
  • 'The Friend Request' - a comedy/thriller that's free on Kindle. Funny so far but I just started it.
  • It's been hot here for a while. It was 110 on Saturday (w/out heat index). We average ten 100+ days/year, normally most are in late July and August. We've had over 20 already this summer and they forecast for 100+ everyday for the next week plus. It's 1030am here and its 90 outside. I'm sick of this heat!
  • I drink black coffee also. I have about three cups a morning. Sometimes less. I also drink a lot of water in the morning and all day (120-160oz/day). Its never hampered my weight loss efforts, but I have tried to cut back and sometimes only have two cups a day. I just don't like feeling like I 'need' something to get me…
  • Toilet, either #1 or #2... then scale.
  • Love most all peppers, but green bell peppers give me heartburn. Red, Yellow, & Orange bell peppers don't. Not really a preference just something I've learned.
  • I don't eat mangoes but my daughter loves them. I slice vertically around the core as best as I can. So that there are 4 slices with meat side up and skin on. Then score the meat into little cubes still attached to the skin. The cubes can then be eaten directly from the skin. It's messy but it works. I found this method on…
    in Mangos Comment by cnance May 2011
  • This is the only dirty joke I've ever told my daughter... she hates it, but its perfect for kids around 8yo. Me: Wanna hear a dirty joke? Kid: Yeah. Me: A clean white horse fell in the mud.
  • For stuff like that I just estimate. Although in your case I may leave off logging the onion. 3 slices of a small tomato is probably half a small tomato, for instance. I also log everything, partly because I want to see my macro's including fiber.
  • Did I loose you? There all slowly dieing inside just reading my sentences. You're welcome.
    in Lose vs Loose Comment by cnance May 2011
  • I like bacon, but I like losing weight more than I like bacon. I think.
  • I don't think their going to explain it to you. Your a lost cause.
    in Lose vs Loose Comment by cnance May 2011
  • Almost forgot about Saving Private Ryan. That movie I definitely cried. Dad, brother, and I went to see that and had to wait a few minutes to leave the theater. Loved Where the Red Fern Grows, book tore me up as a kid. And Ole Yeller.
    in Men only.... Comment by cnance May 2011
  • If you're doing Insanity, then I highly recommend you get some protein bars or shakes or powders. They have a lot of calories but you need the protein.
  • That was the second most shocking part of the story, I agree.
  • Those statistics are sad, but not really surprising. I work in an office with only college grads, 10 of us from 23-60. Two of us read regularly. A couple more have read one book in the last year, the rest probably don't remember the last book they read after college. I think its sad, but I've always enjoyed reading as has…
  • Marking this thread. Wife and I started today after buying the book on Kindle over the weekend.
  • Only if you're a cute chick and have nice assets.
  • I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying. – Michael Jordan The true measure of a man’s wealth is in the things he can afford not to buy. – Ralph Waldo Emerson The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. – Tommy Lasorda
  • Back on the horse yesterday. It was a struggle but I got through Legs and Back. I was shaking like a leaf on that darn chair pose!!!
  • Most of mine have been covered already. However there are two seperate women at my office that do not understand corporate dress. I work in a business casual office, but its the dressy side of business casual. Polos are frowned upon unless its Friday. I usually wear a blazer or suit jacket with my long sleeved shirt and…
  • I thought there were some good performances last night but ... Naima needs to go. That song last night was horrible. I also think Haley, Stefano, or Paul will go... I hope its Haley, even though last night was her best performance. I don't like Pia, but I think she's probably the favorite right now with James and Scotty…
  • Ashley Madison has been around for a while... every so often it will get a lot of publicity and then it will die off for a while... As a happily married man, I think its crap and very wrong. But I've known enough people that have cheated in marriages to not be surprised it exists and even thrives.
  • I vaguely remember a weekend last Fall that I spend in NoLa, does that count for anything?
  • You want an MRS degree. I'm from the central part of the US and lots of women I went to college with were the same way...
  • As I'm getting older I'm getting more OCD, drives my wife crazy. I must load the dishwasher to maximize getting the most dishes in and still clean. (Wife now refuses to load the d/w because I unload and reload it.) I must have clean sheets each week and have to be the one to make the bed just right, with no wrinkles on the…
  • I know its not right... but I refer to these people as "HandiFat" because their handicap is being too fat!