Breastfeeding additional calories? Thanks!

:smile: Hi all, haven't been on since the birth of my son 6 months ago and I have about 80 lbs I'd like to lose. My calories per day are 1900... how many additional calories if I'm exercising daily and exclusively nursing my son? I swear breastfeeding makes me SO hungry! Thanks so much! Also... I'd love support from other members or Momma's like me so please add me!


  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Hi, breastfeeding always makes me hungry and thirsty too, I have never even tried to diet until my baby is on a Significant amount of solids which was about 12 months for each of mine. Def eat your exercise calories then see how you go!

    You can add breastfeeding calorie in food
  • I enter breastfeeding under snacks, so I can make sure I eat back the calories , especially the calcium and protein. I am finding the 200 cal allowance for older babies to be about right for a toddler, but don't know about the exclusive figures. I noticed on a friends profile the figure seems to be based on 8 feeds a day and both mine wanted more than that as they got towards 6mnths ( mind you son1 was crawling before weaning).

    Good luck
  • toya4christ210
    toya4christ210 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey still currently breastfeeding my 12 month old though not exclusively because she is eating solid foods now. When you are exclusively breastfeeding you have an additonal allotment of 500 calories and when partially breastfeeding you have about 200- 250 calories to play with. also make sure you are drinking LOTS of water. Breastfeeding can make you super thirsty and dehydrated and you could be feeling hungry when you are really just thirsty (its hard for your body to tell the difference!). Congratulations on the new baby and kudos to you for making the decision to breastfeed! Enjoy this stage, they grow up so fast!
  • yvonneW1964
    yvonneW1964 Posts: 24 Member
    Copy and paste this to give you a caluculation of what your calorie intake
    needs to be. Accounts for age, present weight, height etc. Giveyou a starting point :smile:
  • Thank you!
  • Awesome info!
  • yvonneW1964
    yvonneW1964 Posts: 24 Member
    Copy and paste this link and calulate how many calories you need while breastfeeding
    and what is safe for you and baby.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I found 500 a day worked for me when I was exclusively breastfeeding, but everyone is different so you might need to play around a bit until you work out what is right for you.