Regarding these "plus size models" that kill my esteem..

And the people on the My Body Gallery website (they are actually real people), how is it that at the same size I am, they have no rolls or fat anywhere? I don't even understand. I'm finally a size 14 in some clothes and when I compare my picture to theirs, I have fat all over. Now, I know you shouldn't compare, but where are their rolls at? Even the people on that My Body Gallery site, they look flawless. It worries me that when I'm smaller than I am, I won't look any different because what I still have isn't skin, it's fat. I don't get it ): Am I going to look like a size 20 when I'm a size 8? I do strength training and cardio. I alternate kickboxing and 30DS. When will I start to see the fat disappear? /: I know it takes time, but when the clothes come off, I still see the same fatty that I saw 3 sizes and about 50lbs ago. I heard that the smaller you get, the less it takes to see a difference, but when will I look firm and flat? What am I do wrong? I eat at a 1250 deficit, cardio and strength..why do I look so fat? When will I just have NATURAL curves instead of fat curves? I hate this so much. What can I do or what am I not doing right?


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I will never understand this obsession some people have with the size of clothes. Women actually have a size zero? That is whack.

    I would suggest you quit comparing yourself to others. If you feel good and like the way you look, how on earth does the size number mean anything. Once you let go of this idea that a number matters, you will not only have more enjoyment but less stress.

    good luck
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Some part of it is genetics. That isn't something you can remedy easily.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You can never win when you compare yourself to others. Just keep working on you. Be the best "you" you can be. Every moment you spend on yourself will show in the long run. :drinker:
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    i hear ya, i am built kind of similar, perhaps.

    Focus on your successes. losing 50lbs and 3 sizes is fantastic! Compare you to YOU. take photos and compare them to before. You are doing great!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Is there a height difference? There aren't really clothing size standards. If they're a 14 from 1960 that's a lot smaller than a 14 from 2012.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    They're tall and big boned.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I have always had an issue comparing myself to other people..I guess I'm just worried that I don't see a difference under my clothes despite I've lost 50lbs..

    *Edit: You can input your height. I'm 5'4*
  • ms_cataclysm
    ms_cataclysm Posts: 26 Member
    It takes a while for your skin to tighten up after dieting . Until that happens, you might look as good as you will in a month or two.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Is there a height difference? There aren't really clothing size standards. If they're a 14 from 1960 that's a lot smaller than a 14 from 2012.

    this is a big part of it, if you are shorter, then you would require less body fat (would equal less or no rolls)
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I will never understand this obsession some people have with the size of clothes. Women actually have a size zero? That is whack.

    I would suggest you quit comparing yourself to others. If you feel good and like the way you look, how on earth does the size number mean anything. Once you let go of this idea that a number matters, you will not only have more enjoyment but less stress.

    good luck

    ^^^ This.

    Plus, every single person's body is different and carries fat differently. My cousin always had baby fat, and her skin was smooth no matter how much weight she gained. The worst she ever had was a small pouch and chubby cheeks. However I have so many rolls I could be a bakery. Don't compare yourself to them.

    Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and yes even with rolls. If you are unhappy with yourself, then know that you ARE doing something to change that and you should be proud. Just keep working towards being healthy and learn to love who you are. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have always had an issue comparing myself to other people..I guess I'm just worried that I don't see a difference under my clothes despite I've lost 50lbs..

    *Edit: You can input your height. I'm 5'4*

    you want an eye opener? put fifty pounds in a backpack and carry it around for an hour. fifty pounds lost is AWESOME. hang in there
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    And the people on the My Body Gallery website (they are actually real people), how is it that at the same size I am, they have no rolls or fat anywhere? I don't even understand. I'm finally a size 14 in some clothes and when I compare my picture to theirs, I have fat all over. Now, I know you shouldn't compare, but where are their rolls at? Even the people on that My Body Gallery site, they look flawless. It worries me that when I'm smaller than I am, I won't look any different because what I still have isn't skin, it's fat. I don't get it ): Am I going to look like a size 20 when I'm a size 8? I do strength training and cardio. I alternate kickboxing and 30DS. When will I start to see the fat disappear? /: I know it takes time, but when the clothes come off, I still see the same fatty that I saw 3 sizes and about 50lbs ago. I heard that the smaller you get, the less it takes to see a difference, but when will I look firm and flat? What am I do wrong? I eat at a 1250 deficit, cardio and strength..why do I look so fat? When will I just have NATURAL curves instead of fat curves? I hate this so much. What can I do or what am I not doing right?

    AIR BRUSHED and/or Photo Shop...Forget the hype! You are just like those "girls" who try to be like the size 0 will never make it because they are all air brushed, photo shopped or wearing HEAVY Make-Up. That's why sooo many women can not be happy, they are chasing A LIE!!!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I have always had an issue comparing myself to other people..I guess I'm just worried that I don't see a difference under my clothes despite I've lost 50lbs..

    *Edit: You can input your height. I'm 5'4*

    If you still have 60 more pounds to lose (looking at your ticker) that could be why. I am 4.5 inches taller than you and I had rolls when I was 60 lbs from goal. Heck, even 30 lbs from goal I think I had little rolls.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have always had an issue comparing myself to other people..I guess I'm just worried that I don't see a difference under my clothes despite I've lost 50lbs..

    *Edit: You can input your height. I'm 5'4*

    you want an eye opener? put fifty pounds in a backpack and carry it around for an hour. fifty pounds lost is AWESOME. hang in there

    ^ This!
  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I know how you feel, at 5'3 and going from a size 24 to a 14, my body still looks the same to me just smaller. Height and genetics has a lot to do with it. But I'd still take the size I am now over the size I used to be, I don't have the body that I want but that doesn't mean there aren't any perks that have come along with it. Hang in there, you are doing great and don't let it stop you.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.


    Most emphatically, this! I have been a graphic designer for 20+ years...I've personally digitally manipulated THOUSANDS of digital photographs (oddly enough, not my own, though - huh...going to have to rethink that)....

    It's only natural for us to compare ourselves to others - as much as we like to think we don't or tell others (and ourselves) that we do not. It's just not right, though. NO TWO PEOPLE ARE EXACTLY ALIKE!

    Just be the best you that you can be!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I really try hard not to look at what peoples sizes are. I am now in a size 7, started at an 18. I know a few friends that are a size 7 and are very lean and thin. I have a very noticeable belly and muffin top.
  • iheartmarshall
    iheartmarshall Posts: 39 Member
    It all depends on the way you're built... I used to think the same way you did but I got over it and have begun to focus on making my body look the best it can for my shape. I know it can get discouraging, though. I'm a solid size 18, am 5'9, and weigh over 230 pounds! When I tell people my weight, they seriously think I'm lying because I do not look that big AT ALL. My mom is actually a size 20/22 but weighs less than I do. I've even done a side-by-side with a friend who was also a size 18 and she looked and measured larger than I was but she weighed about 20 pounds less because she was only 5'5. So yes, it all depends how you're built and your genetics. Try not to get discouraged and like I said, just focus on being in the best shape you can be for YOUR body type. Learn to let go of numbers and I promise you'll love yourself :)
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Actually, please remember that all model photos are digitally altered. Blemishes are magically removed, rolls are just a swept away with the brush of a mouse. Don't compare yourself to pictures you find in magazines or websites.

    Exactly all photos are model photos are photoshopped stope comparing yoursel to others is not healthy I suggest you take pictures of yourself and compare then very time you lose weight and maybe like that you see that you are making a difference in your body!!

    Good luck