_John Member


  • Libra - Weight Manager https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra -- John
  • It has the best, most comprehensive, database of food to be able to track calories. That's it. The reporting of your weight is a bit poor though so I recommend https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra&hl=en for that. -- John
  • amputation?
  • Eating too many cals is why people aren't losing weight. I reckon what some folks do is set MFP to activity level "active" which allows them some more cals to eat. Then they add their exercise in and that adds even more cals to eat. A nice idea but you're getting the cal allowance twice if you do that. --
  • Its my view that this myth has grown up because organisations like weightwatchers want you to weigh yourself weekly at their sessions for commercial reasons. I think you should weight yourself every day but use a tool to 'iron out' the fluctuations. http://www.appbrain.com/app/libra-weight-manager/net.cachapa.libra -- John
    in Weighing In Comment by _John April 2012
  • The same happened to me. I complained to justgiving who informed me that they will be donating any of their fees. The story is here... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17836599 Anyone wishing to donate this is the link again... http://www.justgiving.com/Claire-Squires2 -- John
  • But for some odd reason only when referring to a person's weight. When shopping or in the kitchen people in the UK use kilos (now some odd person will come and say they use pounds). --
  • Wow...got to get myself one of those.
  • I highly recommend ... http://www.appbrain.com/app/libra-weight-manager/net.cachapa.libra
  • My view is that if it isn't getting your heart rate up it isn't worth monitoring and logging. However the best weight loss app I found is http://www.appbrain.com/app/libra-weight-manager/net.cachapa.libra - highly recommended.
  • I'm surprised no-one suggested trying ebay. For that money you really can't buy a new bike of much quality but most bikes get very little use so look for last years models on ebay. I bought a Specialized bike (a decent mass market brand) for about that price that was like new but I paid half the new price. --
  • Place the jar of peanut butter or houmus on your digital scale and zero it. Scoop out the required quantity of product - the scale will show -85g or whatever you've removed. Job done.
  • I'm guessing bananas and berries ;)
  • We do? Where? The reports do not do that as far as I'm aware? --
  • Weigh yourself every day and enter the weights into a tool that will show you the trend so you can ignore the individual weights. See https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.cachapa.libra http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/signalnoise.html
  • >do you count fruits and vegetables on MFP? Yes. I'd log everything, otherwise it gets too easy to say 'I wont log that as that little bit of food doesn't count'. It all counts, and it's a fine line between gaining and losing weight. >I never really realized they had very many calories They're much better than processed…
  • I think your problem is having chips, brownies and pizza in the house. As soon as you buy them they're as good as eaten! Next time you go shopping make a list, then cross those items off.
  • I'd say definitely every day. If you wait a week to weigh yourself and you've gone up, it's going to take a week to get that weight off again and you'll have spent two weeks getting nowhere. I can see that I weigh in lower than my weight trend line *every day* and that's a big incentive. However you need a way to see your…
  • I recommend you DO weight yourself every day (as I do). However (and you know this) your weight fluctuates so sometimes even if your weight is trending down you may find the scale says you are up. So what you need is a tool to show you the (hopefully) downward trend even when your actually weight rises on a particular day.…
  • I add teaspoon of dessicated cocoanut to porridge (oatmeal) before cooking
  • James You said "I became a vegetarian because I want to be healthy and move away from all of those things that ...leads to heart problems" and then you go on to tell us you're eating cheese, cake and popcorn and you refuse to eat beans and eggs?! If you're serious about losing weight and/or being healthy you need to make…
  • My experience was that I was very hungry for the few days of reduced calories, but it rapidly gets easier as you get used to it...so do keep going.
  • I think it's easier to set goals like, I'm not going to buy butter and cheese any more. I think half the battle is won when you do your shopping, if you don't buy calories you can't eat them and the weight loss will automatically follow.
  • For me it dried fruit. Sultanas, dried pineapple, cranberries, macademia nuts. I just pick at them in tiny amounts or portion them into 100 cal packs of aluminium foil.
  • Interesting to see lots of people saying to avoid snacks. For me what works is grazing on something before I get too hungry. I eat dried fruit and nuts which I mix up into little mixed packs of about 120cals. That'll stop me getting hungry for a few hours.