kld4239 Member


  • Amazing transformation! You are an inspiration to all of us, especially your fellow PCOSers :)
  • "Escape" ( a.k.a. The Piña Colada Song)" by Rupert Holmes The song ends on an upbeat note, showing that the two lovers realized they have more in common than they suspected, and that they do not have to look any further than each other for what they seek in a relationship.
  • I love some of these responses :) I am amazed by how people look disappointed when I give them the "eat less and exercise" response. Everyone is looking for a quick way to lose weight / instant gratification but not willing to put in the effort. I say slow and steady wins the race. I might use the crack or chocolate…
  • I do Bikram which is a type of hot yoga 3-4 times a week and I love it!!! I found it extremely challenging the first few times I went. I wanted to leave and sit down every other pose but I stayed in the room and fought through it. Sure I was intimidated by the skinny gumbys in the class but I was also surprised at how…
  • My biggest PCOS issues are losing weight, depression, low energy and regulating my period. I was amazed at how much improving my diet and exercising regularly helped me with all of these issues.
  • Hello, I have PCOS and have struggled with it and all of terrible side effect for years. Until I accepted that I needed to eat better and exercise regularly I was headed downhill fast. I've lost 70+ lbs on my own with MFP and along with the weight most of the side effects that PCOS. I struggled to get pregnant with my…
  • What an amazing transformation!!! Keep it up and you'll be in onerland in no time at all !
  • DVD's are good but I find that going to class makes for a better workout. I don't know if it's the energy of all the other people around me or the additional motivation of a live instructor or what. Just remember that you don't have to have any rhythm or dance skills to burn calories. I am living proof of this. Just…
  • I generally eat a 1oz package of salted peanuts and a banana. Sometimes a low fat English muffin with light butter and some fruit.
  • That awesome! I love going to the doc. Last year my endocrinologist gave me a high five and told me that I had made more progress than any other patient that year. I am confident that I'm not her only star patient, but it's nice to get acknowledged for the hard work and dedication.
  • Wow! You have accomplished so much over the past few years. Congratulations on your new life :)
  • You have an amazing story! Thank you for sharing it and being an inspiration to so many people.
  • Slow and steady wins the race. It took your lifetime to get where you are it will take some time to get where you want to be. This is an excellent tool to help keep us on track, but it's only as good as what you put into it. I recommend that input your measurements every month or two. This will help to keep you motivated…
  • I love the response "No, I'm just fat. Thanks for asking." It puts the other person on the spot and hopefully it will be last time they ever ask anyone the question. I remember a few years ago shopping at the grocery store rolling by my stuffed cart and a little kid about 5 or so said, "Mommy, is that BIG lady going to eat…
  • Wow! That's amazing!!! Thank you for the inspiration.
  • I agree with Robyn. Sounds like you need a second doctor's opinion. I've been on 2000mg daily (not the XR version) for about 10 yrs but until I drastically changes my diet (low carb/high protein) and began exercising regularly (4-5 days/ week) I didn't lose any weight. I was able to get pregnant with my first child with…
  • Thank you for sharing your story. It's people like you that motivate the rest of us on this journey. Best of luck on the half marathon.
  • I've learned that it's not about the number on the scale and that we are all much stronger than we think we are.
  • Congratulations! You are an inspiration to all of us! Keep up the good work!!!
  • So happy for you! The only thing I love more than setting fitness goals is finishing them :)
  • Feel free to add me. I am in this for the long haul :)
  • I am in the same boat... I got pregnant the first time with the help of meds and a fertility doctor about 5 yrs ago. Then, about 3 years ago I decided to make some serious changes in my life and in about a year I lost 70lbs+. Then wouldn't you know it...I got pregnant again but this time on my own. Like yourself, it was to…
  • Dear PCOS, You have caused me such hardships over the past 10+/- years but I will not let you win. I used to think taking metformin and other drugs would save me but I have realized over the past few years that I must also exercise regularly and eat right to beat you. It will be a lifelong struggle but I have overcome so…
  • I'm always looking to support others with PCOS. It's a long and challenging road but with some hard work and dedication PCOS and and it's terrible symptoms can be beat.
  • I'm 5'9" and currently 193 and always looking for additional support :)
  • I use my smartphone and downloaded the Rundouble C2K app. You just enter in your weight and it calculates how many calories you burn each time. I log it as "jogging/running" and enter in the time and calories manually.
  • Have you tried an endocrinologist? If you find a good endocrinologist they can help you get on track. I had many doctors that didn't understand PCOS and thought I just needed to lose weight. My endocrinologist helped show me how to lose weight. Sure, it's mostly diet and exercise but with PCOS fad diets are not going to…
  • My family / family time Bikram yoga Sunshine How I feel after a good workout & shower FiberOne chocolate chip brownies The sound of the ocean My kids giggling Listening to good music MyFitnessPal
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS approx. 10 years ago and have tried everything. I have found that the combination of metformin, a healthy diet and exercise was the only way for me to reverse the effects of PCOS. My first pregnancy occurred prior to this realization and required doctor assistance. My second pregnancy was a…