ETC80 Member


  • For me, the key to eating healthy on a budget is shopping often. Most of my diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. I buy these frozen (so they won't go bad quickly), or buy a small fresh-so it won't spoil before we've eaten it. Somethings you can buy fresh and freeze, if it's on-sale....other things you…
  • While I try to avoid non-whole grain breads and pastas, I do allow myself indulgences from time to time. I keep lots of healthier options close, like fruit and chopped vegetables, and I keep junk out of the house, as much as possible. My weakness is sweets, especially ice cream and chocolate. I've noticed that if I only…
  • As a child, I was overweight. My mother, whom was of a normal weight, even after having several children, used to ride my a** unmercifully about losing weight. She would make comments DAILY about anyything and everything weight-related you could imagine. At family gatherings, she would even have loud conversations about…
  • Chicken breast, Greek yogurt, and Special K Protein Plus cereal...
  • Marinate the chicken breast in Ken's Zesty Italian dressing for about an hour. Grill. Chop and throw on top of a vegetable salad.
  • That's tough because I like to do both... I also pay attention to how things look in the mirror, how I feel (energized v. sluggish), and how my clothes fit.
  • Anything that comes from an animal (milk, eggs, and meat), or any fruit or vegetable in which I eat the skin (apples, tomatoes, grapes). I'd say at a minimum to do organic meats and milk...especially if you have young kids in the home.
  • did you follow any particular diet? -No, I FINALLY began counting calories and eating reasonable portions (with the help of this site). I wasn't particularly overweight, but I was still eating like a 20-something year old athelete, where I'm now a 30-somthing non-athelete. did you reduce carbohydrate? fat? Calories? -I…
  • I weigh myself daily and record it using an app for the iPhone (Target Weight by Tactio). I record my weight on MFP on Wednesdays.... On the weekends I (usually) indulge in a little alcohol and extra sodium, and I feel the water-retention's all gone by Wednesday...for me, at least...
  • I say if you want it, go for it. If you have the money and recovery time, and the positives outweigh the negatives (in you opinion), why not? As long as you're reasonable about the results and don't take it to an extreme, I say do it.
  • Cabernet Sauvignon @ 90 calories per 4 oz...and worth every calorie!:heart:
    in Wine. Comment by ETC80 October 2011
  • She represents me well...
  • Cookies and cream flavored ice cream or frozen yogurt..:heart: :heart: :heart:
  • FYI..the dog hangs out with her.:explode:
  • Wow. This lady must be really awesome...:flowerforyou:
  • Are able to do strength training or cardio? If so, it may help you off your plateau...
  • We do long walks together, and I love it! We talk and walk...great quality time together, in my opinion. We have a gym in our apartment complex. We've went there a couple of time together. it's close to our home, so we can finish up at different times and not worry about waiting around for the other since it's only like a…
  • Gala apples, navel oranges, Activia Low Fat/Fat Free yogurt in any flavor except for strawberry/banana, and radishes... I try to keep a ready-supply of all...
  • Our bodies are made to have babies. Their's are made to build muscle. My husband can eat more than me and not gain weight. He also exercises the same amount of time and intensity, and burns more calories. Life's unfair like that... Embrace your femininity. I'd take being a woman any day over being a guy, but that's just…
    in Spouses Comment by ETC80 October 2011
  • Great question... I've done a little reading on this topic myself. Google the Minnesota Starvation Experiment when you get a chance.
  • I do and have for many years. Take a look at my routine exercise diary is public. One of my biggest pet peeves are girls who think they will get bulky if they do strength training...girl, please! It'll take a lot more than a few lat pull-downs to make you look like a body builder!
  • I gained weight on a few, but it was because my appetite was increased. Allese works good for me, as far as not increasing my appetite, but everyone's different. A little weight gain's s till easy to deal with than an unwanted pregnancy...
  • Red wine here too. Cabernet Sauvignon is my favorite for taste. 90 calories per 4 ounces...and totally worth it!
  • I have the same issue. My husband, who has the metabolism of a field mouse, can eat anything and not gain weight, so we have a few empty calorie items in our pantry. Here's my trick to over-coming the urge to binge... acknowledge my feelings. It's ok to feel this way. What is it exactly that you feel? It's up to you to…