AmyLRed Member


  • great job and beautiful ink! How tall are you?
  • I am also in Maine!! Feel free to request me, love having others from Maine or with a passion for photography! My Facebook page is here:
  • awesome! i knew about the "color run" but didnt know about "color me rad"! I am in Maine though, and hard to find these events up here but Boston might be doable next year. Looks like fun!
  • also, the ortho doc told me i should start cycling. Next spring i will buy a new bike.
  • there isnt too much you can do to help, as far as i know, but i have both a crooked kneecap/tendon and some early arthritis. a good knee brace really helps me stabilize and relieves some discomfort, and after i workout, an antiinflamatory (before it really starts hurting) and sometimes ice it for the inflammation.
  • Love your board!!! Totally a new follower :)
    in Pinterest Comment by AmyLRed July 2012
  • the basic answer is no. How old is he? your profile says you are 29, so you are in or entering your sexual peak. Male peak is like 18. His sex drive has likely changed alot over the last 5 years, especially with kids in the house. Everyone is different, and some guys on here will still clam to be studs with an 18 year old…
  • me!! ME!!! lol love Pinterest! This is my fitness/inspiration board.
    in Pinterest Comment by AmyLRed July 2012
  • hi! I am new to running, i have toyed with it a bit over the last few months and have actually just worked myself up to running a 5k. Feel free to request me!
  • i just typed a long reply and then the thread locked, but i see its now continued here:) When you cook until dry, are they crunchy? Hoping i can find them (no Asian markets anywhere near me) and hoping i like them too, and that mine dont come out rubbery as many have mentioned. Thanks for the detailed post!
  • i have an FT7 and i havent done zumba since i got it, but for example, today i did a bootcamp workout (pretty intense!!) for 45 minutes and burned 338 cals. I am 5'1" and 148lbs. My cal burn seems low compared to many others, but everyone is different and many many people post only the reading from MFP or the exercise…
  • i hear ya, i am built kind of similar, perhaps. Focus on your successes. losing 50lbs and 3 sizes is fantastic! Compare you to YOU. take photos and compare them to before. You are doing great!
  • try squeezing a fresh orange or lime over the dish for flavor, yum!
  • I think for me the biggest thing with MFP as opposed to any other time i tried to lose weight is the support. Any other time my goal was simply to lose weight and i usually accomplished that, to some degree, with calorie restriction and such. From MFP, i have learned sooooo much. I have learned about what i am eating, i…
  • you can have as many as you want, as long as i can have 2 :) They look yummy!
  • i dont, but yikes!!!
  • tank you for sharing your story! so inspirational. Great job!!!
  • Agree^^^ 20lbs on us shorter people is soooo different than 20lbs on someone tall. Keep on keepin on!
  • you can do it! When i started, my husband said "I will quit smoking when you lose 30lbs" i said DEAL! Then he said "no, when you have continued for 6 months" Both statements because i am sure he thought i would quit. Guess what? I didnt. I am still here and he is still a smoker. You can do it, and MFP can help!!
  • Have you programmed the HRM to you? it should do the "fitness test" and initial set up which checks your initial HR as a way of finding what your max should be. If your max is calculated correctly, it should be in there at 110 or 120 or something not too far from the 105 you are spiking at. If so, i would think that it is…
  • For me, attending a scheduled class was the way to get me moving....i couldnt do it later, because it started at a certain time. Other than that, its really a matter of scheduling it for yourself and making it a priority. Easier said than done, i get that. Life happens. It would be really easy for me to be too busy to work…
  • aside from what everyone else said, also ask how the dish is prepared, request that it is prepared without sauce, or butter, etc and make informed choices as best you can- grilled instead of fried, salad not french fries, etc.
  • thats awesome! congrats on your great success so far!
  • i didnt read all the replies, so i apollogize if this is a repeat 1 scoop Ideal Shape Chocolate (or your protein powder of choice) 8 oz unsweetened almond milk 5 or so ice cubes sugar free butterscotch pudding mix (dry mix only, i use less than 1/4 package) 2tbs peanut butter of your choice (PB2 is great for low cal…
  • i havent made my own yet, but when eating at a restaurant for a work function a few months ago, i ordered a black bean and sweet potato burrito. WOW. it was unbelievably delicious! I have found a few recipes for it and i might tweak to make them a bit healthier but wow again, it was so so good and way better than i…
  • yes, i log it. I love that i can eat a whole cup and its only 50 cals, so to me it doesnt seem like a lot. Watermelon and i believe pineapple are the two fruits with the highest sugar count. LOVE watermelon this time of year!
    in Watermelon Comment by AmyLRed July 2012
  • yes, just typing bump :)
    in bump... Comment by AmyLRed July 2012
  • Look up the group eat more to lose weight. Even if you dont join the group, there are some super helpful links there that talk about what to expect when you increase your cals to what you should be actually eating. SOme poeple see a gain, some maintain. They say to stick with it, it may take up to 6 weeks for your body to…