mathen2 Member


  • Just remember to have fun and not look at the sizes. Each designer will vary in the sizes. I got my dress and it was around a size 10 ( its a custom designed bridal gown), which was shocking to me since I wear a size 2 in most dresses. Also go in with a budget below your max you are willing to spend so you dont get sticker…
  • Oh wow! What a difference. Keep going girl:)
  • Amazing! Im gonna add you cos I need an accountability buddy:)
  • Well most of the time I am running between different hospitals doing procedures, so the only time available to eat is while driving. So yogurts, salads etc are kind of out of the question since. I am trying to watch my sugar intake too since I am addicted to it:). With early mornings I definitely have to plan my…
  • Thank you so much for your inputs. Really appreciate it!
  • This is what my trainer suggest. When you workout, work a certain muscle with unstable and stable exercises. Stable exercises would be with the machines and unstable would be with free weights that would create your muscle to adapt to the various changes and get exhausted. That way you build muscle and strength. Unstable…
  • Actually most of the time, it depends on your genetics. Some people have a tendency of having scars from small cuts, stretch marks irrespective of how much Vitamin E oil, Bio Oil you use. You can try to lighten it by using hydroquinone that you get at a dermatologist but it is not recommended for extended use since its a…
  • Damn! I would like to loose 3-4 of those!
  • Well you can eat as much as you want depending on what you are trying to control. For sugar addicts like me, they say I am supposed to have only 2 servings of fruit in order to reduce to sugar rush we are so addicted to and eat more veggies.. Not like I heed to it though:) I rather eat fruits than veggies!
  • I am 5'2" and I have tried to go below 120 lbs, but somehow I end up back on 120. So I assumed my happy weight is at 120.. I was trying to lose those lbs because I wanted to get rid of the flab around my middle. But I guess I have to continue my cardio and tons of strength training. I have accepted the fact that weight is…
  • Well first of all, 1200 calories is the bare minimum to eat. So MFP sucks in its recommendation. I would set you goal to 1300-1400 calories at least!! Then when you eat, look at your net calories. Your net calories should be ( Total amount of food calories- exercise calories burned). That should fall in the 1300-1400 goal…
  • I think it varies on the individual. Along with overall workouts and REDUCTION in my intake of sugar (no juices, occasional desserts etc..) has helped me loose the padding that was around my mid-section.
  • All of the above recommendations work. But dont push yourself too hard on the treadmill while running. If you do it too fast, you might end up getting shin splints like I did. Start small and slowly ( key word: SLOWLY) build it up. I have been at it for the last year ( off and on, as I had the case of really bad shin…
  • Oh, I have started to pick my running back up. Although there are days I do HIIT on the treadmill, you can do several types of HIIT with other workouts. One of my goals this year is to run a 10K as I am definitely not a runner, so once/twice a week I do keep my long runs in my workout schedule. I dont think you should…
  • I have the Polar Ft7 and I like it. I think its close to being accurate as no HRM out there will ever be on point when it comes to your calorific burn. The only thing I wish it did have was a GPS feature (especially if you were running to give you the total miles you ran)
  • Ok, So I was in the same boat as you are when I started my MFP journey. I have never had flat abs and somehow I have to extra hard to get them. But after my personal training session for 4-5 months which included a lot of plyometrics, using heavy weights when you work specific muscles are definitely the key. Plus you want…
  • Awesome progress! Congrats..
  • Amazing progress! YOU ROCK girl!
  • So here is what you use to find out what your highest HR should reach to. Max HR= 85% ( 220-age); The range of HR doing normal activity for adults is from 60-100 bpm. So if its stays in that range, that's totally fine. Your heart rate is controlled by the Sinus Node which is the engine that keeps your heart beating and…
  • Well since you are used to P90X and Crossfit, why not make your own interval workout from the exercise that you have done? I think JM might be easy for you if you have done Crossfit before. There are tons of websites and videos on youtube (Zuzana Light) that does AMARP for 10 mins. Maybe you can combine 3 different sets…
  • Im 5' 2'' and I have a petite frame. I work out at least 3x a week doing strength training and the rest of the 3 days its cardio for 30 mins. my MFP is set to 1300 calories on days I dont work out but on days that I do, its 1300 +exercise calories determined by my HR. On average I try to keep it at 1400-1800 calories. My…
  • Im 5' 2" and I currently weigh 119.5 lbs. My starting weight was 127.6 lbs. Initially my goal weight was set at 118 lbs but when I reached it, I couldnt maintain it. Since my goal is to reduce body fat%, I will need to add more muscle, so my goal weight around 120 lbs-122 lbs is perfect as long as my body fat% is 21% or…
  • I do! It's about 14-16 bucks and it works great. I did use it every day when I started working out. Now since my muscles are more looser, I dont use it as much.
  • I am looking to reduce my body fat % and increase my muscle mass. So gaining strength is definitely part of it.
  • You have already done so much just by getting to the point of realization. Most people dont! Feel free to add me to keep you accountable:)
    in Round Two! Comment by mathen2 April 2012
  • It will vary depending on your resting HR and your weight. Use a HRM to find out that is for you instead of overestimating/underestimating calories based on someone's else settings.
  • I think you should get the adjustable weight kettlebells, so you wont get stuck with weights that you have progressed through in your strength training. Jillian Michaels from the Biggest Loser in the US has adjustable kettlebells that are available on Amazon or any website. It is pricey but its better than buying several…
  • I have changed my standard recommendations to monitor my sugar intake as well because sugar is my major weakness. Although I do exceed the level MFP gives, it is much lower than I used to take in with all the desserts and sugary stuff I used to it. Once I got my body fat% accurately measured by the Bodpod test, the coach…
  • Just Fyi, a heart attack is caused because of a blocked artery that supplies blood to the heart to keep it alive and beating. What you might be referring to is called Cardiac Arrest. When you are in Cardiac arrest, your heart will beat must faster, you might feel light headed but you end up feeling the symptoms on your way…