Anyone do Hot Yoga?

ToniZ60 Posts: 23 Member
I just started Hot Yoga and was wondering if anyone had good results. I have to say felt sick after ( nausea and headache) but the class was great. I had muscles hurt that never hurt before working out. I take spin class , treadmill and some weights usually. I did hydrate but I guess not enough. Thanks


  • ninjagirl007
    ninjagirl007 Posts: 41 Member
    I do hot yoga once a week. Make sure you drink a ton of water! I love it
  • plawren
    plawren Posts: 3 Member
    what is Hot Yoga?
  • ToniZ60
    ToniZ60 Posts: 23 Member
    It's yoga in high heat usually between 95-100 degrees ugh!
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    I did it in the past and wish I could afford to do it again. After 4 kids I had 6 pack abs doing hot yoga. Loved it. You'll loosen up and do the positions better with time. If you can...stick with it. Yes, drink lots of water.
  • vaangoin1
    vaangoin1 Posts: 16
    I like to suggest you Surya Namaskar - Vaango presents Surya Namaskar in imaginative Yoga texts in Hindi language; this is one of the accepted and absolute yogic exercises wherein anniversary aspect flows out of the other. Just follow
  • sophrosyne_
    sophrosyne_ Posts: 18 Member
    I just started last week! I'm actually leaving to go to hot yoga class in a half hour. I love it. I'm literally drenched in sweat by the time the class is over haha.
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I do Bikram which is a type of hot yoga 3-4 times a week and I love it!!! I found it extremely challenging the first few times I went. I wanted to leave and sit down every other pose but I stayed in the room and fought through it. Sure I was intimidated by the skinny gumbys in the class but I was also surprised at how diverse the students in the class were. Middle aged woman and men, all shapes and sizes, some with injuries, most of them struggling with many of the poses. They inspired me to continue practicing hot yoga/bikram. Once you get over the extreme heat (100-105 degrees) & humidity (40%+) & extreme sweating, you we learn to love it. I sleep better, my mood is much better, my increased flexibility has improved my swimming and running, my skin actually glows the day after. Just remember to drink a lot of water beforehand and afterwards. Your body will thank you for doing hot yoga:)