I need options..

kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
I have a huge addiction to two things:
1) Pop, mostly energy drinks
2) Chocolate, in all shapes and forms.
Once I start having either it's like I have zero control over what I eat after that. I have a problem with veg/fruit, only recently being able to use them in smoothies and having more with my meals, but it's a work in progress for them. I know I pretty much need to stop eating/drinking the above before it stops being a problem but what can I try to replace them with? Or deterrents, maybe, to put me off eating extras?


  • KristenBru
    KristenBru Posts: 25
    I love chocolate too and have a SUPER sweet tooth. I'm very new to this, but so far I've tried those 100 calorie packs and trail mix with a little bit of chocolate (m & m or whatever). At this point I'm not trying to completely eliminate them from my diet, but enjoy them in bits and in moderation. Maybe start there?
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Try drinking water with a couple drops of Mio in it.

    For the chocolate craving... Dark Chocolate (90%). It is not as sweet, doesn't seem to trigger that craving, and satisfies without eating much of it.

    You should try to ween yourself off most of the processed stuff and eat plenty of meat, veggies, and fruit. Just be sure it is within your calorie limit. IMO, if you don't transition to more natural foods, you will go through your daily calories faster and that will leave you hungrier and craving more.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    You should banish trigger foods and drinks from your home until you are ready to deal with them. I had the same issue with certain foods a few years back and that is what a nutritionist recommended. I went cold turkey, no substitutes. I can have the same foods around now and even eat t hem in moderation without any issues. Ice cream in my freezer gets a little old and frosty these days.

    Good luck
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Try drinking water with a couple drops of Mio in it.

    What's Mio?

    ETA: Nevermind, I googled it & we don't seem to have it here in the UK anyways.
  • metzlerjn
    metzlerjn Posts: 57 Member
    You can use a little bit of chocolate as a treat like at the end of the day if you can fit it in your calories have a little mini chocolate bar or like someone else said the dark chocolate.
    I find if i try to get rid of it completely I will go crazy and binge, so I try to squeeze a little treat in every once in a while.
    Club soda has 0 calories but the same fizz as sodas and isn't artificially sweetened or anything like that, you can try some of that with a splash of juice (I say splash because juice is loaded with sugars/calories)
    Coffees and teas are great too (without too much of the extra add ins)
    good luck!
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Try drinking water with a couple drops of Mio in it.

    What's Mio?

    It is that new flavoring to add to water that comes in several flavors. I believe it is 0 calorie. My wife and kids love it. Me personally I prefer my water straight. ;)http://www.kraftbrands.com/mio/
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    You can use a little bit of chocolate as a treat like at the end of the day if you can fit it in your calories have a little mini chocolate bar or like someone else said the dark chocolate.

    Funny you mentioned the mini chocolate bar. My wife swears that one of those little Hershey bars works for her. She will adds it to her daily calories. It works for her. We are both doing the primal lifestyle.
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Try drinking water with a couple drops of Mio in it.

    What's Mio?

    ETA: Nevermind, I googled it & we don't seem to have it here in the UK anyways.

    LOL It probably won't be too long before you can get it. It just came out here.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions, most of which I've already tried, I try to keep my chocolate intake to mixed cereal bars with chocolate/fudge bits in them, and I never eat any of my family's sweet treats. But I con myself into thinking I can buy a 6-pack of small milkyway bars or something and be able to eat them sparingly - it never happens that way. So, I've learned that the hard way :laugh: I just need a few more options, something outside the box maybe?
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    For my chocolate craving, I make what I call my chocolate covered strawberry smoothie...

    2 scoops chocolate protein powder
    5 ounces frozen strawberries
    1 cup almond milk

    Throw it all in a blender. It comes out thick and frothy kind of like a milkshake. Works very well for me.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Try drinking water with a couple drops of Mio in it.

    What's Mio?

    ETA: Nevermind, I googled it & we don't seem to have it here in the UK anyways.

    LOL It probably won't be too long before you can get it. It just came out here.

    They sound good, especially if they're 0 cal.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    For my chocolate craving, I make what I call my chocolate covered strawberry smoothie...

    2 scoops chocolate protein powder
    5 ounces frozen strawberries
    1 cup almond milk

    Throw it all in a blender. It comes out thick and frothy kind of like a milkshake. Works very well for me.

    ooooh I tried something like that before except I used a few grams of grated dark chocolate...it was very strong :laugh:
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member

    ooooh I tried something like that before except I used a few grams of grated dark chocolate...it was very strong :laugh:

    The chocolate protein powder isn't as strong in flavor plus it gives you additional protein which you need after workouts. Win/Win in my book. :drinker:
  • clareeast
    clareeast Posts: 64
    Instead of the fizzy pop, try fizzy water, and, if you need to, a tablespoon of no added sugar squash. Diet drinks aren't different enough, if you really want to break the habit - but if you can manage a single serving of Diet Coke, Pepsi Max etc in a day, it won't do you any long term harm. If it's all you drink, though, that's another matter!

