Jonathanfales Member


  • Complete listing of all trail races in the San Fran Bay Area in the month of August
  • Just did an article on my blog that gives 3 basic simple tips to losing weight. Allthe other advice in the world would be secondary to these 3 tips. Check it out at
  • This year brought (2) 50k races and a third is in a couple weeks. This is a big step up for me and the entire years training and racing has been a long twisted adventure. Read all about it at if you are moving to ultras in 2013.
  • The North Face Endurce Challenge Championship race is this weekend. I did a write on my blog if you want the details.
  • Mid Peninsula here!!!! I write about it here
  • just wre an aricle on cross training at
  • For those in San Francisco I write a weekly column "Races of note" listing all of the cool races we have EVERY weekend. Check it out.
  • For my San Francisco friends.
  • My 2 cents and I will qualify them with... my half pr is 1:44:00 my full pr is 3:45:00 (lots of hills) my 50k pr is 7:50:00 (poor fueling/ massive hills) You need to worry about hydration and nutrition 2 days before a major effort (major efforts are relative to your fitness level) You need to drink and eat before its too…
  • This + lemon juice & water makes up my bottle rather than Cytomax type drinks.
  • This is very true and a must if you plan to run ultras. Teaching the body to burn fuel efficiently is smart.
  • I like wearing wright socks in my NB Minimus. For that reason I cant do the vibram unless I want to try Injinji socks. The reason for the socks is for toe blister protection at the tips. I know many people who run full marathons in Vibrams but it took them a long time to work up to that distance. If you can do a half in…
  • Redwood City representin!!!
  • 178 in May, going for 210 in June!!!
  • I wanted to "ditto" those who said 60 miles per week is excessive for marathon taining. I run between 40 & 50 per week and my brother who has been doing this longer than me never runs over 40 per week. I did my first marathon training over a longer period so I could build mileage slower and run 20, 22 & 24 miles a few…
  • 2 halfs over 2 hrs and then I incorporated the insanity dvd into my routine and smashed the 2 hr mark 3 different times. Im down to 1:44:00 and this all took place over about 3 to 4 months!!!
  • Short runs of 2- 10 miles I use a little clip on bottle called the wedge from fuel belt. Clips right to your waistband. Im an amphipod user as well and love it. It doesnt bother me at all. I use it on mid distance runs of 10-15 miles along with the wedge for refills and on longer runs I clip the wedge to my nathan (2) 10oz…
  • I used david brand for shin splints while switching to a forefoot/ midfoot strike and they really helped. Once my form was corrected I never had another problem no matter the distance.
  • I use a minimalist shoe, Brooks Pure Cadence for my longer runs (10+ miles) and a barefoot shoe, NB Minimus Trail 10 for anything less. I make the distinction between minimalist footwear and barefoot footwear because the pure has some foam underneath and the minimus has almost none. Both are excellent shoes IMO :-)
  • I do Insanity video on my Monday no run day because its a killer overall strength and cardio system. I run Tue, Wed, Thur and I do the much easier Jillian Micheals 30 day shred on Fridays, the day before my long run. Other than that I only hit the weight machines at the gym if the weather forces me inside. I will then do…
  • Add me to those who would rather underestimate the burn. If you "workout" for 20 min but dont stop the HRM for 30 then you dont know precisely what you burned. In other words why not start the HRM 3 hrs before, let it go for 3 hrs after and then log your excercise as 1000+ calories burned. If your gonna cheat yourself you…
  • Not sure if this angle is represented but when people pose this question to me my answer is as follows. As a species we developed the ability to breakdown AND extract all that was available from fruit, nuts, vegetables and lean meat. This evolution took place over millions of years. Our bodies have been "adapting" to…
  • I will also add that once I dialed in my running form I no longer get knee pain. Are you a heel striker?
  • A knee brace will help during the HM. I suggest this because you dont have time to successfully strengthen your quads. Knee pain is almost always 1 of 2 issues.... either IT Band.... stretches before a run will make this better/ foam roller after the run or.... you dont do enough strength training for the quads and all of…
  • I used one to get through the splints and then focused on my form to make sure they never came back. Compression sleeve holds the muscle in close to the bones helping to support the bones.
  • The hybrid between minimalist and stability is the Brooks Pure Cadence. LOVE IT!!!
  • This falls in line with what most others have said but to expand a bit on the subject I would say the conversation pace rule of thumb should guide you. If you can carry on a conversation then you are fine if you cant then slow down or take quick walk break. If you can sing a song, pick up the pace!!
  • I agree with Rybo. I use to work in a shoe store and I run ALOT and I would recommend a bit big in general. A snug fit in the toe box is usually a bad thing that gets worse the longer you run. If blisters become a problem because of sliding around try using wright socks. They are double lined so sock rubs on sock rather…
  • I've used alot of brands and liked GU Roctane the best. I have a method of taking in the gel slowly and letting it almost melt in my mouth. It takes a half mile to take down the whole packet. For a 1/2 marathon I would take one at 4 or 5 and then a second packet at 8 or 9.
  • I totally agree with previous posters who dont carbo load. I just did a 35k trail run. Did not alter my diet at all and took some GU's and Cytomax with me in the race. I drink ALOT of fruit only smoothies and get tons of sugars from them almost daily so carbo loading to me seems un-needed.