Falling Further and Further off the WAGON

all was well. bought the wedding dress in my pic :) day before thanksgiving. cool.
over december i put on an expected 3 or 4 pounds. despite this and the fact that my dress has arrived for alterations and my wedding is in the beginning of june..,l CANT STOP EATING!!!!
What is wrong with me???
I know the consequences. and yet Im still doing it. I eat the way I'm supposed to all day and carefully log it. then in the evening I make a little mistake. I might pick up a couple chips out of the bag. then its a sliver of brownie. then a piece of leftover pizza. then a sandwich.
on and on it goes. then the next day im sluggish and dont want to work out >:( I'm sabbotaging myself!!


  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    Oh no! Don't do this you have worked to hard. Get all the junk food out of the house. I know if I have bad stuff I love in the house I will eat it too! That's why I don't buy it anymore. You can do this! You look beautiful in your wedding dress!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    you have to commit to the process-the entire process. No one can do that for you.
    my suggestion to control your hunger.....lots of protein and fiber.
  • PinkDeeAnna
    Put a pic of your wedding dress all over your house but especially on the frig. and the pantry! Motivation is better when it is in the form of a pic! Good luck and I know you can do it!!! Rooting for ya!
  • _John
    _John Posts: 27 Member
    I think your problem is having chips, brownies and pizza in the house. As soon as you buy them they're as good as eaten! Next time you go shopping make a list, then cross those items off.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    As said above. Throw the crap out of the house.

    Do you eat it because you want it? Or because your stressed out over the wedding etc?

    Don't think about the wedding as your goal. Think of the wedding dress as a mini goal, and transform your life.

    Think to your anniversary NEXT year, and strive to be hotter then, than on your wedding day. Your husband will thank you for it, and your marriage will too.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    CG is so right. If I have it I eat it esp at night. Try to drink tea or get those Jello Temptations. Atkins coconut bars are good too. No pizza or chips. I cant believe I haven had pizza in 4 months. You get used to it.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I have a pic of me at my heaviest on my fridge... it helps me motivate myself... :-)
  • Caseysgoals
    Caseysgoals Posts: 4 Member
    As said above. Throw the crap out of the house.

    Do you eat it because you want it? Or because your stressed out over the wedding etc?

    Don't think about the wedding as your goal. Think of the wedding dress as a mini goal, and transform your life.

    Think to your anniversary NEXT year, and strive to be hotter then, than on your wedding day. Your husband will thank you for it, and your marriage will too.

    SMART! I like the anniversary idea!
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    Ummmm get that food out of the house?
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    You have traveled extensively and you have the opportunity to complete your journey...You have done a great job so far...

    Change out the cheetoes for Special K chips...add some fiber one brownies...add some skinny cow ice cream sandwiches...

    LOG before you eat...that might help...and the best thing I ever have done is change out the enormous snack food calories for high quantity low calories...

    You are going to be great!!! If I can do this, you can do this...We do this together and it is always more fun to WIN as a team!!!! Celebrate with CELERY!!!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I know right?! Darn teenagers always have crappy food around them. And my fiance has a hard time keeping weight on ( I hate him for that) so he eats everything that isnt nailed down just to stay above 150. They are still sleeping so Im sneaking into the pantry with a trash bag RIGHT NOW
  • mdocrn
    mdocrn Posts: 4
    Easy there... It sounds like what you are doing is medicating with food! I'm sure your anxious about your wedding, and that's ok. Get yourself OUT of the house! I had the same issue with bad habits in the evening, and since in a house with two teenagers and two gradeschoolers, there is always something unhealthy to eat, I go for a walk or to the gym instead. Give it a shot. Your wedding is an important day, but it's only a day; you have to plan your marriage so that you will have it your entire life. Congratulations and good luck!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    I think your problem is having chips, brownies and pizza in the house. As soon as you buy them they're as good as eaten! Next time you go shopping make a list, then cross those items off.

