Werglum Member


  • Is there a possibility that it isn't fat and is a food intolerance? I know that bloating (actual bloating rather than a regular fat tummy) is generally caused by a reaction to a food. If it is just belly fat it will go eventually, but if it is a reaction to food you'd have to exclude the food for the bloat to go away.
  • I am a teacher so spend a lot of time standing while actively teaching, but I am also the head of department so have a mountain of admin to do. I have standing desks in my office and in my classroom. I only sit down to eat lunch, the rest of the time I am on my feet all day. It took a bit of getting used to, but now it is…
  • Don't use your experience of 'before' as a guide. You said earlier you didn't log alcohol and that you were eating 2,000cal a day, this means you were probably eating more like 2500 a day (although that is a stab in the dark guess as I don't know what or how much you were drinking - it could have been more!). Alcohol can…
  • Hi, I have successfully closed my diastasis by following a programme at https://www.pregnancyexercise.co.nz . I have had 3 big babies (10lbs 3, 10lbs 4 and 10lbs 4) with my third I also suffered from polyhydraminos (too much amniotic fluid) so most of the damage was done then. You have to be careful as some exercises like…
  • With time your appetite will adjust. But it takes time. Also remember, it is okay to be hungry, we tend to eat far too much and can go for months without being hungry, this is not really a good thing. I have started doing the 16:8 eating schedule, I have been doing this for 7 weeks now (basically you don't eat for 16 hours…
  • Woo hoo! 600 days is awesome! I am currently at 575 so I hope to get there too one day (well in 25 days from today to be specific). PS I am in New Zealand too :)
  • Me! I turned 39 4 days ago, I have 3 kids (8, 6 and 2) and work full time. I need to get my act together. I have done it before but haven't managed to get back in the groove since Mr 2 came along.
  • Hi - you can add me if you like :) I am in New Zealand too and am starting again too after having a baby. I have about 10kg to go, I've lost a bit already but have stalled lately.
  • Tabata training - it is pretty much the same at HIIT (high intensity interval training) - of all the different exercises I have done while wearing my HRM tabata has burned the most in the shortest period of time - depends on which exercises you do though, burpees probably would be the highest or anything that involves…
  • Congratulations on beginning the journey. Sometimes beginning is the hardest step. Sometimes you have to log out and in again to get your profile to change to show your progress.
  • Ground linseeds (I think they call them flaxseeds in America?!?) if that doesn't work then I drink Alpine Tea, which is herbal tea with senna leaf in it.
  • Hi there, I'm 18 weeks tomorrow with #3, my other two are 5 and 3. I am working full time. I was knocked around a bit by morning sickness but am getting back into the exercise again. I struggled with huge weight gain during my last two pregnancies and am hoping to keep things a little more under control this time.
  • Well, we're already friends, in real life even!! But I'm also going to try and break the barrier this year - I'm planning on keeping on with my running, but also introducing swimming back into the mix. Sadly, however, for me the main thing isn't a lack of fitness, it is eating too much!! Somehow I am going to try and stop…
  • I track Carbs, Fat, Protein, Calcium and Fibre. I chose Calcium because I want strong bones and fibre as I was interested if I was getting enough. (Grrrr - MFP in my country fiber is actually spelled fibre!! Quit with your wiggly red lines!!)
  • When I used to double track I found that my daily points only added up to around 1,000 or 1,100 calories per day. Once I added on the calories for fruit and veg (which are point free) my calories worked out at about right for me (I was on 29 points per day and 1.540 calories). Maybe you need to eat more fruit and veg?!?…
  • I found if I ate something in the first half hour after a run then I didn't get the crazy hungry cravings I got if I didn't. Aim for something with protein - I used to have chocolate milk (I read an article somewhere that said it was a better sports drink than actual sports drinks, plus, being milk, it has some protein in…
  • Yay!! What a good feeling :) I had a pair of jeans that were folded away for 6 years as they were too small to fit, but too new and expensive to throw away. Now they are back in the drawer but because they are too big!!
  • I remember the day - as a New Zealander who wasn't there. We all felt so helpless and had a burning desire to do something but didn't know what to do!! I'm a teacher and the students at our school we just as helpless and didn't know what to do. I guess you never get over it, but you do move on and the memories become less…
  • I added an extra 500 when my baby was small, then dropped to 300 once she started on solids. It is all variable so maybe start at 500 and go up or down depending how you go.
  • I started training for the half about 3 months out. I used to run (once upon a time - 5 or so years ago, pre-kids and pre-weight gain). So I have already sorted the psychological side of things and can pretty much run as far as I like. When I am unfit I just go slower and keep running. Thanks for all of the positive…
  • Random question? Do you cycle with clip in shoes? I'm just wondering if the pushing and pulling of cycle shoes might strengthen muscles that wouldn't be strengthened with running. I always found that cycling really, REALLY helped my hill running (just as an interesting aside!). Before and after you run, find a step or a…
  • I'd get it checked out - better safe than sorry as they say! Plus I don't think it is in the right place for shin splints...
    in C25K Comment by Werglum October 2012
  • Be aware that you will have good patches and bad patches in every run. I expect to feel rotten for the first 10 minutes and then feel awesome. Some days I'll feel bad about 6kms in but I know if I keep going it will wear off and I'll feel awesome again after another 1 or 2 kms. I used to walk when I felt bad but now I know…
  • I was going to reply but instead will just totally agree with the previous poster!!
  • Another Aucklander here!! There is a New Zealand group (have a search under the group tab) and there are HEAPS of NZers on here. Feel free to add me if you want another local to be cheering you on! :flowerforyou:
  • I'd love to try out 'lifting heavy' but am too poor to go to a gym or buy equipment. I have had good results doing exercises with my own bodyweight - check out the book 'You Are Your Own Gym' (can't quite remember the author off the top of my head) but it has some great routines and the ebook doesn't cost much at all.…
  • Here are my photos - I only lost 2.8kg but I think it looks like more! I've lost another 3 or so kg since then but have gone back to work (after being on maternity leave) and have cut way back on the exercise. It took me 33 days, I did the first 14 without a break but then life got a bit in the way.
  • Only person I knew on the mini pill got pregnant!! I find most pills make me a little crazy - I just get really REALLY hungry!!
  • I did Day 1 Level 1 on Monday - and my arms are really sore today!! My legs are fine, but I guess that is all the running I'm doing. I love Jillian but doing exactly the same thing every day gets pretty boring pretty quickly!!
  • I found 500 a day worked for me when I was exclusively breastfeeding, but everyone is different so you might need to play around a bit until you work out what is right for you.