The One Month Wall

I have been here before. January, lost 12 pounds...feeling hope! A couple of years ago, I lost ten pounds in January, and then just stalled out. This time, I am determined to keep going past February, past March, past April, and just keep rolling along. It is hard when I don't see much change on the scale, and I think I just get tired of being disciplined. I have to do this, and keep going, for years, for my life, in order to get where I want to be. I plan to take a meal off for Valentine's Day with my husband, so maybe that will shake things up a bit. I just don't want to hit the wall and give up.

How do you all keep motivated for the long haul? How do you handle days when you would rather just snack on whatever you want, or days when you don't get exercise in and don't have as many calories to work with?


  • atombud
    atombud Posts: 38 Member
    I would change up my daily calorie intake every couple of weeks, a couple of weeks at 1200 a day the 1310 aday for a couple weeks and so on but would stay at a deficit for the week and I never hit a wall until these last 10 pounds I want to lose. So for 90 + pounds I did not have any problems. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • Nixb24

    I completely agree! I am hitting that wall right now. One month in, I've lost 8lbs and i'm feeling the cravings for things now! I am getting married in a year, you'd think that's motivation enough, which it is, but sometimes i just wanna give in. WHY?? I'm now trying to change the routine slightly but its really tough. I need some tips, some advice and some more good eating knowledge!

    Nicky x
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I know how you feel and have been there. I have found that if I don't buy junk and keep junk out of my house then I won't eat it and I am not going to go drive to a store for a bag of chips to cure a craving so that is how I keep myself from snacking so much. If you don't have access to it you can't eat it for the most part.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I allow my own success to motivate me. It is an amazing feeling!
  • takingbackalison
    Its SOOO hard to stop craving foods that are bad for me.. especially with my Mom sitting a few feet away right now eating a bagel and butter.. MMMMMMM I WANT SOME lol. Butttt then I just think about my gigantic butt and allllll the times I had to say no to new experiences because I was embarrassed of my body, and all the times I feel left out when I'm with all my skinny friends because I can't fit in everything I try on.. and all the times guys have walked past me to a skinny girl... That is my motivation..
  • Cristy_AZ
    Hi Kate! I agree that your success and your own goals have to be your motivation. My only advice is to change things up, both exercise and diet. I stalled for quite a while, once I started eating more protein and eating every 3-4 hours things git going again. Your body and your mind get used to exericse, I think and you have to try something different. I totally feel you with being scared of hitting the wall and giving up. When I got over 20 pounds lost, I kind if panicked, lol, can't tell you how many times I lost 10 or 20 pounds, then something would go wrong or is just give up and the weight would come back. I have aong way to go and I just keep telling myself this time is different, just like when I quit smoking, finally after failing. I just had to want it bad enough and KNOW I was going to do this and succeed! Jillian tells me all the time "just remember all the reasons you bought this DDVD in the first place" and "keep going, don't you dare quit" :)
  • k8tmama
    Thanks, guys! I will get there this time!