    Yes, get rid of that stuff! You have worked so hard so far. You are aware of what you are doing to yourself, so stand up and go through ALL of that stuff away. Next, force yourself to exercise, you will feel great and your body will start craving it (exercise) again!!

  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Never trade what you want the MOST for what you want AT THE MOMENT.

    You are probably plenty nervous about getting married (who isn't?) and the stress is going to make it difficult to keep your commitment to yourself. It is time to renew your vows to yourself. Why are you losing weight? Is it just for your wedding, to fit into your dress? Or are you doing it to be healthier, live more vibrantly, and be your best self? You are probably noshing at night because you are lonely, worried, and/or stressed out. What can you do instead? Call a friend, troll the community forums here (LOL), maybe get a workout video and do a workout in your living room?

    P.S. True story: about a year after my wedding, I ran into one of my Mother-in-laws friends who had been at the wedding. "I didn't recognize you!" she said, "You're so much fatter now!" *sigh*
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I agree with what everybody else is saying.
    But I allow myself to have what I want. If you want Pizza, make your own. I get the ready made pizza crusts and fix them up. They are only 400 calories or less for 2 slices verses 400 calories per slice that you would get from Pizza Hut or wherever else you get pizza.

    Just log everything you are going to eat for the day and STICK TO IT! And post that pic of your wedding dress everywhere for motivation. :) Good luck!
  • vickie28
    vickie28 Posts: 68 Member
    1 st the dress is beautiful & Congradulations on your up coming wedding---- get the junk out of the house-- fill u'r fruit bowl with apples & little cuties -- YUM-- at nite what helps me is words from my sister in law who lost 45 pds ( prob. more by now ) she said when she was done eatting her cal. for the day she would quit-- there where many times at nite her tummy was like feed me I'm STARVING -- but she said ya know what -- every morning I woke up and was ALIVE so I guess I wasn't starving :) so now thats the words I tell my self at nite -- it seems to help.. Best Wishes on Your Marraige smile:
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks guys :) to answer your questions, NO im not really hungry. its more about craving. i have been on nutrisystem for a year now and getting bored with the same entree options. I work 7 days a week and my weekend job is at a homeless shelter. You would be amazed at the hight calorie, super starchy food there. We get donations from Hostess, Starbucks, Enstrom's, all the goodies. And pasta is cheap so we have that more often than not.
    My other downfall is coffee with cream and sugar! At my weekday job there's a pot of coffee in every nook and cranny of that place.
  • Alex_on_the_Rocks
    When I have the uncontrollable desire to munch, I keep my bottle of water in hand at all times! I chew a piece of gum (5 calories is better than what's in brownies, chips, and pizza!) I brush my teeth! Sometimes I just go to bed!!!
    I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding, too.
  • Alex_on_the_Rocks
    Thanks guys :) to answer your questions, NO im not really hungry. its more about craving. i have been on nutrisystem for a year now and getting bored with the same entree options. I work 7 days a week and my weekend job is at a homeless shelter. You would be amazed at the hight calorie, super starchy food there. We get donations from Hostess, Starbucks, Enstrom's, all the goodies. And pasta is cheap so we have that more often than not.
    My other downfall is coffee with cream and sugar! At my weekday job there's a pot of coffee in every nook and cranny of that place.

    I allow myself 1 big cup of coffee with cream and sugar each day, then I keep my bottles of water in easy reach all over the place! I usually have 2 or 3 open at a time placed around the house! (I'm a stay at home mom)
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    You need to get back on track BIG time. Stop trying to get on track and get on track. I know that sounds harsh, but all you need is one day. One day of eating right - you don't have to commit to any more than that. Once you've done one day, then you can think about adding another one onto that. It won't be long before you really FEEL like your are back on track and when that happens you won't be depressed or tempted to go off plan again.

    Don't forget if you are feeling deprived factor in some treats within your calories. Otherwise give yourself a stern talking to, stay on track for just ONE day and you will feel better.