atombud Member


  • Well I have to give you the opposite advice, weights first then cardio.
  • I use the elliptical as my primary cardio. I go for 5 minute warmup 50 minutes of zone training and 5 minute cool down. Usually burn around 700 cals. per session. I like it better than a treadmill since it is easier on the joints and I can adjust the resistance to increase my HR. I do not last long while running in my…
  • What are you drinking? You do not have any drinks or water intake listed?
  • I sometimes feel that way, but I suggest you get your body fat measured and see where you actually are. I have managed to get down to 14.5% body fat currently which is an excellent range for a male.
    in Body Image Comment by atombud March 2011
  • I think it would be best to have someone who kows what they are doing, most larger fitness centers can do this, they may charge you but the satisfaction of knowing it is done correctly is worth it ot me. I had mine done yesterday at Life Time Fitness, thinking I still had saome weight to lose but my body fat is at 14.5%,…
  • I would change up my daily calorie intake every couple of weeks, a couple of weeks at 1200 a day the 1310 aday for a couple weeks and so on but would stay at a deficit for the week and I never hit a wall until these last 10 pounds I want to lose. So for 90 + pounds I did not have any problems. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • I would say eat every 2 to 3 hours small meals, 200 to 400 calories, lower your sodium intake, drink more water minimum of 8 glasses more if you can. balance your calories from fat you seem to be over on that quite a bit, up your fiber and protein intake. Hope this helps. Good luck
  • It took me about 6 months, have my appointments in April and October. Started myfitnesspal in May 2010 and log in everyday and have had some great success. Wish you the best.
  • I also take fish oil just 2 caplets or 2000 mg a day, plus the excercise and watching what I eat. My cholesterol when I started was over 300 now it is below 100 so the combination worked for me. My doctor was shocked whe she saw the new test results plus I had lost about 60 pounds at the time when I saw her. See her again…
  • I weigh 178 (lost 91 pounds so far) and saw this article and found it interesting because I needed a new work out to mix things up. So I bought Jillian Michaels PowerBell, just tried it for the first time and was kind of slow on my movements and did it for 20 minutes and burned 246 calories according to the Polar HRM. So I…
  • I use the sketchers brand and love them, most comfortable shoe I have worn. Actually have 3 pair now and when I go walking or jogging usually do 5 to 6 miles with no pain.
  • My guess would be just the shot, depending on much guiness you use a 16oz guiness is roughly 180 calories, where as the bailys is closer to the 237 count.
  • Nature's Own has these per slice 35 Calorie 9-Grain 35 Calorie Wheat 35 Calorie Honey Wheat 35 Calorie White
  • Looking over your food diary looks like you are not getting enough water also, looks like you mainly stay in the 4 to 6 glasses a day range. I would suggest increasing the water to the minimum of 8 but try for 10 to 12 glasses a day. Don't get frustrated though some times the body does strange things, this is not a set…
  • Hi, I use the FT40 and also have the flow link, works great and just place it on the flow link and it will download your workouts to the polar website so you can easliy keep track.
  • I went thru that also, was at around the 40 pound lost before I went from a 38 to 36 in men's size. Now at 51 pounds lost and the 36 fit a little loose but still have a way to go to get to the 34. Hang in there and don't be discouraged the inches will eventually drop.
  • I agree with sngnyrslp you eating habits are not looking very good according to your diary, fat content is high, calorie intake is higher on most days and your water consumption is not adequate. Need to work on those items for a start from what I can tell.
  • You may also want to try Maranatha Dark Chocolate Almond Butter, I like it better than peanut butter and the almond fat is supposed to be better than the peanut fat from what I hear.
  • I have to agree with the other posts, you are not eating enough and from looking at your diary, you need to eat every 2 to 3 hours just small meals or snacks not breakfast and then again at dinner time. Your water intake is way to low from what you have posted also. Good luck.
  • Hi, I started out in May around 260 pounds myself. For the first 2 months all I did was walk, no running just walking keeping my heart rate at the 120 to 130 range. Started of at about 30 minutes and as time went increased my walking time. The weight dropped at the 2 - 3 pounds per week. Now that my weight is around 221…
  • You may want to try resistant bands to start off. Granted you can't tell what weight it would be but you can adjust the tension on it by adjusting your stance on it.
  • Yea your crazy, 30 cal over is no big deal plus you have your exercise calories. Your pic looks great, so don't try to loose to fast otherwise you will just dissappoint yourself.
  • I have not tried any walking programs, but have walked for the majority of my exercise since I started in May, because it has been so hot lately I am using the elliptical for now until it gets cooler again. I have had great success so far just from walking at about 3 to 3.5 miles per hour and walk anywhere from 30 minutes…
  • Looking at your diary, your sodium intake is high, try cutting that and maybe drink a little more water. Even though you are over the 8 glasses regularly with the sodium intake I would think you are retaining and need the extra water to help flush the system.
  • This was posted a few days ago, may help. I am insulin resistant so I have incorporated most of these into my diet. Wish him the best and keep it up.
  • I would say it is algae growing in the pitcher, if you have it in sunlight it will grow faster. Clean it with a bleach solution to kill the algae and keep it in the fridge.
  • Check out iif you want to keep track of any walking you may do outdoors, the 305 has gps tracking, it is a couple hundred but is pretty accurate from my use. Or Polar has some good ones also.
  • Welcome to the site, I really think you will enjoy it. :smile:
  • Your body has gone into starvation mode. That happened to me also, eat the calories or some of them that you burn during exercise and you should start losing again.
  • Cucumbers or pickles depending on the size have very few if any calories. Most medium size pickles will have maybe 5 calories the baby pickles may not register any unless you over eat.