metzlerjn Member


  • Air pop all the way! I have a misto for olive oil so I can spray healthy fats onto the popcorn and it allows my sea salt and cracked black pepper to stick better.
  • I go by cups of air popped popcorn. 1 cup is about 31 calories. Stuffing a measuring cup full of popcorn isn't exactly scientifically accurate but it's a good ball park estimate.
  • or doritos locos tacos? or jack in the box's munchie boxes with chicken nuggets topped with cheese sauce and bacon!?! and of course I've tried both of these..and yes, very ridiculous lol
  • I would just workout more in advance.
  • Someone mentioned Bolthouse yogurt dressings and they are my absolute favorite! I have had the Caeser Parmesagno and the Honey Poppy and they are both about 45 calories for 2 tablespoons! So thick and creamy and full of flavor.
  • Where can I get a troll to guard my kitchen?
  • I guess they are better than chips because they are fat free but they don't really offer any nutritional benefits. You should try triscuits. They have tons of whole grains, and a little bit of fiber and protein. You can eat plain, or they have several flavors, or you can add some low fat cheese.
    in Pretzels Comment by metzlerjn April 2013
  • I wouldn't cut back calories on the next day, but personally I would try to eat only healthier items (less processed junk). I would also maybe workout a little harder/longer. Other than that, it is what it is and you can't take it back. Just try to be better the next time :)
  • I normally buy: Broccoli Brown Rice Black Beans Romaine Lettuce Kale/Spinach (if it's on sale) Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Berries, Pears (whatever is on sale) Frozen berries (to blend with banana and water for my fruit serving, sometimes add spinach or kale to it) Whole Grain Pasta Olive Oil Frozen skinless chicken breast…
  • Feel free to add me as well!! I'm 22, I go to Pierce College in Washington and I am studying to do Dental Hygiene!
  • brown rice and whole grain pastas. you can mix with olive oil and herbs and tomatoes and cheese. i love beans, they are great mixed with brown rice.
  • Logging in the journal is definitely a good way to get back on track, I shall do that too!
  • try some cold pasta salads with whole wheat or brown rice or quinoa with lots of veggies like tomato, avocado, onion, green beans, etc.
    in Lunch! Comment by metzlerjn January 2013
  • After taking several health and anatomy classes I have never heard of such a thing as big boned. You can maybe have denser, heavier bones but I don't think they will be bigger around making you unable to lose weight....
  • I normally bring some slightly steamed veggies to heat up to go with a precooked black bean burger or a healthy sausage link of some kind. Or I'll make a big batch of some kind of whole grain pasta dish with meat and veggies in it and bring some all week.
  • steamed broccoli and carrots and a dinner sized salad with cheese, tomato, cucumber, and olives...i'm trying to finish up my produce before it goes bad :) i'm sure ill be hungry later too
  • My boyfriend's mother commenting secretly that I look like I've lost weight. Why yes, thanks for noticing :D
  • I keep mine simple I do : frozen strawberries (six is a serving) 1 kiwi and 2 cups of spinach or 2 cups kale about half a cup of non fat greek yogurt ice or I do: 1 orange 1 kiwi 2 cups spinach or kale about half a cup of non fat greek yogurt ice i shoot for the 5 a day rule so i get all my fruit in for breakfast and 1…
  • You can easily make your own croutons! I do 6 slices of whole wheat bread, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, salt, garlic, and parsley to taste. Mix oil and seasonings in a bowl and add cut up, cubed bread (crust is optional) and mix thoroughly. Bake at 300 degrees for 15 minutes, toss the croutons around a bit, and then bake…
  • A skinny girl at the Fred Meyer deli asked if I was pregnant...hopefully she asks all her hungry customers that? A random kid at the park told me I should get a nose job.
  • I too loved reading your spunkiness. I too have thunder thighs and I love that you said you always will have them no matter how little you are, makes me feel less ashamed too have them. Thank you for posting! You are an incredible, strong woman for your amazing weight loss and dedication.
  • I'm not a big fan of that veggie combo but I must say the final product looks amazing!
  • i like to think about how long it took to put on the weight and that taking it off will take just as long if not longer. it is definitely hard work and will not happen fast. i think once you accept that it is a lifestyle and takes more than a month, you will begin to notice little changes here and there and then it gets…
  • My big kick right now is Whole Wheat Penne with Healthy Cream of Mushroom soup (i use water, not milk), veggies (I normally use broccoli and carrots) and chicken. When I portion it out, 2 cups (which is a very decent size) ends up being about 300-400 calories. I also season it with lots of pepper and garlic. Would like to…
  • definately might make this this weekend! i bet itd be great with fresh onions and garlic
  • Fat Index 29bmi BMI is a measure of the body’s fat content based on a person’s height and weight National Above average You have more body fat than 65% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global Above average You have more body fat than 95% of females aged 15-29 in the world Did you know? If everyone in the world had the…
  • Definitely noticed my pants becoming looser first, had to put a new hole in my belt :)
  • also taco salads are one of my favs and you can do refried beans instead of whole beans if that texture is better for you. there's fat free shredded cheese and delicious salsas, avocado, a FEW chips, mixed greens, brown rice mmmm
  • Hey girllll have you tried roasted veggies? they are my new fav roasted sweet potatoes/red potatoes/broccoli/kale i use about a teaspoon of olive oil and salt and pepper roast at 400 degrees for about 10-20 minutes its delish!
  • You can use a little bit of chocolate as a treat like at the end of the day if you can fit it in your calories have a little mini chocolate bar or like someone else said the dark chocolate. I find if i try to get rid of it completely I will go crazy and binge, so I try to squeeze a little treat in every once in a while.…