Meal ideas for someone on the road for work

mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
Hi Guys,

I need suggestions from you for some meal ideas that I can make the evening before the morning especially since I drive a lot for the job I do and always on the go. I drive 2 hours one way for work , about 4 times a week. Most of the time my eating is done while driving. I have been trying to be good with my healthy eating but things like Greek yogurt (even with ice packs) dont do so well especially since it sits in the car. Sometimes its hard and I cave in to eat fast food that end up being ones with high calorie intake.
Really appreciate your help!


  • chickenz
    chickenz Posts: 101 Member
    Hard boiled egg whites are easy to eat in the car
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Maybe a sandwich, with lettuce, tomato, and chicken breast meat. I say chicken breast meat in case you want to avoid the processed meats. I use sara lee 45 cal bread for my sandwiches.
  • ztdavis82
    ztdavis82 Posts: 14 Member
    I completely feel your pain. I'm out of state anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks per month and it's been a gigantic challenge to find easy options. I eat a ton of Subway. Their breakfast flatbreads (with ham and egg whites) are low cal and super filling. Their sandwiches too are a great option - at the very least, you know exactly how many calories you're eating.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I drive about 500 miles a week for work.

    My lunch box usually consists of this:

    a water bottle that I froze. I was too cheap to buy an ice pack, so I just use a frozen water bottle.
    For breakfast, I have a greek yogurt, dry cereal and a container of milk, or a protein shake

    In between stores on my route, I "snack" because I can't stop nor do I have time for a meal. So I "snack" on these:

    a fruit
    a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
    a salty snack (crackers, melba toast, etc) and a cheese stick
    I'll change it up and maybe have peanut butter and pretzels and a cheese sandwich. I try to keep the same types of food so my intake is consistent, but I alternate how I eat my foods so I don't get bored.

    Then depending on how much time I have left in the day, I keep peanuts or another nut and a protein bar in the bag.
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you so much for your inputs. Really appreciate it!
  • d6460
    d6460 Posts: 1
    If you are left with no resort other than fast food, Good Times has a yummy Lemon Chicken Caesar Wrap at about 450 cal. and Wendy's has a Grilled Chicken Go Wrap that is also pretty good at around 260 cal. Another trick is if you hate diet soda and are burnt out on ice tea or water, you can do a half soda, half lemonade for half the calories of a full sized lemonade. The carbonation makes it a treat.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    KIND bars, nuts (individual serving) cheese sticks, high fiber bread or muffin with peanut butter, sometimes with a tiny swirl of Nutella. Fruit and crackers. I don't pack "meals" so much as different items I can combine to make a meal and keep me from the drive-thru! The less spill factor, the better... :)
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    Do you have to eat while driving? ie one-handed? Or more you need things that will keep in the car?

    I drink a fruit-spinach-protein powder smoothie from a travel mug in the morning. Pre-peeled boiled eggs are pretty easy to eat on the go and they will survive a day out of the fridge. Wraps are easier to eat one-handed than sandwiches. Veggie sticks and hummus (if you make your own hummus, put some vinegar in it and it will keep better outside of the fridge). Salads that don't use leafy greens keep well in the heat (like bean salad, greek salad, quinoa salad). I love those tiny one-serving cans of seasoned tuna. I try to keep some in my desk for hunger emergencies.

    You could also invest in a hard-sided cooler to keep in the car, to help keep things fresher.

    My mom lives in her car when she's busy and she keeps protein bars in the glove compartment, and knows the calorie count of every reasonable fast food option out there.

    When you do have to go for fast food, do your research! Where I used to work McDs was the healthiest option within walking distance (no car) and ate there REGULARLY. Their salads are actually really good, and their little grilled chicken snack wraps aren't half bad. I also love the McMuffin, it's like 300cal and totally fills me up! You can make a list of what to get at which places so you're armed just in case.
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    Well most of the time I am running between different hospitals doing procedures, so the only time available to eat is while driving. So yogurts, salads etc are kind of out of the question since. I am trying to watch my sugar intake too since I am addicted to it:).
    With early mornings I definitely have to plan my snacks/meal(s) the night before.