what am i doing wrong? :( :( :( :(

xweerachceex Posts: 85
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
hi all

well its simple .......

every-one on my profile or every1 i see is loosing 0.5 pounds to 4 pounds a week ......
ive been stuck on 9 pounds since i got here :explode: :brokenheart:
im not saying anything bad about any1 thats loosing im sooooooooo happy for every-one that is loosing!:heart::flowerforyou:
but im asking why im not loosing anything???

i gained 2 pounds of water weight last week and ive just lost that this week

but it seems like every-one is half way threw the race and imstill at the starting line :grumble: :sad:

feel free to look at my diary my exercise anything you need

im 5 3" 166 pounds want to loose 21 pounds by xmas but if i cant loose anything just now what are my chances of loosing by christmas :sad: :sad: :sad:

im always under my cals workout when i can

im starting my new job tonight and my training will not permit me to workout at a gym for 3 weeks but i will be trying my hardest to do my 30 day shred every day at somepoint and watch what im eating

if im honest i dont think my cal intake is a problem im mostly like 900 every day

if any-one has any advice or anything! please share

(any-one feel free to add me as a friend)

Rachael :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    wow, 900 calories everyday?! :noway: That's so low! Even I can't handle 900 everyday and I'm 5'2".

    I make sure I eat small meals every 2-3hrs 4-6 times a day. That way 1200 or with added exercise calories spread out throughout the day. I don't eat all my exercise calories, I eat about 20-50% of it depending if I'm hungry or not. If I"m hungry I'll eat.

    Listen to your body and drink lots of water.

    Drinking enough water a day DOES help with weight loss, especially if you have a high intake of sodium. Watch out for sodium because it can hold onto water.

    Also, are you getting enough fibre? I read around forums that 25g of fibre a day helps.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    You need more calories. Your body is hanging onto the fat cause it feels like it is starving even though YOU probably don't feel that way. I also agree with the "Drink more Water"!!
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    If you've been sub 900 cals/day, you may have pushed your body in to starvation/conserving mode. You won't burn calories with your body like that. It's important to eat your maintenance calories each day. You said "if you're honest..." but are you even lower then that? Don't fall prey to the eating next to nothing will equal weight loss. I did that, eating under 1000 calories and put my body in to starvation, didn't lose weight, had a heck of a time getting jump started, had to gain weight to get back to normal. Especially if you're working out, you need to feed your body.
  • tradle
    tradle Posts: 38 Member
    yeah I was thinking maybe on some days you are not eating enough as weird as that sounds. If your body doesn't get enough calories it thinks it is going to starve and so panics and won't let go of any fat, it trys to keep it in reserve. Best to try to eat your 1200 a day. Good luck, I'm sure you'll start to see some results soon. Be careful of low cal but high fat foods as well.
  • bam237
    bam237 Posts: 2
    Don't get frustrated.....but from looking at your food, you need to eat more, you have so many days under 1000 colories. Make sure you eat closer to goal or your body will just store the fat. Also the biggest is drink the 8 glasses of water. That is hard but make it a routine...then the weight comes off more evenly. And as hard as it is try to avoid the white bread....whole grains when possible. Just stick with it. Its always great to lose 2lbs a week but nothing wrong with breaking even one week. Good Luck:happy:
  • T:flowerforyou: he people you see losing one pound a day are on the HCG diet.
  • T:flowerforyou: he people you see losing one pound a day are on the HCG diet.

    whats the HCG diet?
  • atombud
    atombud Posts: 38 Member
    I have to agree with the other posts, you are not eating enough and from looking at your diary, you need to eat every 2 to 3 hours just small meals or snacks not breakfast and then again at dinner time. Your water intake is way to low from what you have posted also. Good luck.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    :smile: I agree you are not eating enough...... eat more to lose more... sounds crazy but it works.. 3 meals and 2-3 small snacks a day.... I usually have a snack mid morning and then an evening snack with tea....3-4 hrs after dinner.... I inever feel hungry and am losing weight.:happy:
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    T:flowerforyou: he people you see losing one pound a day are on the HCG diet.

    whats the HCG diet?

    Googled it ... http://hcgdietinfo.com/ The bit I read it is for people who are seriously overweight.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    T:flowerforyou: he people you see losing one pound a day are on the HCG diet.

    whats the HCG diet?
    Honestly, I don't think you should worry about the HCG diet until you master eating correctly, which is what everyone one else has mentioned: you need to eat more. At least 1200 cal a day, plus, eating back your workout calories. You're essentially starving your body such that it has slowed down your metabolism in order to save fat because it't not getting enough from you. That's why you havent' lost weight. Oh, and when you up your calories, for the first 1-2 weeks you will GAIN weight BECAUSE your body will still be in that "save, save, save" mode. But after that 1-2 weeks, it will realize it's getting more food and will speed up your metabolism to account for that and the lbs will start falling off as your body lets go of the fat. Also, drink at least 64 oz of water per day to help flush out water weight that your body holds on to.

