Random things you LOVE!



  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    My DH and I watching the pair of doves that live in my yard preen each other by the birdbath
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Wouldn't you like to know... :laugh:
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    My family / family time
    Bikram yoga
    How I feel after a good workout & shower
    FiberOne chocolate chip brownies
    The sound of the ocean
    My kids giggling
    Listening to good music
  • RunningDirty
    :heart: When my son gets the giggles and can't stop so then I get the giggles and can't stop
    :heart: The feeling of achievement when you crush a new PR on deadlifts or squats
    :heart: Finishing a race
    :heart: A good book
    :heart: A newly discovered cheap Pinot Noir to change it up
    :heart: Finishing a to-do list
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    1) Summer heat
    2) Wearing cute small jeans (FINALLY!)
    3) Tall boots
    4) Turtles
    5) Giraffes
    6) Babies
    7) Weight Lifting
    8) A clean house
  • mhaight85
    1. Finding forgotten fave shows on Netflix (Like Bobbie's World, loved that show as a kid!)
    2. When smart people are talking about something and I actually understand and can make a useful contribution. :O)
    3. Compliments from strangers (I don't get that many, but I love hearing good things about my son from an unbiased source)
    4. When little kids use big words in a sentence - especially if they use it right!
    5. How fads go in cycles...waiting for bell bottoms to make a 2nd comeback! lol

    *grins* And threads like these because they make me think of fun and happy things!
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    :heart: First snowfall of the year
    :heart: That feeling you get when you are so tired and you finally get to lay down
    :heart: hearing my children pray
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    1. driving in the fresh snow when noone else is on the roads early in the morning in the dark
    2. watching my german shepherd Gus sleep...he;s too cute
    3. a clean house
    4. fall air
    5. a good bottle of wine
    6. cooking dinner with my BF and enjoying a laugh or 2 :)
  • shiraLA
    shiraLA Posts: 272 Member
    -Kissing in the rain
    -the smell of bread baking
    -autumn leaves
    -a comfy blanket and someone to snuggle under it with
    -chocolate covered raisins
  • reneegirl97
    reneegirl97 Posts: 21 Member
    Black and White striped T-shirts
    Starbucks Coffee
    Warm Fuzzy Socks
    Cuddling up in a blanket with Hot Chocolate and reading on a rainy day.
    The colors of Autumn.
    Making people laugh.
    Baking goodies!
  • klslovely
    Hot chocolate
    cozy slippers
    christmas movies (i watch them ALLLL no matter how cheesy)

    all three of these things combined = my current night haha
    and i love my lazy day today :) ive been going nonstop for so long. Busy bee!