    I recommend the mini Hershey bars - I bought mine in Asda - they're just big enough to satisfy the chocolate craving without making too big a hole in your calorie allowance. Or the 99 calorie Dairy Milk bars, if that's your preference. If having it in the house is too great a temptation, put the chocolate in the freezer and take out one bar a day.

    Personally, I don't deprive myself of anything, I just adjust the portion size to meet my calorie allowance. Deprivation is the number one reason people give up on healthy eating regimes - I can exercise enough will-power not to eat a family sized bar of chocolate, but not enough to resist a square or two!
  • brandeebruce
    brandeebruce Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions, most of which I've already tried, I try to keep my chocolate intake to mixed cereal bars with chocolate/fudge bits in them, and I never eat any of my family's sweet treats. But I con myself into thinking I can buy a 6-pack of small milkyway bars or something and be able to eat them sparingly - it never happens that way. So, I've learned that the hard way :laugh: I just need a few more options, something outside the box maybe?

    I have the same issue...I convince myself at the store that I can handle having six mini-bars in my house and I can just eat one per day...then I get home and look at six empty wrappers. That's why I can't buy them. If I want them, REALLY want them, I have to go after them, either to the store, or to the vending machine at work. I HATE that vending machine because they are so expensive. I'm a bit thrify, you see, so when I sit and logically think of what I'm paying for what I'm getting, I can usually talk myself off the ledge. And unless I'm actually going grocery shopping, I'm usually not interested in a special trip to the market for chocolate. So basically I have to outmanuever myself into not buying chocolate.

    One thing that I can actually have in the house without eating them all (although it does take some will power) are the Deep Chocolate VitaTops. They are 100 calories a serving and are actually very chocolatey and delicious. It hits my craving spot. I'm not sure if they are in the UK or not, but if so, consider giving them a try, if you feel strong enough. They make them in a lot of different flavors, but I've only had the chocolate.


    Good luck!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    If having it in the house is too great a temptation, put the chocolate in the freezer and take out one bar a day.

    I'm really going to have to try this! Thanks!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions, most of which I've already tried, I try to keep my chocolate intake to mixed cereal bars with chocolate/fudge bits in them, and I never eat any of my family's sweet treats. But I con myself into thinking I can buy a 6-pack of small milkyway bars or something and be able to eat them sparingly - it never happens that way. So, I've learned that the hard way :laugh: I just need a few more options, something outside the box maybe?

    I have the same issue...I convince myself at the store that I can handle having six mini-bars in my house and I can just eat one per day...then I get home and look at six empty wrappers. That's why I can't buy them. If I want them, REALLY want them, I have to go after them, either to the store, or to the vending machine at work. I HATE that vending machine because they are so expensive. I'm a bit thrify, you see, so when I sit and logically think of what I'm paying for what I'm getting, I can usually talk myself off the ledge. And unless I'm actually going grocery shopping, I'm usually not interested in a special trip to the market for chocolate. So basically I have to outmanuever myself into not buying chocolate.

    One thing that I can actually have in the house without eating them all (although it does take some will power) are the Deep Chocolate VitaTops. They are 100 calories a serving and are actually very chocolatey and delicious. It hits my craving spot. I'm not sure if they are in the UK or not, but if so, consider giving them a try, if you feel strong enough. They make them in a lot of different flavors, but I've only had the chocolate.


    Good luck!

    Oh my god they look so tasty, but no I don't think they're sold here :(
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions, most of which I've already tried, I try to keep my chocolate intake to mixed cereal bars with chocolate/fudge bits in them, and I never eat any of my family's sweet treats. But I con myself into thinking I can buy a 6-pack of small milkyway bars or something and be able to eat them sparingly - it never happens that way. So, I've learned that the hard way :laugh: I just need a few more options, something outside the box maybe?

    I couldn't do it either! ;) Dark chocolate, yes, but Milky Way bars...? They would be gone before the day was over. Same thing with ice cream. I just quit it all cold turkey. They are my triggers.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Try some chocolate milk.. I like Silk Lite Chocolate, 80 cals per cup (8oz).
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    For my chocolate craving, I make what I call my chocolate covered strawberry smoothie...

    2 scoops chocolate protein powder
    5 ounces frozen strawberries
    1 cup almond milk

    Throw it all in a blender. It comes out thick and frothy kind of like a milkshake. Works very well for me.

    I did something like that this past weekend for my wife and I.

    2 cups unsweetened almond milk
    2 tbsp 100% unsweetened cocoa
    4 tsp Stevia extract
    1 large banana
    5 oz of fresh pineapple
    2 oz of fresh strawberries

    Throw in some ice and blend.

    It worked for me. She like it OK, but it really didn't do it for her.