    Once you've done all of this and if after a month nothing has changed, then you can feel free to try any diet you choose. But first I strongly recommend you figure this part out first. Because if you don't, then do diet you try will really work and you'll see a yo-yo effect in your weight loss.

    Good luck!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Your body thinks you are starving it, so it is hanging on to ever calorie that you intake. Like everyone else said, you need to eat more. 6 times a day is about right. A simple formula is:

    300 cal - Breakfast
    100 cal - Mid-morning snack
    300 cal - Lunch
    100 cal - Afternoon snack
    300 cal - Dinner
    100 cal - Late night snack

    You can move the calories around from meal to meal, but this is a good way to start! You have to do this to keep your metabolism burning. Think of a "bomb fire".......if you don't keep throwing wood in it, the fire will go out.

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • Water is vital, i alaways make sure i drink a pint of water when i wake up and with every meal, i always eat my 1200 calories so try to aim for more snacks, get some low fat yogurts and breakfast bars. and just snack between meals
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I know we are in the same in the same range being 5'3 & being in the 160's.

    Here is what I'm doing....

    - drink lots of water - I try to aim for 12 cups a day. For me it's easier to drink water when it's in a big water bottle that has the ounces marked.

    - I ate atleast 1200 - 1400 cals a day - of course the more you exercise your daily cals go up - I eat most of my excerise cals and yes still lose weight =)

    - I'm not on a strict diet. If I want to eat a cookie and it's not my free day, I eat it. They key thing is self control and moderation. I do bad on diets cause I'm a picky eater. I cook my normal dinners that my family like to eat and I just serve my serving on my daughter's kid size plate vs a big dinner plate.

    - I have myself a free day where I'm not concerned about cals and eat whatever I'm craving. Those are usually the days my family and I go out to a restaurant and just enjoy the food.

    My husband keeps using the word diet but i tell him it's a diet, We are just eating a bit better and in moderation.
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    i agree with everyone else. what you're doing "wrong" is not fueling your body. i eat 1200 calories, plus about 1/2 of my exercise calories, so that's around 1500-1700 calories daily. some people here eat all their exercise calories and are still losing great amounts of weight. try it for a couple of weeks... i bet you'll see results.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    You don't eat even nearly enough!
    You seem to have exercise days with around 1000 extra exercise Cals but you don't even eat the allotted 1200!! :noway:
    That means at least 1800+ deficit for last Thursday alone!! :noway:

    Your body needs fuel and starving it will only shoot your health in the leg! You need to eat at least the allotted 1200 daily and aim to eat all the exercise Cals too!

    Here are a couple of important posts to read!

  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I immediately thought you were NOT eating enough. So, I guess I agree with everyone here. I was confused when people kept telling me I'm not eating enough, but I finally figured it out.

    I noticed a lot of times you are eating breakfast then dinner and that's it. You HAVE to eat more often during the day. You should eat most of your calories by snack time between lunch and dinner. I've been slightly off on my regime because I'm between jobs (which is why I'm plateauing right now).
    Normally I eat an apple, 1/2 serving of peanut butter and a breakfast bar for breakfast=285 calories.

    I eat a Healthy Choice steamers or dinner meal for lunch=210-350 calories depending on the meal.

    I have celery with the other 1/2 of the serving of peanut butter, carrots and maybe a 100 calories snack pack for snack between lunch and dinner=300 calories

    For dinner, I have thin porkchop (around 120), chicken tenders (around 120) or ground turkey (around 150) then TONS of veggies. Dinner is normally around 200-300 calories.

    By dinner, I've had almost all of my calories, and by the end of the day, depending on what exactly I had during the day, I average 900-1100 calories. I've found eating TONS of SUPER low calorie food (so you get enough food), but stay under your calorie count, the weight falls off.

    I've lost almost 20 lbs in going on 9 weeks! That's 2 lbs a week! Like I said, I've been plateauing the past 2 weeks, and I'm fighting to get the last 3 of the first 20 off. Once I start my new job, it should start falling off again.

    So, if you can take some lessons from this, eat low calories, often...and eat most of the calories before dinner. Also, I notice you are eating unhealthy food. You should really be eating grilled/baked chicken, seafood and ground turkey (instead of beef) with TONS of veggies and NO pasta (it is high in calories and carbs). Yes, drink tons of water too!

    Good luck!
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