Losing weight in the wrong places, advice :(



  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks! Yes, I agree, 111 is too thin, I was happy at 115, trying to get back there, don't want to have to buy new work pants :) Thanks for the link, I think ab exercises are the way to go now.

    Alrhough you & I are different body types & have different health goals, I would consider supping your caloriess to avoid losing more weight. If you remain this active, take in more food.
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Pilates! It REALLY gives you an amazing ab...and fast as well as long as you do it properly.

    BTW, we are the same height, same weight (I am at your pre-loss weigh, 126) with the same goal (115 but 111 is fine for me too). Isn't that cool????????
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Oh, and if your stomach problem is fat, there is no other way to reduce it but to up your cardio for fat burning. I have pretty good muscle tone due to pilates, but the layer of fat needs to be removed to reveal those darlings :) Good luck.
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    Ok, So I was in the same boat as you are when I started my MFP journey. I have never had flat abs and somehow I have to extra hard to get them. But after my personal training session for 4-5 months which included a lot of plyometrics, using heavy weights when you work specific muscles are definitely the key. Plus you want to change your workout at least every month. That causes muscle confusion which allows your muscles to be constantly burning calories.
    After being at this for more than 6 months, I have seen my belly (which looked terrible) get flatter and I can see my hip bones!. Although I still have a little bit of the lower pouch, I plan on continuing my workouts so that I can achieve my dream of flatter stomach!
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    Oh, I have started to pick my running back up. Although there are days I do HIIT on the treadmill, you can do several types of HIIT with other workouts. One of my goals this year is to run a 10K as I am definitely not a runner, so once/twice a week I do keep my long runs in my workout schedule. I dont think you should fully give it up since you like it. I think when you do your long runs, just increase and decrease your speeds to keep it interesting. Just my opinion as I tend to get bored when I do the same workouts over and over again.:D.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Ok, a bit more info than in my previous flippant post.

    You sound like what is called "skinny fat". Eat too much of the wrong stuff and it sits on your tum and around your waist. Continue eating and then it goes elsewhere. There's a group on MFP for skinny fat people like us.

    So, you can either bugger about doing 1,000 crunches and 30 hours of planks a day, which will work... kinda... it'll create a calorie deficit but will not mean much in terms of a strong core. You'll just have the ability to easily crank out 1,000 crunches a day and make an interesting coffee table. Put it this way - in the past, I've done very little proper core work and still have a rock hard core that means I can lift my legs up to the bar without swinging.

    Anyway, I'm rambling as usual. This is what you need to try doing for the next 3 months:
    1) Work out your BMR and eat slightly less than that. I don't know if 1,400 calories is too little for you or fine but it's close to 1,200. (See my profile about why I stopped eating so little.) In other words, eat more.
    2) Lift weights that, as Sirzee says, means you struggle to do more than 6 reps in a row - focus on bench press, dead lifts, squats (or variations thereof), dumbbell bent over rows. These will really work your core if you follow the first part of this (2) to the letter (ie if you do 10x20 reps and feel fresh as a daisy then ask why nothing's happening, expect people to shout at you).
    3) Cardio, preferably HIIT or at least incorporate it. This creates the calorie deficit.

    I haven't done any proper killer ab exercises in about 2 months but ate more of anything. My midriff is starting to lean out like it's never done before.

    Thanks for all the detailed feedback!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    Thanks for all the detailed feedback!

    No probs. Post an update and let us know how you get on and what you decided to do.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    Thanks again for all the advice everyone. I have tried pilates in the past but my neck would always hurt. My plan is to:

    1. Try to have more lean protein (I do have protein shakes for breakfast or post workout sometimes but will try to do this more)
    2. Avoid sugar/white carbs
    3. Get focused with my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, 30 minutes of strength moves with a few "cardio burts" in between. I also will buy heavier weights.
    4. Eat more veggies, drink more water
    5. Be patient :)

    My workouts are: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution 4 times a week, running 2 times a week, and biking once a week. Will try to do more HIIT: in my running, biking, Jillian DVD's. :)